
Musician and nerd at large. I'm a Mac and a Linux. My opinions are mine, not my employer's.
The new shift will be interesting - I don't know the hours yet, but it'll be 4 days a week - one 12, two 11s and a 9, either in that order or reversed.
That's one of the potentials - I'll know sometime before week after next. - teleken
En route - first day at the new gig. No, Melly, I'm not wearing the boots today.
This company is run VERY much like a Silicon Valley company. Loving the culture thus far. - teleken
Music at Midnight - playing with new toys.
On sale - couldn't say no.
I'd like to see a picture of you wearing these, please. - Melly #FForever
I just spent 2 hours and $250 shoe shopping. This is going to cost me a man card, isn't it?
yes...yes it will. $250 on two pairs of shoes??? - Sir Shuping is just sir
I may need to go back for another pair of Rockports. - teleken
At a mall. First time since 2005. #saveme
Ableton Live (Mac) users - this 2 page PDF cheat sheet of keyboard shortcuts is incredibly useful.
Well, I went out with a bang. 62 people assisted in 7 1/2 hours on deck. It's an odd feeling being done.
Friday night, so I'm reading synth manuals. You wish your life was as exciting as mine.
If "synth" means anything other than "synthesizer," I'm clueless. - Ell Bee, See?
Turns out after reading a 150 page manual, that synth isn't that hard to program after all. - teleken
I just realized I'll be unemployed for one day next week. First time since 2005.
I'm thinking cardboard sign and a street corner here in East Jesus. Let's see how much I can panhandle off the snowbirds. ;) - teleken
Guinness has never seen snow before. :)
Superstition Mountain. This is the closest I've been to snow in years.
3 more 0-dark-330 wakeups to go. 3. #whatssleep #dontremember
Transposing Big Star - "Ballad of El Goodo" to C. Hopefully the effort's worth it. :)
Guinness, the Remarkably Photogenic Wonder Dachshund.
He's my buddy. :) I let him hang out with me in the studio for a while today and he was in wiener dog heaven. - teleken
Laundry and Ableton Live. It must be Sunday.
Every time I work with Ableton Live, I learn something new and I like it even more.
Six more 0-dark-330 wakeups to go. Six. :)
And then life begins ... How's your health? - Mary B: #TeamMonique
Ableton finally set a release date for Live 9! Can't wait for March 5th!
8 more 0-dark-330 wakeups. 8 more. :)
That awkward moment when you email your new boss to ask him for your schedule and when your first payday will be. :)
More awkward if the second email is to ask for a raise. - Steve C, Team Marina
I'll give it six months. If I'm on the right shift and have the visibility to leadership I need, I expect to move up quickly. - teleken
Schedule's still TBD post training. Dress code - they prefer their employees to be clothed. :) - teleken
My little project studio.
what's the little black two-knobbed thing on the left? *squints* - Big Joe Silenced
That's a Propellerhead Balance USB sound card. I/O's on the back, 2 little knobs are detented trim pots, and the big knobs are mains out and phones out level. - teleken
your converters? how are they? - Big Joe Silenced
Quality is up there with the Digidesign stuff. I don't do a ton of external stuff, but guitar records well, same with condenser mikes. It does phantom power and it's bus powered. Ships with Propellerhead Reason Essentials for PC/Mac as well. $400. - teleken
I had to laugh - rather than a face to face exit interview with the old gig, I was emailed a link to a SurveyMonkey survey. I can't make this stuff up. :)
Because nothing says "We value your contribution and input." quite like SurveyMonkey. - teleken
Ableton Live 9 is ridiculous. 64 bit Rewire FTW and the best clip based sequencer on the planet. I'm hugely impressed. Thanks @vurnt22 !
I just turned in my notice at my current gig. I have a new position starting 1 March at another company with a roughly 30 percent salary increase. That was the interview from a month ago. :)
great news!!! - RudĩϐЯaЯïan
All I can say right now is that life is about to get... Interesting. In a good way. More when I can officially spill the beans.
Hope it's the good interesting! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Let's go, Ravens! Take this game back!
Sidelines. Professional athletes. Bike powered generators. Problem solved.
Another Mercedes with electrical problems.