So here's more of an update: The cancer has indeed spread to the bones (spine, ribs and pelvis) which is causing a majority of the pain. I see a radiation oncologist on Friday to help alieviate the pain. The pain is mostly under control for now after trying several different med combinations, and the radiation should help with the worst of it.
The insurance has been a bit of a pain because of the cost of some of the meds, but we've worked things out. I will be getting scheduled for an MRI of the brain. Nervous about things, but dealing with them the best I can. - Michael McKean
Prayers and hugs xoxoxox - Melly #FForever
Sending prayers and good thoughts, Michael. I hope the doctors can continue to find ways to help. Thank you for the update. - Ell Bee, See?
You're still in our prayers, Michael. Best wishes on Friday, guy. - Ha3rvey (Free hugs)
Keep fighting Michael and remember that you are loved! Continuing to pray for your comfort, strength, courage, and healing - Melanie Reed
we're with you always - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
I hope the radiation helps with the pain. {{{hugs}}} i hope for all the best for you. - Anika
Wishing you peace and comfort. You're in my thoughts and prayers. - Anne Bouey
Peace - Marie
Fight it hard man, we're all behind you :) - LANjackal
I understand that flaxseed oil and cottage cheese can be very helpful if you suffer from cancer. Good luck old chap. - Toby Graham
I hope they can ease the pain, Michael! - Kol Tregaskes
Praying for you all the time Michael. - EricaJoy
Michael in my prayers. - VALZONE#SCREWED
You are a fighter and inspiration. Sending good thoughts your way. - rowlikeagirl
Keep fighting, Michael. You're in my thoughts. I hope the radiation eases the pain and puts this cancer behind you. xo - Ayşe E.
Good luck. I hope the doctors can do something about the pain. - Rodfather
There is not a day that goes by, when I'm not thinking of you. xoxo, m. - Mona Nomura
I hope it does help. Hope you always have the courage and the determination to fight against it. My best wishes. - Faraz Mullick
Oh, Elizabeth. I'm so sorry to hear that. Thank you for letting us know. Love and prayers to his family. - Ell Bee, See?
:( - Johnny
oh no... :( - Big Joe Silenced
Oh man :( - Rodfather
I've got this huge lump in my throat now. Praying for Michael's family and friends. - Ha3rvey (Free hugs)
:( - rønin
;( ((crying)) Rest in peace, good man. No more pain. - rowlikeagirl
Ugh! My condolences to his family and friends. Michael - thanks for sharing your experience with us. - AJ Kohn
Thank you Elizabeth for letting us know. - Jim #teamFFrank
My heart aches. My condolences to Mike's family. - Derrick
R.I.P. Michael. - Steve Lowe
We'll pray for your soul Michael. RIP. - AJ Batac
So sorry to hear this. Thank you Elizabeth. - Mark H
Thank you for the update. I am so sorry to hear this news. May all of Michael's family find peace in his memory. - Josh Haley
I am very sad to hear this :( - Ashish
I am very saddened to hear this, but thank you for letting us know. My condolences to his friends and family. - Anne Bouey
Sad news indeed. Sorry to hear about his family's loss. It will also be ours. :( - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Oh, what sad to hear. Don't have any other words to say. :-( - Ton Zijp
Rest in Peace my no longer have to fight the battle. - VALZONE#SCREWED
I have no words...there are no words. Thank you, Elizabeth, for thinking to let us know. Michael was a trooper, but I know he's resting in peace now. My thoughts and prayers are with his family now. - Jandy
I'm so sorry to hear this. And I'm grateful to have "met" Michael, even a little bit, in this way. My thoughts go out to his family and friends. - Ayşe E.
This is so sad....but at least the pain is over. Rest in peace Michael. - Bonnie Foster
Rest in peace :( - Alemsah Ozturk
My condolences - RIP. I mean that. - Dan owns
ah, this is sad news. - Marie
So very very sorry to hear this. Peace to Mike and his family. - Martha
Memory Eternal, Michael. You fought the fine fight, my friend. I am proud to have known you. Now you are with the Lord and at rest. Hope to see you one day, brother. To the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit; now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. "Into thy heavenly Kingdom with those we love but see no longer" - Melanie Reed
Thank you, Elizabeth for letting us know. God bless you. - Melanie Reed
:( - Mo Kargas
I will miss Michael. I'm so sorry tohear of his passing.My condolences to hi family and friends. - Anika
His courage throughout was inspiring... he will be incredibly missed, and never forgotten. :( My prayers are with his loved ones during this difficult time. RIP, Michael. - Penguin Sparkles
Damn....just....damn! This makes me very sad. Wow. I didn't even know him like that, but I knew of him and it's still like a stab in the heart.... - Rahsheen
I didn't know Michael either, except to follow him here, but I'm not ashamed to say reading this made me cry. RIP Michael. - Ian May
Condolences to family, friends, and loved ones. Michael... rest in peace. You will always be loved and remembered. Glad to have a piece of you with us, forever, on the pages of FriendFeed. - Mona Nomura
Sad to hear. My condolences to his family and friends. - Jack&Cleo
RIP Michael. My condolences to Elizabeth and the rest of the family. - Shey
Tonight, Facebook said I should "catch up" with Michael because we haven't talked lately. I Blame Cancer for his fight and for us not being able to share our lives with him here. We haven't forgotten you, Michael, no matter what Facebook says. - Louis Gray
Amen, Louis. - WoH: Professor MOTHRA