ask me anything, i'll try to reply.
How are you doing? Any new additions to the new place, such as furniture, art, throw pillows? - Corinne L
My main goal is learning to sleep. When my wife was home hospice, my days usually stated at 3am, sometimes 2am. I had to change her, and change and wash the sheets. I still struggle with sleep, sometimes waking up at 2am. last night i slept till 4:30, which was good. no new furniture, not sure how long I will be here. - Mike Nencetti
Are you doing anything to help get back on a regular sleep schedule? (Exercise, meditation, medication, herbal tea, not reading/watching TV in bed, etc. That is rather personal, so you don't need to go into specifics. - Corinne L
Well, I am walking distance of the fitness center. it's across the street, Everything is brand new. the more I go there, the better off i'll be. - Mike Nencetti
Shiny new exercise equipment! Fun! - Corinne L
Imabonehead the IoT is my apartment. Dropcam records everything. I like to demo this on my iphone - Mike Nencetti
I saw in your posts that some of her family were mad at you (for unfair reasons). How are you getting along with them now? - Stephen Mack
I'm glad you're still visiting us here, Mike. What's the biggest change you've seen on FF over the years? - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Janet - Beverly did visit me once right after she passed. Not since. Or I visited her in the dream. - Mike Nencetti
Stephen. I have had very little contact with her family in the past month. It's just her two adult children that are mad - they want more money than she had planned to give them. - Mike Nencetti
Woh, in the earlier days, things were a bit more volatile. Remember we used to be the FF Mob. Things seem to be very peaceful lately. - Mike Nencetti