#Saturdayff There is no documentation of how my great grandfather Cesare Augusto Nencetti arrived in the US from Italy. It was not Ellis Island. We believe it was through Canada.
My father who is also a Cesare says it is Chez-a-rae - accent on the first syllable. he spared me the name and that's why I have an American name. - Mike Nencetti
One of us! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
I suppose I am a Canadian, eh. - Mike Nencetti
Mike, what year did your great grandfather immigrate? Some of my ancestors came from Europe before Ellis Island was opened. - Greg GuitarBuster
Greg - That is what we do not know. He was born in 1880. Sometime in his 20's. We have a firearms permit from Italy in 1904, so after that. His father, and his oldest son (My grandfather) were named Temistocle. He went by Tom. - Mike Nencetti
So, I was supposed to have been named Tom. But that is a story for another SaturdayFF - Mike Nencetti
We came through Canada as well. It's been too long ago to get citizenship out of it though. I guess I'm stuck down here. - Brian Johns
Are we talking about this Caesar Nencetti? https://familysearch.org/ark:... - bentley
8 children, 4 have left from that link - Mike Nencetti
If you click on View the Document, you can see the 1940 census. However, for earlier censuses , I need Ancestry, so I can do that tomorrow when I go to work. In the meantime, I have something that might be of interest. The link is awkward 'cause it's a search result from an odd little website. It's Donata's newspaper obituary and it says they married in 1904. http://fultonhistory.com/Process... - bentley
The same little website has a death notice (not an obit) for Caesar and it has very little information. - bentley
My aunt Mary Donata can probably shed more light on this, she's retired and living in Florida. We think he may have been a horse thief, and came here to get away.... - Mike Nencetti
I'll look in Ancestry tomorrow when I'm at the reference desk, so it will be totally work related. :-) - bentley
my last name is extremely rare in the US. most trace our roots Cesare who arrived here most likely from Canada. Would love to find actual documentation. - Mike Nencetti
Still poking around, found a wedding announcement and photo of Albert in 1938. Very bad scan, I'm afraid, so you can't make out faces. http://nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn... - bentley
This is the translated 1880 birth certificate. Province of Caserta Town of Arce Registry Office Extract of the birth certificate of Nencetti Cesare Augusto Year 1880 # 98 In the year 1880, on the 27th day of September at 10.15 am in the Town Office. In front of me, Giuseppe Quattruni (?), Secretary appointed and approved by the Mayor on 11th day of October 1879, and Registry Officer of the Town of Arce, appeared Chiara Benigni, 61 years of age, midwife, resident in Arce, who declared that at 1.00 am of the 24th day of the above mentioned month, in the house sited in Corte Street (Via della Corte) number 38, from Carolina Tassi, housewife, married to Temistocle Nencetti, financial employee (accounting clerk?), both resident in Arce, was born a child, of masculine sex, whom she shows me, and to whom she gives the names of Cesare Augusto. To the above facts and to this act were present as witnesses, Antonio Durazza 50 years of age, taylor, and Antonio Germani, 43 years of age, barber, both residents in this town. The declarer registered the above-mentioned birth, because she, with the above-mentioned qualification, provided the helps (?) of the art to the act of birth, and in place of the husband of Tassi, who could not pronounce (the registration) being ill. The present act was read to the witnesses and signed by me, having them declared not to be able to write. Signed Quattruni As extract (excerpt?) conform to the original Arce August 6th 1899 Appointed Registry Officer Sera (Serna?, Serra?) - Mike Nencetti
This is the 1904 translated firearms permit. Office of Public Safety Permit for long barrel firearms The Prefect of the Castrovillari county AUTHORIZES Mr. Nencetti Cesare, son of Temistocle, of civil status (p.s. not in the military), born in Arce, 23 years of age, resident in Oriolo, to carry, for hunting purposes also, only the long rifle, with the prohibition to shoot migrating doves. The permit is valid for one year from the issue date and must be showed to the Officers and Agents of public safety. Castrovillari, 14th May 1904 Description: Height: 1,73 m (5’ 8”) Body: normal Complexion: dark Hair: black Beard: / Eyes: / Nose: normal Mouth: “ Forehead: “ Signs: small scar on left cheek - Mike Nencetti
They were married March 28 (26?), 1904, in St. Ann's Church in New York, according to a newpaper article about their 50th wedding anniversary. They moved to Frankfort in 1910. http://www.fultonhistory.com/Newspap... - bentley
Thanks Bentley. The newspaper articles are new to me. I had the 1940 census documents. - Mike Nencetti
I found the passenger list of the S.S. Nord America, left from Napoli, arrived in New York 5 Sep 1901. I DM'd you the info. - bentley
The 1930 census record for Caeser Nencetti [Ceaser Nencetti], married to Donata, living in Frankfort, Herkimer, New York, says that he immigrated to the U.S. in 1901. I was double-checking that it matches the information from the 1901 Nord America manifest. - bentley
Wow :) - Brent Schaus
We think he became a citizen when he was married to Donata Caivana in NYC in 1904. Donata Caivana was born in NYC in 1887. Thank you Bentley for all your help, you now have me hooked on the ancestry.com page. I think I'm going to have a tougher time tracing my wife's lineage from Trinidad, Lebanon and China. It should be a fun challenge. - Mike Nencetti