Haikus are easy / But sometimes they don't make sense / Refrigerator
Meaningless comment / Lame FriendFeed activity / Work sucks anyway - LB's FF Hubby
They're not as easy / When you do them the right way / I am giving up - Lisa L. Seifert
My son has a shirt that says that. It always makes me laugh. - Trish R
Haikus the right way? / What ridiculous nonsense. / Lisa, try again. - LB's FF Hubby
You're not my real mom / You can't tell me what to do / Bubba is awesome - Lisa L. Seifert
The weekend is close / Napping is better than work / Five, Seven, and Five - CAJ was here
Lisa is awesome! / She knows how to persevere / FriendFeed Fabulous! - LB's FF Hubby
Smile smile smile smile smile / Big grins chuckle and giggle / This thread made my day - Lisa L. Seifert