Michael McKean

Orthodox Christian into astronomy and other stuff. Loving life now more than ever.
@demetrios1 I've had a GV # for a while now. Haven't found much use for it.
Verizon gave me a number in the 234 area code. Weird.
Helen, I suppose. 234 covers the same area, though. I wasn't even aware we had more than one area code. Mark, nah.. the rest of the number is boring. - Michael McKean
Still around! Fever has been kicking me pretty hard this time, but I'm hanging in. Sorry for lack of replies.
@beach Thank you! It's good to know that there's support out there!
@bubblybex Staying still was the annoying part. It's longer than a CT scan. It didn't help that I wasn't feeling well to begin with!
Freaked out during my PET scan today. Those things are annoying, eh?
Oncologists are businesspeople. Their job is to find treatments that will keep the patient alive the longest while maximizing profit.
The fever is getting to me, joey. I'm cranky and sick of doctors. I can't complain too much, though. I'm still alive. :) - Michael McKean
Michael, it's good to hear from you! I can only imagine how tired you are of doctors at this point... - FFing Enigma
You're constantly in my thoughts Michael. Hope you're feeling better soon. - Derrick
@demetrios1 Very nice! Thanks!
My oncologist's solution to my recurring fever? Antibiotics. Because that worked SO well the first time!
You should have a dance off with him to settle the issue - RAPatton
CDC budget for 2007 included $201M for breast and cervical cancer, $13.9M for prostate, and $14.4M for colon. For lung cancer? $0
I wonder if the "cancer awareness cheerleaders" around here will have much to say about Lung Cancer Awareness Month.
Temp was up to 103.6° - definitive proof that I'm hot!
Oncologists have thou$and$ of rea$on$ to give Neulasta to patients no matter the side-effects whether they even need it or not.
The only time I didn't get a fever 9-10 days after chemo is the only time they didn't give me Neulasta. Docs refuse to acknowledge this.
Congrats to @drew on his last day of chemo!
In 2005, 41,116 women died from breast cancer. 69,078 died from lung cancer.
Around the world? - Anika
Sorry, forgot to specify. That's just for the US. - Michael McKean
It's now Lung Cancer Awareness Month. You won't hear much about it, though. You won't find anyone wearing ribbons. No one cares.
I think many people think lung cancer = smoker. Odd, since most of the people I know who had lung cancer weren't smokers. - Anika
I care. - Derrick
That about sums it up. When people find out I have lung cancer the first reaction is often to ask me about what I did to get it. This doesn't really happen with other cancers. - Michael McKean
My grandmother died of it, and my grandfather lost a lung to it - RAPatton
I wish my cat spoke English. He's especially needy tonight.
Five Types of Christians - http://bonovox.squarespace.com/journal...
"Mother Maria Skobtsova, a martyr of the Nazi concentration camps, and an early 20th century intellectual and nun, wrote an insightful essay entitled, “Types of Religious Life.” In it she articulates five ways of being religious: the “synodal,” the ritualist, the aesthetical, the ascetical as well the ideal way, the “evangelical” (or “way of the Gospel.”). While it is easy to point fingers and categorize certain churches or groups as “this” or “that,” what’s really interesting (and frightening!) is how easily I seem to fall in these inaccurate and perilous ways of thinking about the Church." - Michael McKean
St. John the Dwarf On Man’s Virtues - http://theinnerkingdom.wordpress.com/2009...
"I think it is best that a man should have a little bit of all the virtues. Therefore, get up early every day and acquire the beginning of every virtue and every commandment of God. Use great patience, with fear and long-suffering, in the love of God, with all the fervor of your soul and body. Exercise great humility, bear with interior distress; be vigilant and pray often with reverence, with purity of speech and control of your eyes. When you are despised do not get angry; be at peace, and do not render evil for evil. Do not pray attention to the faults of others, and do not try to compare yourself with others, knowing you are less than every created thing. Renounce everything material and that which is of the flesh. Live by the cross, in warfare, in poverty of spirit, in voluntary spiritual asceticism, in fasting, penitence and tears, in discernment, in purity of soul, taking hold of that which is good. Do your work in peace. Persevere in keeping vigil, in hunger and thirst, in cold and nakedness, and in sufferings. Shut yourself in a tomb as though you were already dead, so that at all times you will think death is near." - Michael McKean
The fever is back and it's right on schedule! Let's dance!
I saw an ad on some website the other day for Tarceva. That's some pretty tight ad targeting right there!
Neulasta was developed in a dungeon by the re-animated corpse of the Marquis de Sade.
My spine just woke up and he's ANGRY!!!
A Breast Cancer Awareness Month Plea from a 'Breath Cancer' Survivor - http://blog.beliefnet.com/freshli...
"Stigma has kept Breath Cancer deplorably underfunded. And that's why only 15% of us live longer than five years. That's unfair. So please. Care." - Michael McKean
It's my guess that Lung Cancer Awareness Month will go by mostly unnoticed. I mean, it's our own faults anyway, right?
Supernova 2009js… Another One Bites The Dust! - http://www.universetoday.com/2009...
"Far away in the constellation of Aries, in a 14th magnitude barred spiral galaxy designated as NGC 918… a star exploded with enough candlepower to briefly outshine its home. Discovered independently by Lick Observatory Supernova Search (LOSS) and Koichi Itagaki (Japan) on October 11, 2009, this Type II supernova might be hiding in the intergalactic dust, but it isn't hiding from Joe Brimacombe." - Michael McKean
@demetrios1 Fortunately, no.
I am not currently pregnant.
good to know - MicahBear78
So I'm finally feeling like goofing around on the computer for the night like the good ol' days and FriendFeed is down. Nice.