Mike Nencetti

a tech from Upstate NY who lives in Charlotte NC. GV 980-428-9438
If the bar is 45lbs then this is 115. Have not dead lifted in many years. I remember working out with 225. http://t.co/X5vUelnGt7
Got in set of 5 reps then 10 reps. I miss doing these. I'll sleep well tonight. - Mike Nencetti
I tried 125 tonight. Got a few sets in. My uncle was right. stay low and work on more reps. - Mike Nencetti
Started shoulder presses again. I know it's a bit light... It's been a while. http://t.co/GlyFpzbgok
I just saw those mats. I should try a few dead lifts. - Mike Nencetti
Harris Teeter Original Seltzer. Considering working out in the morning. Will my health kick succeed? stay tuned.
Well, I did not work out but I did a bunch of productive stuff. shopping, (not shipping) laundry, old house cleaning. it's sunny and 70 here. I feel much better. - Mike Nencetti
OK I am now headed to the gym. 12 hours late, but better late then never. - Mike Nencetti
Harris Teeter Original Seltzer - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
Chimay Peres Trappistes Ale - Grand Reserve. Finally the glass meets the beer.
Mr. B approves. - LB's Not Leaving
So do I - Mike Nencetti
Yes, I had to work here today.
Great to be back at Palmetto Bluff! Beautiful day. Awesome lunch at Buffalos http://t.co/2MpFB2LX60
That looks good. Damn.. now I want Tacos... Where is the Taco delivery Copter? - CW
Old Rasputin Imperial Stout - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
On the road again. http://t.co/DoLxCm9YtJ
Tomorrow I am headed to Palmetto Bluff, for work. (Bluffton SC, near Hilton Head) This is a link to a flickr album I created last year. https://www.flickr.com/photos...
Dogfish Head 90 Minute Imperial IPA. I think I need to dust....
The hospice counseling sessions are helping. My challenge this session write a letter (hand written) to my wife. I have a week. Not sure when I will start.
That's an interesting challenge. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
will not be easy. - Mike Nencetti
No, it won't be, but I suppose they think you are up to doing it, so that's good. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Strength to you. - Marie
saw this on facebook...
Old Rasputin Imperial Stout - North Coast Brewing Company, Fort Bragg CA.
dang, son. you ain't messin around tonight. - t-ra is ugly crying
My fav beer. I buy the stores out when I can find it here. - CW
We have a few stores that sell it, Trader Joe's is across the street. - Mike Nencetti
Noda Brewing Company - Hop Drop 'N Roll - India Pale Ale. Very good.
Trivia. the USB drive photo bomb is for the hospice counselor. I keep a diary, In other words I decided to write a year ago to help cope. She wanted to read it. Too long to print. - Mike Nencetti
#SaturdayFF tomorrow I will have to socialize at multiple Super Bowl parties. Not thrilled about it, but I need to socialize. I find it helps.
What is it you're not thrilled about? The people, the sport, something else? - Mark H
Glad you made it through okay. :) - Anne Bouey
NodDa Coco Loco Porter. NoDa Brewing Company, Charlotte NC. Also note my new Chimay glass. Yes there is coconut in this beer. I like it. Then again I like most porters.
6.2% - Mike Nencetti
I need to meet some of y'all this year. I've only met Friar Will.
y'all live too far away. I say y'all with my upstate ny accent. - Mike Nencetti
But we are lovely, if not quite family ;-) - Heleninstitches #teamff
Kraft Mac & Cheese. I made this. - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
#Saturdayff There is no documentation of how my great grandfather Cesare Augusto Nencetti arrived in the US from Italy. It was not Ellis Island. We believe it was through Canada.
My father who is also a Cesare says it is Chez-a-rae - accent on the first syllable. he spared me the name and that's why I have an American name. - Mike Nencetti
We think he became a citizen when he was married to Donata Caivana in NYC in 1904. Donata Caivana was born in NYC in 1887. Thank you Bentley for all your help, you now have me hooked on the ancestry.com page. I think I'm going to have a tougher time tracing my wife's lineage from Trinidad, Lebanon and China. It should be a fun challenge. - Mike Nencetti
My apartment has no wine glasses, so I am drinking wine from a coffee mug.
Burlwood Pinot Noir. Very good. - Mike Nencetti
Tuesday at 9am is my first session with a grief counselor. It's a free service provided by hospice. - Mike Nencetti
Glad to gear you're taking advantage of the service. *hugs* - Anne Bouey
Wine in a coffee mug. I like your style, sir. :) - Jenny H.
Thanks Johnny!
So meta. - That's So CAJ!
:) - Johnny
I just posted something on Google Plus - I forgot It was still around.
My post sits there idle, unanswered. - Mike Nencetti
Today at Work we had a Chili Cookoff. It is not easy judging between 8 http://t.co/RDdOxMfm0N
Kraft Macaroni & Cheese. I used butter instead of margarine. http://t.co/l0mTlfO6It
I'm the queen of making "gourmet" boxed mac & cheese. My favorite? Greek yogurt, butter, Ro-tel, and corn. Pro tip- premix the powder with a bit of milk or cream and pour it in as a sauce; much easier. :) - Jenny H.
Sunset at Lake Lure 07-25-2010 - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
ask me anything, i'll try to reply.
How are you doing? Any new additions to the new place, such as furniture, art, throw pillows? - Corinne L
Woh, in the earlier days, things were a bit more volatile. Remember we used to be the FF Mob. Things seem to be very peaceful lately. - Mike Nencetti