is feeling like giving up.
Mary B: #TeamMonique
liked this
is wondering if all the damage just goes too goddamn deep.
- tehKenny
I KNOW I'm messed up, I KNOW the things I think are backwards and wrong. But I can't snap out of it no matter how much I try to tell myself that what was basically my entire world view for so long was wrong.
- tehKenny
Do you want to talk about it?
- Absentee
I dunno what there is to say. It's such a goddamn complex problem. I've been avoiding the idea of therapy, but it seems like that's what I need to have.
- tehKenny
Don't. Hang in there. Call or text or DM if you need a new ear to listen to what you've got going on. xoxoxo
- Just Mrs. V
I think that therapy is a good choice. I've been there, more than once, and it saved my life. Literally. When you feel too messed up to even know what to do anymore, then seeking out the help of a professional is just good sense. No matter what, though?—Don't give up. Trust me for a second here, okay? You have no idea what good is coming in your life. Truly, things not only *can* but probably *will* get better. But by any means, get some assistance. And if you need to talk, I will gladly talk with you.
- Absentee
I "Liked" this just so I could better keep track of it.
- Absentee
:) Understood, James.
- tehKenny
I was extremely skeptical about therapy. It doesn't happen overnight but, if you find a good therapist, it can help. I thought I was so broken I'd never get my head right. I'm not saying it can or will fix everything. Talking to a professional got me back from a place that was going to end badly. Seriously man, I don't know if anything I could say would help, but I could at least talk about why I think therapy helped me. Don't not do it if you think there's a stigma attached to seeking therapy, or it's a form of giving up, or an admission of defeat. It's not. Feel free to DM if there's anything I can do.
- cdogzilla | downgraded
The other thing that is not a form of giving up or an admission of defeat is meds. Depression and anxiety are also physical problems in the brain, and while they are by no means the whole answer, if the right professional offers you a script, do give them a try. They won't make the issues go away, but they will help make the chemistry and wiring in your nervous system more able to deal with them constructively.
- Mary B: #TeamMonique
- tehKenny