
Musician and nerd at large. I'm a Mac and a Linux. My opinions are mine, not my employer's.
I scored a pair of these nearfield monitors in mint condition for half price. A friend with a studio in Portland upgraded to the 8 inch version (these are the KRK Rokit 5.) They sound amazing.
The Almighty Matrix has been confirmed totaled. In better news, I just found out my credit rating kicks copious amounts of ass. :)
Ooh car shopping! Will you post pics? - Mary B: #TeamMonique
But first, my deep condolences for the almighty Matrix. Where ARE my manners? - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Car shopping is done. Pics pending. - teleken
Wow, I just got the news Ray Manzarek (keyboard player for the Doors, for those of you under 30) passed away. As a guy who started taking organ lessons as a little kid in the '70s, he was an icon to me. RIP, Ray, and I still screw up the intro to "Light My Fire" every time I play it.
Running a Mac VM on my Mac feels... Schizoid.
Building a Mac VM. Why? Because I can. :)
20 minutes end-to-end for the build and it's quick! I'm impressed. - teleken
I'm about to run a virtual Ubuntu machine inside my virtual Windows 7 machine on my Mac. If the Internet explodes, please accept my apologies.
Fusion can run OSX inside OSX now. I got bored and tried it last night. :) - teleken
PT Round 2. Today's word is "ouch."
Ubuntu VM built, VPN configured. Achievement unlocked. Got a sweet discount on VMware Fusion Pro for being a former Parallels customer/victim too. :)
As my glasses got smacked off of my head in the wreck, I've had to wear my contacts the last few days. They don't suck! #yayforvision
NTS: Don't try to rent a car on Saturday in or around Phoenix. Just don't.
Lightning never strikes twice, my skinny German ass. I'm at Tempe St Luke's Hospital - my car was sandwiched between 2 SUVs.
Oh, no! - Ell Bee, See?
Oh Ken. Oy Oy Oy. Glad you're okay. Sorry for the loss of your car. Agree with Laura X. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Re-did my office/studio for the umpteenth time.
Too bad I can't sit at my desk for more than an hour at a time due to the pain. EVENTUALLY I'll be able to get back to music, I suppose. - teleken
For the life of me, I couldn't figure out why this synth patch was called "Cheap Floyd." Then it hit me...
Still getting used to this whole "go to bed at 8 AM" thing. :)
What time is it now? - Melly #FForever
For me? A few ticks past 11 PM. On the days I work, I come in between 11 AM and 2 PM your time. (6 PM to 9 PM my time) - teleken
So you're at work now? - Melly #FForever
Off tonight, tomorrow night, and Tuesday night - I work a 4 day week now. - teleken
O HAI FriendFeed. Still alive, just working crazy hours. I miss sleep being optional.
4:45 to 3 day weekend. Lunch Status: Consumed. Also: Free.
There's such a thing as a free lunch?! I've been lied to! - Eivind
Stocked DIY. - teleken
We may work long/weird hours, but at least they feed us. My office has a fully stocked deli. All the food/drinks are comped.
3:45/10:00 to go. There are going to be some long nights ahead until my body adjusts.
Indeed - last night was the 8 hour one; 10 hours tonight and tomorrow night, 12 hours on Saturday. Then, off 'til Wednesday at 9 PM. - teleken
I am, so that helps. :) - teleken
A semi-modular synth? Don't mind if I do. :)
T minus 2 hours and change to 4 day weekend. Bonus: No vacation time will be consumed. :)
New shift starting week after next - midnights Wed-Sat fixing all the things. Nice pay bump for it too. :)
At least you're used to the crazy shifts! - Ell Bee, See?
Soooo great. Could NOT be happier for you. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Friday AND payday. Life is good.
At my desk watching training videos. Hours and hours of training videos.
Sooper serial - I still have 8 hours of these things to go. :P - teleken
Tinkering with synthesizers - it must be Saturday night.
Working from home on the iMac. This is nice. :)
*steals imac* - Sir Shuping is just sir
Have a little Internet radio going, doing laundry while I fix these boxes. Productivity FTW. - teleken
The new gig makes it easy for us - it took me all of a minute to set up VPN on my Mac so I can access my work stuff from home if I want/need to.
The only thing better than overtime is overtime at home. Got approval from my new boss to VPN in on Saturday and grab some time and a half. Figure I'll roll out of bed, grab some coffee and wander to my office.
Yep - this is fun. :)
I think I need one of these...
we should start a band. - Big Joe Silenced
it's funny to me that with this giant pile of guitars, everything I've done in the last couple of months has been synth driven. - teleken
now to sneak the guitars back in! - Big Joe Silenced
The new shift will be interesting - I don't know the hours yet, but it'll be 4 days a week - one 12, two 11s and a 9, either in that order or reversed.
That's one of the potentials - I'll know sometime before week after next. - teleken
En route - first day at the new gig. No, Melly, I'm not wearing the boots today.
This company is run VERY much like a Silicon Valley company. Loving the culture thus far. - teleken