Michael McKean

Orthodox Christian into astronomy and other stuff. Loving life now more than ever.
RIP Michael. :( - EricaJoy
Oops, mistake Michael's calling hrs 1/19 6-8pm Rossi Bros FH; burial 1/20 10am Nativity of Christ Russian Orthodox Church, Youngstown OH
oh wow. That's right near where Aimee's family live. :( - LB's FF Hubby
=( Rest in Peace Michael - Shevonne
Your Going To Be Missed, Michael. - Brent - Yes I am
Michael McKean's family sad to report he passed away Sun. Calling hrs 1/18 6-8pm Rossi Funeral Home.
Very sorry to hear that. Condolences. He seemed a very nice person. - Patrick Jordan
So here's more of an update: The cancer has indeed spread to the bones (spine, ribs and pelvis) which is causing a majority of the pain. I see a radiation oncologist on Friday to help alieviate the pain. The pain is mostly under control for now after trying several different med combinations, and the radiation should help with the worst of it.
The insurance has been a bit of a pain because of the cost of some of the meds, but we've worked things out. I will be getting scheduled for an MRI of the brain. Nervous about things, but dealing with them the best I can. - Michael McKean
Amen, Louis. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
@JPL_Richard Thank you very much, Richard! Your thoughts mean a great deal to me and are more helpful than you can imagine!
I went to the oncologist yesterday. The cancer has spread to the liver and probably to the bones as well.
How are they going to address it? - RAPatton
:-( I'm sorry to hear that Michael. Wishing you the best... - Jeffrey Marsh
Keep in mind that I generally read all DMs, replies, comments, etc., even if I don't always reply back and I appreciate them all. Thanks!
Just wanted you to know, you're in my thoughts. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. :) - Mona Nomura
Michael passed away recently. But we all love to come by and think of him. He is sorely missed. - Josh Haley
Having a major crisis of faith. The pain is far beyond my ability to cope.
Michael, We're here. How can we help right now? I'm sorry I'm not there. Do you have someone near? Of course, I am praying for you as soon as I saw. But if you need someone to talk with we're here. DM me if you want. I am OC, too. - Melanie Reed
Keeping you in my prayers. - Lyd
I sense sarcasm. :) - Anika
The novelty of having cancer has worn off. I'd like to return it now, please.
(((((michael))))) - VALZONE#SCREWED
Update: Stayin' alive.
Cool. Keep it up. - Derek Coward
I wondering how you've been. Glad to hear it! - Anika
At final chemo before maintenance chemo. More tests in two weeks.
Pumpkin pies are almost done.
Ring of Stars in Centaurus A Uncovered - http://www.universetoday.com/2009...
"Centaurus A (NGC 5128) is one of the most studied objects in the Southern sky, because it is the giant elliptical galaxy with the closest proximity to our own Milky Way. It lies 11 million light years away from the Milky Way, and is believe to have merged with another gaseous galaxy about 200 to 700 million years ago. The result of this galactic mashup: the birth of hundreds of thousands of stars in a kiloparsec-spanning ring near the core." - Michael McKean
No fever so far this time.
St. Seraphim of Sarov on Despair - http://theinnerkingdom.wordpress.com/2009...
"A lofty and sound soul does not despair over misfortunes, of whatever sort they may be. Our life is as it were a house of temptations and trails; but we will not renounce the Lord for as long as He allows the tempter to remain with us and for as long as we must wait to be revived through patience and secure passionlessness!" - Michael McKean
A Pure Heart Can See God- By: St. Luke the Surgeon - http://theinnerkingdom.wordpress.com/2009...
Giant atom-smasher set to restart this weekend: CERN - http://www.physorg.com/news177...
"The world's biggest atom-smasher, which was shut down soon after its inauguration amid technical faults, is set to restart this weekend, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research said Friday." - Michael McKean
Whoa! Slept during the night and woke up early. Maybe I can actually DO something today!
Cancer Funding: Does It Add Up? - http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2008...
"Should cancer spending be focused on the most common cancers? Or the most deadly cancers?" - Michael McKean
"WTF" Campaign Partners with Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Патриарх Павел умер. Patriarch Pavle of Serbia has died - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Ugh.. tickets to the Pittsburgh opera are like twice what they were when I went a few years ago, but I'm still getting a pair.
Just ate cake for dinner.
Four months of physical and mental pain is taking its toll.
I hope, you will get better in coming time. - Ashish
Just got back from infectious diseases doc. Says I don't need to see him again unless I get an actual infection. Yay!
LOL That works! - Anika
Life is weird.
Oncologist now seems to agree that Neulasta may be responsible for fevers. Switched to Leukine.
At chemo. MRI/PET clear. There is NO cancer in my liver.
WHOO-HOO! - Anika
Thank you, everyone! Hopefully the next round of tests will indicate shrinkage (the good kind)! - Michael McKean
@demetrios1 I've had a GV # for a while now. Haven't found much use for it.