WOW! Twitter outpaces CNN web traffic stats! Old media, not RSS, is dead #News #Journalism #NewMedia #Revolution -
awesome. did u just look that up Susan? - Zee.
I just saw Wayan of "" post that over on Steve Rubel's posterous comments here: - Susan Beebe
sweet - Zee.
I think it's a tad ludicrous to compare millions of users to two products and services as wildly different as CNN and Twitter and declare "old media" dead. And how exactly is CNN "old" media these days? They're partly responsible for bringing Twitter to the mainstream; they were one of the pioneers using it to interact with their audience in real time. They're complementary, at least in some ways. Neither will destroy the other. - David Chartier
Cristo - haha funny dude! too bad LOL :D - Susan Beebe
Zee - yea, I was pretty stoked by that chart, WOW - Susan Beebe
CNN is old media to me - established news outlet publishing news vs. news published by tweet model :P - Susan Beebe
I love charts like these....... I wonder what happened around November last year..... hmmm - Johnny
I also wonder what happened around the middle of January.... hmmmmm - Johnny
Johnny - great questions! (November last year = Obama :) - Susan Beebe
January 20th (despite being my birthday) was the inauguration... - Johnny
Johnny - ah, good call on the Jan spike! - Susan Beebe
Cristo - hehe! - Susan Beebe
Until Twitter starts funding a world-wide team of journalists, some of whom risk life and limb to report from some of the most dangerous parts of the world, let's not gleefully cheer the demise of "old" media. - Carter ♥ JS
I am definitely not someone who "gleefully cheer the demise of 'old' media." I am nonetheless aware and impacted by the shift in web traffic, as evidenced here by the graph - Susan Beebe
I shouldn't have implied that you're gleeful, but many are. It's become somewhat of a game to point these things out. But where would the non-creators of content (Google, Twitter, Facebook) be with nothing to crawl, nothing to RT, and nothing to share? It just worries me, because you're right, "old" media is suffering. The NYT could go broke. Can Twitter supplant them if they go? - Carter ♥ JS
Carter - thanks for the reply. NYT times going broke would be a tragedy and NO twitter could not supplant them. Twitter is a micro-blogging service, not a mature company like NYT that delivers high quality journalism / news. Heck, twitter can barely keep the lights on (i.e. twitter has weak infrastructure, hence the "fail whale" issues). - Susan Beebe
Agreed. But we're going to look back in 2012 at all these crashing graphs ( and wonder how we could have avoided this mess. Because all the solutions suck (charging for content, mega-mergers for scale, selling-out editorial independence). - Carter ♥ JS
look what happens when you add facebook in the mix - Ian Crocombe
look what happens when you compare the BBC News site instead of CNN - - CNN is just not that popular outside of the US - James
James, it's not the absolute numbers, it's the *trend*. Plot CNN and BBC and it's the same graph, just shifted up a bit. - Carter ♥ JS
Ian - wow, that is stunning (facebook really steals the show doesn't it?!) - Susan Beebe
James - interesting, the BBC vs twitter graph has a similar trend as the CNN vs twitter graph ...hmmm - Susan Beebe
Just amazing.Useful informations..... - Brook White
this makes Rupert Murdoch's recent rant at a conference in China even funnier: He (and the other members of the Old Media guard like CNN, etc.) really thinks he can take the Web back to a for-pay basis. He doesn't get that 98% of the content his minions are producing is so fungible that the half-life is less than 12 hours. And there are tons of hungry e.g. business blogs writing better-researched posts than the WSJ, simply for a piece of the attention pie. - Alex Schleber
What I find interesting, and disturbing is that not only are Twitters stats going up, but CNNs are going down. Given the self selecting nature of Twitter, that probably means people are exposing themselves to a much narrower range of opinion and information. - Eoghann Irving
Please don't dance on the grave of print journalism. Yes, newpapers are dinosaurs. And yes, to their detriment, they resisted change in delivery models for too long -- mostly due to the fact that they were making so much money 15 years ago. BUT, without them, there will be a void in investigative journalism that cannot be filled. Politicians still read the big papers to see what's going on in their own government and to see who's investigating whom. - rowlikeagirl
@Row, I seriously don't want to, but Old Media's wounds are entirely self-inflicted. There will always be investigative journalism, it's just that it needs to be paid for by newer/smarter monetization models. And the pay-wall ain't it.. Murdoch is entirely out of his gourd on this one, and that's not a political statement in this case. - Alex Schleber