#SaturdayFF tomorrow I will have to socialize at multiple Super Bowl parties. Not thrilled about it, but I need to socialize. I find it helps.
What is it you're not thrilled about? The people, the sport, something else? - Mark H
The "how are you doing" stuff. - Mike Nencetti
Well, "My wife's ashes are on a shelf. not sure where I am taking them" no I'll just says i'm good. - Mike Nencetti
It's almost a social norm now. - Mark H
If you say "I'm good" ppl are then free to imagine where you are on a sliding scale of their own experience. Getting out and about is a good idea, and maybe all the talk of the sporting event will take the pressure off you. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
^ - Marie
Mike, you don't have to decide to do anything with her ashes if you don't want to, or if you are not ready to. It's been 20 years and I still have my brother's ashes in the cabinet next to my bed. - April Russo (FForever!)
Thanks everyone. If I have not mentioned I am taking advantage of free counseling offered by Hospice. I go once a week. one on one session. - Mike Nencetti
That's great. - bentley
I survived both super bowl parties. - Mike Nencetti
:-) - bentley
Glad you made it through okay. :) - Anne Bouey