
Just Totally Awesome
I wonder if there is anything interesting going on in London these days. Haven't heard much from that part of the world recently
So, anybody get pranked yet? Or has anyone pulled a prank on anyone else yet? Share details!
OK, Google logo says today is Robert Bunsen's 200th birthday. Cool. With a name like Bunsen, if he lived today, he's totally be a gay porn star.
Naah, I'm pretty sure Bob would have been a muppet. - Raul Endymion
I heard a new Dos Equis commercial this morning, featuring 'The Most Interesting Man in the World'....The new 'characteristics' of this man: If you were to say 'oh no he didn't!', chances are that he probably did......Hardware stores were His idea....After he finishes his morning coffee, he flies home from Colombia....
I liked the old United logo better. This one feels a bit cold and corporate. I need warm and fuzzy. Especially when I'm strapped inside a metal tube moving at Mach 0.80, filled with over 11,000 gallons of high octane jet fuel, feeding 2 or more turbofan jet engines putting out 43,500 lbf (193 kN) thrust each, up at 6 miles high, with no snacks?
OK now I get it!
WIN - AJ Batac
Spoiler (well, sort of) Alert! - Somebody buy this guy a can of Krylon!!!!
EFX files - E Fax format files. - anybody know if these can be opened / viewed without downloading a new program? Acrobat doesn't work, Excel doesn't work, maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Speaking of Resumes: Is your most recent resume 100% honest? If not, what is the most creative statement / claim listed?
It's honest. When I was starting out, I stretched the truth a bit. - Shevonne
Haikus are easy / But sometimes they don't make sense / Refrigerator
Meaningless comment / Lame FriendFeed activity / Work sucks anyway - LB's FF Hubby
Smile smile smile smile smile / Big grins chuckle and giggle / This thread made my day - Lisa L. Seifert
"Excuses: If you keep asking others to give you the benefit of the doubt, they'll eventually start to doubt your benefit." New 'Demotivator' from
I just dropped $22 in quarters at the laundromat doing ALL my laundry
Dizzam. I think I'd start doing mine in the sink to save $. - Spidra Webster
Kleenex dude... - Johnny
Any of you southern FF'ers have a favorite recipe for dirty rice?
Drive through Popeye's. - Trish R
No, like you make it super awesome and yummy, using your grammie's secret family recipe..... - Morgan
I don't make dirty rice at home, so I don't have a recipe, sorry. I cook boudain and split it open. - Trish R
Zastava Koral - Makers of The Yugo, refuses to recall 794,428 automobiles despite their almost 100% defective unit performance history. A spokesperson from their Kragujevac, Serbia headquarters releases the following official statement: 'If you don't like, I fuck your mother's goat!'. Reports of fear and nervousness on the part of goats are up.
my friend has an iPod touch. he dropped it and broke the glass screen. it works fine but he needs a new glass/screen. any advice?
scotch tape? - Mike Nencetti
much obliged! - Morgan
I suck at math, so please help: If $7,975.43 represents 5% of a total amount, how do I solve for the total?
Wolfram Alpha: (20 is 5% of 100). - Akiva
:) Always set your problem up and solve for the variable (unknown), As Glen and Akiva have pointed out, you have one unknown. Imabug set it up for you. But learn the logic so that you can set up for more variables in future. - Melanie Reed
Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought, or why we died. All that matters is that two stood against many. That's what's important! Valor pleases you, Crom... so grant me one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, then to HELL with...
Are these things baked or fried? :-)
how lazy am i? i couldn't even rotate the darn thing! sorry - Morgan
What's scrummy? - Janice
I rode the metro subway here in LA this past weekend for the first time. Totally impressed. It was fun and I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to use public transportation. Safe. Clean. Fun. Thumbs up!
anybodyknow if IKEA sells compact umbrellas?
They sell compact meatloaves. - Josh Haley
apparently they do: - adf
kid photo meme
You can tell by the smirk, you gotta keep your eye on this kid. - Rodfather
WTF Xmas Photos - HOLY MOLY
Kind of sad that his broken neck isn't the worst thing in the pic. - Steve C, Team Marina
no kidding - Morgan
is that a huge gavel under your robe or are you just glad to see me?
Yes. :-) - Ordinarybug Heather
if fun is the beatles, you are yoko!
Anybody have any Quibids or Beezid penny auction experience? Are they for real? Do they suck? Are they awesome?
We've secretly switched Morgan's coffee with decaf! Let's see what happens!
how come there's no blackberry app that lets me deposit checks into my account? waaah!
Bacon Wrapped Crack - beat that!
Bacon *is* crack. - Kristin
I have never seen anything more amazing than deep fried Coca Cola at the State Fair of Texas. Deep frying batter in coke. It's like living in a dream - Fleagle
Tardy but heartfelt: Happy New Year all you crazy FF Peeps!
happy new year :) - Scott. Cat Herder.
sup - Josh Haley
and a hearty 'sup to you Josh! :-) - Morgan
TEAM USA FF with free agency options
Greetings from Sunny Los Angeles! The Weather is Here, Wish You Were Great!