Jared Smith

Media-minded Web developer with potent geek energy, a meteorological bent and an eccentric streak based in Charleston, SC. Blog at http://jaredwsmith.com.
WebKit Rules the World - http://jaredwsmith.com/2015...
I’m writing this in Safari, the genesis of the WebKit project, while listening to music on Spotify, a WebKit-based music player. On my other monitor is GitHub’s Atom, a really damned fine programmers’ editor that has its roots in WebKit (to the point where you can inspect it and change the UI with stylesheets). Just … Continue reading WebKit Rules the World - Jared Smith
Apologies for the Crash - http://jaredwsmith.com/2015...
Unfortunately, for a couple days it looks like none of you were able to get your fix of largely outdated blog posts. I’m not terribly sure why the pool for jaredwsmith.com was trying to allocate a metric crap-ton of memory, but I’ve got it all fixed and running some newer stuff as well, including a … Continue reading Apologies for the Crash - Jared Smith
A running search of people still crossposting their Facebook end-of-year video - http://jaredwsmith.com/2015...
C’mon man. Liked this post? Follow this blog to get more. - Jared Smith
Bring Back the Brown - http://jaredwsmith.com/2015...
New-Look Padres, Back in Brown. http://t.co/7GZVRYMZil @Padres @PadresMikeDee @gaslampball @LobShots pic.twitter.com/zEuYJmR78F — John Brubaker (@johnbrubaker) January 8, 2015 I love everything about these uniform concepts. It would bring a true sense of identity back to San Diego — the Padres have looked Dodger-lite for far too long. Liked this post? Follow this blog to get … Continue reading Bring Back the Brown - Jared Smith
Movable Type Lives - http://jaredwsmith.com/2015...
Six Colors, Jason Snell’s (formerly of Macworld) new site, is powered by Movable Type. I worked daily on Movable Type when I was at ReadWriteWeb. Despite how I would tend to curse some of its quirks, I grew to be quite fond of several of its features and implementations, notably its publishing to static files, … Continue reading Movable Type Lives - Jared Smith
A Great Year, Not a Great Cross-Post - http://jaredwsmith.com/2014...
So many people are thankful people are part of their great year and want to make sure their Twitter friends don’t get left out. - Jared Smith
Inadvertent Algorithmic Cruelty - http://jaredwsmith.com/2014...
It hasn’t been a great year for everybody, Facebook. - Jared Smith
The Weather Channel Playlist on Spotify - http://jaredwsmith.com/2014...
Long-time readers will know of my affinity for the music played on the Weather Channel’s Local on the 8s until its relaunch earlier this year. I’ve been slowly curating a Spotify playlist with many of the songs played over the years on The Weather Channel; it is remarkable just how much is out there. This … Continue reading The Weather Channel Playlist on Spotify - Jared Smith
Improve Yosemite’s text display on non-Retina displays - http://jaredwsmith.com/2014...
The other day, I upgraded my wife’s MacBook Air to OS X Yosemite. Immediately, her first concern was that the UI text was harder to read. This is, in part, due to Helvetica Neue replacing Lucida Grande, but also because Yosemite’s LCD font smoothing seems rather harsh on non-Retina. Fortunately, a Terminal command makes for … Continue reading Improve Yosemite’s text display on non-Retina displays - Jared Smith
The Breaking News Consumer’s Handbook - http://jaredwsmith.com/2014...
"The Breaking News Consumer's Handbook" http://t.co/f4poDgObic pic.twitter.com/tsomE3xUf5 — pourmecoffee (@pourmecoffee) December 21, 2014 Needed now more than ever. - Jared Smith
Twenty Fifteen on the Codex - http://jaredwsmith.com/2014...
More on Twenty Fifteen, the new default WordPress theme in WordPress 4.1 is available at the Codex; there are a lot of really elegantly-implemented features (such as the social icons you now see on the left — very clever!) - Jared Smith
I’ve upgraded to WordPress 4.1 and its Twenty Fifteen theme here at jaredwsmith.com. I like it! Looking forward to doing some additional customizations with all this free time I have (sarcasm implied). - Jared Smith
I’m not convinced digital licenses are a great idea - http://jaredwsmith.com/2014...
Iowa is testing a digital drivers’ license next year. This kind of thing would be quite handy at places like bars and going through airport security, but I would strongly think twice about using one of these at a traffic stop. It is completely unclear from the press release regurgitation on Techmeme if the officials […] - Jared Smith
It’s great to see NASA’s next-generation space capsule, Orion, have as good of a liftoff as you could hope for today for its first (unmanned) test flight. - Jared Smith
Too Many Cooks: A harrowing tale of nepotism run wild at Apple.
Too many picks can spoil the broth.
Thanks, Obama. (Seriously, thank you.) http://www.whitehouse.gov/net-neu...
The Packers' backup quarterback is actually named Matt Walter White Jr. but is embarrassed by his father.
Multisite session by @earnjam is full of useful info. Learning about Query Monitor. #wcraleigh https://twitter.com/jaredws...
Loved geeking out with #wcraleigh attendees tonight. Nice to share some war stories.
Fantastic BBQ lunch at #wcraleigh just what was needed after 4+ hours in the car from #CHS. Now charging and checking out talks.
RT @writerjt: .@CNN has an interesting headline on the screen. This SEAL killed...who? @ErinBurnett @OutFrontCNN https://twitter.com/writerj...
If someone is going to be monitored for Ebola in SC, MUSC is one of the better places for it. They are pros. We will all be fine.
RT @BoomTownROI: Our Tech Recruiter @WinstonHelena & Software Engineer @jaredwsmith are headed up to @wordcampraleigh this weekend! #wcraleigh #CHStech
I'm too busy at work to make any witty commentary on Ebola. #AndNowIHaveEbola
Nice to come home to a modem update that lets me VPN and read @daringfireball again.
Hybrid – Formula of Fear - http://www.last.fm/music...