
People of Twitter
Yay, I am publishing my Buzzes over to Twitter!!! via Susan Beebe (Buzz) -
"Yay, I am publishing my Buzzes over to Twitter!!! Here's how I did it... 1. Burn a feed of your public Buzz profile ( is great for this) 2. Push Buzz to Twitter ( is great for this) 3. Optimize settings in both apps, e.g. add your API key, etc. 4. Sit back and relax as your Buzz items go to Twitter! See mine here" - Susan Beebe
Chris - yes, there is!! ---> - Susan Beebe
WOW! Twitter outpaces CNN web traffic stats! Old media, not RSS, is dead #News #Journalism #NewMedia #Revolution -
awesome. did u just look that up Susan? - Zee.
@Row, I seriously don't want to, but Old Media's wounds are entirely self-inflicted. There will always be investigative journalism, it's just that it needs to be paid for by newer/smarter monetization models. And the pay-wall ain't it.. Murdoch is entirely out of his gourd on this one, and that's not a political statement in this case. - Alex Schleber
Geotagging: Twitter's Killer Feature? | Technomix | Fast Company #SocialMedia #Location #GPS #GeoTag -
"But Twitter is something different. Its whole raison d'être is to broadcast one's life, thoughts, whims and so on. And if you enable Tweet geotagging, the only time your location will be broadcast to the world is when you choose to send a public Tweet. In other words, if you're already publicly Tweeting an opinion, it's pretty likely that you wouldn't be too protective of the location the Tweet came from (I've already half-jokingly suggested the name Perch for this location). Tweet geotag info could basically become the way that geolocation becomes acceptable to a broader share of the public. And that's pretty exciting. Tied into Twitter's real-time news and opinion mojo, and exploited by some clever, entertaining or useful Twitter-based apps, geotagging really could become Twitter's killer feature." - Susan Beebe
Facebook to Twitter - Manage a FAN Page? Share FB & Twitter on your Fan Pages! #SocialMedia #Marketing ##FFShare -
Twitter can start to worry --> Facebook growing 2x as fast even though it is almost 5X as big - (via @ erickschonfeld) -
"If it wasn’t bad enough that Facebook bought FriendFeed on Monday and turned on real-time search to better compete against Twitter in the Stream Wars, and is playing around with a lite version that resembles Twitter even more, now Twitter really has something to worry about. Facebook is growing faster than Twitter in the U.S., even though it is more than four times larger. In the month of July, according to the latest estimates from comScore, Facebook attracted 87.7 million unique visitors in the U.S., which was 14 percent higher than in June, 2009. Twitter, in contrast, only saw 21.2 million unique U.S. visitors to its Website, a 6 percent rise compared to the month before. In absolute terms, Facebook added about ten million new visitors in the month of July versus roughly one million new visitors for Twitter. At 87.7 million uniques, Facebook moves from the sixth largest Web media property in the U.S. to the fifth, passing the combined sites of Fox Interactive Media (80.9 million uniques) and coming within striking range of AOL (104.8 million). That is just in the U.S. Facebook is already the fourth largest site in the world (and Twitter is doing better worldwide as well, with a total of 44.5 million unique visitors in June). Note that these estimates are only for and do not include mobile or desktop clients such as Tweetdeck, Seesmic, or Tweetie, but it should be a good proxy for overall growth. Even if you double the numbers for Twitter, Facebook still trounced it in July (and the Facebook numbers don’t include activity on other sites other apps via Facebook Connect either)." - Susan Beebe
and I could still delete my Facebook account tomorrow - George Dearing
Attack on Twitter Came in Two Waves - Bits Blog @NYTimesBits (DDoS powered by a botnet + Spam e-mails = twitter outage root cause) -
*UPDATE* from @Twitter: "Due to defense measures some Twitter clients are unable to communicate with our API, and many users are unable to tweet via SMS."
Time to hit the bomb shelters :-) - Todd Hoff
Twitterberry seems to be disabled, SocialScope is intermittent at best...guess I need to give UberTwitter another go. - Jared Smith
Social Media 2009 Outage Day 2: Everyone's Up Except Twitter | by @SarahPerez @RWW #SocialMedia -
"Yesterday, Twitter, Facebook, LiveJournal, and Google's Blogger were targeted yesterday by a person or persons unknown in a denial-of-service attack (DDOS) which attempted to silence the voice of one individual. The target in question was a Georgian blogger who goes by the name of "Cyxymu" online, according to recent reports from CNET. While Google withstood the attack, the other services suffered. LiveJournal and Twitter went down completely and Facebook struggled throughout the day. As we now roll into day two of the "great social media outage of 2009," you may be surprised to learn that it's not over yet. Although Facebook and LJ have recovered, Twitter is still having issues. Not only was the site down once again early this morning, Twitter developers using the API are complaining the company is sending mixed messages by reporting that they're "back up" when in reality, the ecosystem of Twitter applications are, in many cases, still unusable. This morning, Twitter was once again taken down by the DDOS attack. According to Ken Godskind, Chief Strategy Officer for Alertsite, Twitter's website availability was less than 100% in the midnight, 3, 4, & 5 AM hours EST. As of 6 AM EST, the site has again recovered. Unfortunately, many third-party Twitter applications are still being affected." - Susan Beebe
Matthew, I tested extensively with all of the above apps this morning, and found that not all tweets were being sent or received by each of them. There were intermittent failures from each application. Interestingly, the most consistent failure was the web site. I was virtually unable to tweet at all with that, and the few tweets that were accepted, were not delivered to API clients for at least 2 hours. - guruvan (Rob Nelson)
VISUAL CHART - see Twitter web traffic drop! [pic] "Twitter Brought Down by Denial-of-Service Attack" by GigaOm @Om -
Web traffic stats / visual chart & data provided by - Susan Beebe
Denial of Service Attack Knocks Twitter Offline (Updated) | Epicenter | -
"Twitter was shut down for hours Thursday morning by what it described as an “ongoing” denial-of- service attack, silencing millions of Tweeters the world over. It’s the first major outage the service has had in four months and possibly the first ever due to sabotage. The outage appeared to begin mid-morning, EST, and affected users around the world. In a post that appeared later this morning, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone, gave no indication of how the defense was going, or how long the service might be down in the brief update." - Susan Beebe
The most interesting apect is how this attack on Twitter is affecting other services. - Liz
Is there any connection between Twitter being down & Facebook being super buggy this morning? What do you think? Discuss:
The connection is that both situations are annoying. - Chrissie M
Twitter has been down for 2 hours already now, and Facebook has gone too shortly ago! - Flavio