Alex Schleber

Fearless Mind Explorer + Creator of Business Mindhacks: Business Psychology/Coaching, Archetype Branding, Lifehacks, WordpressHacks, INTP
Re: Comments on the Node Foundation -
"It is important to note that from all appearances, the io.js people made their decision based on Joyent's overly heavy-handed, slow-boating, increasingly corporate approach, which can also easily be seen from the Node "Foundation" member list: IBM, Walmart, Microsoft, Paypal, etc. So in essence to evade the very thing you decry in your post. There was a pretty good HN thread about it the other day. I know you don't like links posted in comments, so search HN for "Joyent Moves to Establish Node.js Foundation". Some movement forward, like moving faster toward new version of V8, as well as support of "new" ES6 standards are just necessary, given the fast moving overall picture with Golang, Scala, et al. in the server-side race. But I don't get the feeling that io.js is interested in breaking everyone's modules on NPM, so nearly everything should stay backwards compatible. You could ask @indutny about it on Twitter." - Alex Schleber
Re: Coming To Port 53 Near You: The New DigitalOcean DNS! -
"IPv6 ?" - Alex Schleber
RT @monkbent: How do you write an article praising Bloomberg TV as a model for the industry without noting it loses tons of money?
RT @BenedictEvans: How Slack has made itself an indispensable business tool - Quartz
What peak irrelevance looks like: MT @Re/code BlackBerry CEO Reminds World of Company’s Continued Existence
RT @vgr: 6/ Attempts to create an inner, faster tribe will lead to ostracization from essential support function.
RT @vgr: 5/ Sociological reason does explain: slacker tribe does not *want* to accelerate.
RT @vgr: 3/ Sociological reason: due to cooperative nature of work (individual contributions buried), the default internal tribe is the slacker tribe
RT @vgr: 1/ Two possible reasons why sustaining innovation fails to compete with true (external) disruption: finance, sociology
RT @modestproposal1: China to Western biz: Thanks for the FDI and IP. You are now all monopolies. Go directly to jail. Do not pass go.
RT @ggreenwald: @AliAbunimah The most disgraceful US govt institution in the post-9/11 era has been the judiciary - no entity has cheated or abdicated more.
RT @brianstelter: Where the big cable company stocks are closing this afternoon... all down due to the president's statement
RT @paulg: First they ignore you, then they laugh at you (, then they fight you (, then you win.
RT @davewiner: The Semantic Nightmare of Net Neutrality.
RT @Recode: What President Obama’s Net Neutrality Proposal Means
RT @ProductHunt: University of Reddit: Learn 1000s of new things, from Reddit via @erikfinman on @producthunt
RT @dangoodin001: “DarkHotel” uses bogus crypto certificates to snare Wi-Fi-connected execs
RT @ValaAfshar: The average company lifespan on S&P 500 in 1960s was 60 years. Today, average age is 10 years.
RT @balajis: 9/ As for consumer adoption? Everyone predicted Unix on the desktop. Then they forgot. Then it actually happened: Android & iOS (BSD-based!)
RT @balajis: Admiral Rogers, NSA: "The days when the Defense Department drove technical innovation, he said, 'are way behind us.'"
RT @nxthompson: And now lights where the Berlin Wall used to be.
RT @monkbent: This by @StartupLJackson is the best startup advice you can get (and shows why most celebrated advice is crap)
RT @ianbremmer: The Long View: Work Weeks Getting Shorter and Shorter (and Shorter)
RT @GregoryJRader: Innovation Starvation and the Zero Bound
RT @jayrosen_nyu: Don't get how reporters can assert like it's a fact that the Republican party "has to show it can govern." Says who?
RT @GreatDismal: Poetic absence of pay telephones
RT @ianbremmer: British economy outperforming Europe by a long margin. Meanwhile, support for the UK Independence Party marches on:
RT @ianbremmer: Some good news on the conservation front: US water use now at lowest level in 40 years.
RT @nntaleb: As with Ponzi schemes that require more & more borrowing, GMO & other BS schemes require increasing effort/advocacy to keep the thing going.
RT @balajis: 4/ But main take is that after years and many attempts, mobile digital payment is finally going mainstream. Apple as the classic last mover.