Michael McKean

Orthodox Christian into astronomy and other stuff. Loving life now more than ever.
I am not currently pregnant.
good to know - MicahBear78
So I'm finally feeling like goofing around on the computer for the night like the good ol' days and FriendFeed is down. Nice.
@demetrios1 Haha.. the chemo messes with my taste buds.
Hot chocolate and pickles.
What are two great tastes that don't taste great together, Alex? - Ell Bee, See?
My oncologist wants me to get a PET scan. Interesting.
I've never been much for sweets, but my tastes have changed recently. I could live on a diet of candy bars.
I'm the opposite. I use to eat so much sweets, now the though of eating dessert or candy is kind of gross to me. - Anika
I've complained a lot about life throughout the years, but looking back I realize I've had it better than most.
Same here - Shevonne
and here. - Big Joe Silenced
me too - took me a long time to realize it. - Mike Nencetti
World's Fastest Supercomputer Models Origins Of The Unseen Universe - http://www.sciencedaily.com/release...
"Understanding dark energy is the number one issue in explaining the universe, according to Salman Habib, of the Laboratory's Nuclear and Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology group." - Michael McKean
Just want to let everyone know that I do read all replies/comments even if I don't always reply back and I appreciate all the kind thoughts!
So, the CT scan is showing some kind of lesion on my liver. The oncologist says because of where it is it's possible that it could just be some funky blood vessels. It could also be more cancer. She doesn't seem too concerned about it. I'll be getting an MRI before my next appointment (Oct. 12) so we can figure it out. Everything else is clear.
Everything else being clear is great - RAPatton
Oh, and the cancer in the lung/pleura is pretty much stable, which is good. - Michael McKean
Hoping for nothing more than funky blood vessels for you. Glad the lung/pleura is stable! - vicster.
Had chemo today. Went over results of CT and bone scans with oncologist. Details later.
Rooting for you! - Adrian
Thanks, everyone! - Michael McKean
Update: Not dead.
win! - Imabug
I just happen to have an appointment with my infectious diseases doctor tomorrow.
That's good. Have the doc have a look and make sure you're OK. I hope you feel better! - vicster.
Thanks! - Michael McKean
I did finally give in and take a Vicodin, though. My back was all messed up from not moving all day.
Slept all day. Fever has been breaking without the aid of pills and my temp hasn't been above 101.8, so maybe it won't be so bad this time.
Hope you feel better today! - Ell Bee, See?
@astroengine That site is full of similar crazy stuff. I love it!
Wow.. Ancient Faith Radio got a facelift - http://ancientfaith.com/
I turn into a real jerk when I have a fever. I need to work on that. I can't get angry at other people just because I don't feel well.
I'd go with the fever. Fever kills stuff. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
@demetrios1 I took some Tylenol, so it's breaking. Thank you for your prayers!
OK, I'm done being a whiny little bitch.
Now my cat threw up.
He's a vomit machine! - Michael McKean
I hope you both feel better soon! - Ell Bee, See?
It's a little warm in here.
And since I'm not miserable and angry enough, I'm watching a show about the KKK on the History Channel.
You need to be watching #Earthstorm and chiming in at http://friendfeed.com/syfy-sa... - Ell Bee, See?
You know it! - Ell Bee, See?
The Neulasta has my spine all cranked up. This seems to happen about a week after I get the shot.
Doesn't sound pleasant - RAPatton
I don't care who won the Nobel Peace Prize. I don't care about your stupid political views. In the grand scheme of things none of it matters. 100 years from now you'll be dead, events will have been forgotten, things will still be pretty much the same, and not one single person will care. Cheer up, buttercup!
There are some on FF that will likely still be alive 100 years from now... they'll be telling their grandkids all about how Obama won the Nobel Peace Prize on Leif Erikson Day. :) - Gus
My brother will be here in the morning, another brother next Tuesday (I think) and my aunt the following week. I hope I stay well that long!
Physicists Measure Elusive 'Persistent Current' That Flows Forever - http://www.physorg.com/news174...
"Physicists at Yale University have made the first definitive measurements of "persistent current," a small but perpetual electric current that flows naturally through tiny rings of metal wire even without an external power source." - Michael McKean
Woah: "The counterintuitive current is the result of a quantum mechanical effect that influences how electrons travel through metals, and arises from the same kind of motion that allows the electrons inside an atom to orbit the nucleus forever. " - Todd Hoff
New-Martyr Eugene Rodionov & Warrior for Christ - http://theinnerkingdom.wordpress.com/2009...
"Eugene Rodionov,19 years old, did not lose his faith despite horrible tortures “The Chechen captivity is the most horrid, the most inhuman and barbaric thing that can ever happen,” says Eugene’s mother. She had to survive hell to find her son, the body of her son, to be more precise. Eugene’s death coincided with his 19th birthday. Eugene’s mother, Lubov, was a little late: she was just seven kilometers far from the place of her son’s execution." - Michael McKean
Every time there is an awesome event in they sky we end up with cloudy weather. This time is no different.
Every single time. And I'm *always* sick or incapacitated in some way too, it seems. - Anika
My days and nights are flipped around again. I'm a night person, but I'd like to be more active during the day while I have the chance.