
Nothing like work to demolish your mood.
And, oh yeah, thinking too much about someone who managed to dump you when you weren't even a couple. - tehKenny
I will not use that word. Even if using it makes fun of Sarah Palin, I will not use that word.
In fact, the more you use it, even to make fun of it, the more it starts to become a word. - tehKenny
dumbasabagofhammers? - Ha3rvey (on hiatus)
Cabernet is liquid God.
Truth. - tehKenny
preach it brother - Steve C, Team Marina
I would, but I'm durnk. - tehKenny
Im'ma print up about 100 of these.
On a lighter note: fuck everything.
Starting with honesty. - tehKenny
And people who tell you they want you to be honest with them and then freak out when you are. Thanks a lot. - tehKenny
And people who don't understand the basic concept of SINGLE. You know, SINGLE. That's the thing YOU told ME you wanted to be. - tehKenny
Thanks MV3B, I'll try to remember that. - tehKenny
Oh.my.god. Wow.
You should change your name to tehDexter - Outsanity
Many who like liking things also like liking things. Like this.
Been told a million times recently that I kinda look like this guy. Yay or nay?
Do a side by side pose - Outsanity
By the way, ThinkGeek sells the Dexter killing shirt if you do look like him - Outsanity
Just remember tehKenny, if you can't upload pictures, it's not the end of the world.
Actually, it's the end of the universe. - tehKenny
I told the truth about how I feel and It's probably completely over.
Well, okay, found one that was decent AND horizontal. Not good, just decent. - tehKenny
Okay everyone, how the fuck are ya today?
Are ya feeling maybe a bit *BUMP*Y? - tehKenny
I feel fantastic. I'm ready to seize this week and do unspeakably dirty things with it. - tehKenny
Doing good, but I am so ready for a nap. - Brent - Yes I am
LAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - the king of the interweb
I deserve to be, have or do anything I want because, no matter what I or anyone else thinks, I am good enough and that’s all that matters. (I’m getting better, too.)
Q: You know what would make Twilight better?
A: Vampires. It would be awesome if there were vampires in it. - tehKenny
Okay, I'm gonna finish this job application if it kills me.
Finished. - tehKenny
Tutoring. I figure with two degrees and them only really asking for ONE, I am so golden. :::fingers crossed::: - tehKenny
good luck! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Hey, I'd LOVE to show you guys this BLT I just made.... But, alas, Friendfeed sucks.
I figured out what I HATE, HATE, HATE about that damn ending.
Tired of spoiling it for people who will probably overlook the gaping flaws I see in it, so if you care. I'll DM you. - tehKenny
I tried to dm you, but aren't subscribed to me. - Friar Will
I care - Alex Scrivener
If I am ever so old that I find Bingo entertaining, pull the plug.
I'll be right there for ya if that happens. ;) - Beau Liening
Bingo is fun. - Anika
Anyone else having persistant problems uploading pictures?
Last photo I uploaded was last night, and it uploaded with no problem. Haven't tried today though. - Beau Liening
OH SURE! Momo gets to upload a picture of herself topless. But me? I just keep getting an error message!
:::mumble grumble::: - tehKenny
Try FF email? *instantrimshot* - Jonathan Hardesty
tech is your friend ;) - WarLord
This is such an awesome day. I love you guys.
I'm having a laugh. - Outsanity
Agreed! - Lo
No, really. I'm shocked at how the last twenty seconds of a film so completely obliterate the other two hours and forty minutes of it. Fuck Inception and fuck Chris Nolan.
Run screaming from the theater before the ending, please. - tehKenny
I feel the overwhelming desire to randomly block someone for no good reason.
No one in particular, really. - tehKenny
ooh ooh - pick me - pick me - Aloof Schipperke
Well, gee, Kevin. That's no fun. - tehKenny
ok, but what if I have an overwhelming desire to be blocked? Oh wait - that might qualify as a good reason. Ok, never mind... - Aloof Schipperke
I woke up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy: Fucking awful.
lol. - tehKenny
For those of you I may have just have just scared shitless, Suicide is fucking stupid.
keeping you in my thoughts and prayers - Friar Will
Wow, I guess this is a fucking Panic Attack. Always wondered what that was like.
Okay, gonna stand up now. Or at least try. - tehKenny
Oh no. - Friar Will
Dangit, no "dislike" button. :( - Beau Liening
is feeling like giving up.
is wondering if all the damage just goes too goddamn deep. - tehKenny
((((everybody)))) - tehKenny
WE ARE IN FULL ON SPOILER MODE FOR :INCEPTION". PLEASE HIDE NOW. Inception: It was three hours long. And the ending was so stupid I want SIX hours of my life back. I also want a pony and the ability to spell correctly.
It should be taught in film schools as the quintessential worst ending to a movie ever. - tehKenny
Agreed with James and LogEx. - Chieze Okoye
I always love how people praise the physical design of Apple's products. It's like praising a blank canvas as beautiful art.
It's like they went to the factory with the napkin sketch and said "BUILD THIS!" - tehKenny
I'm closing the "...in my pants" thread once it reaches about 500 or so.
Don't close your pants, I just got here and I'm warming my hands up... To type - Johnny
"Song Title" + "...in my pants." GO!:
Good Vibrations .. in my pants. - tehKenny
Rape Me... in my pants (courtesy of my wife) - Roger Benningfield