
"u no that's how benni roll."
"It's like this, Anna, it's like that, Anna. I'm only starin' cause your ass is so fat, Anna." He said it, not me.
LOL. I wish I had a fat ass! :( - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Anna, let's go get ass implants. - Rochelle
Ro! Lol. I'm scared of puttin stuff in me. :/ I live in Miami. I see crazy booty implants all the time! x_X - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Hahah. I need to go find something else to comment on. I can't let that be my last comment on FriendFeed. :P - Rochelle
It's been real, y'all. In case this thing isn't here by the time I come back (around 9pm PST), I want to make sure I say thank you for everything. Love you all. Peace.
I kinda want this to be my last native post. I may just comment here until I can't any more. - chrisofspades #FForever.
Okay, gotta finish up dinner. I'll check back later to see if you're still here. - chrisofspades #FForever.
I'm on an ark (c) lots of people. Which means I signed up for Italian FriendFeed. Not sure if I'll use it much, but here you go:
STALKING YOU NOW - Hookuh Tinypants
*walks past the window as if nobody's watching* - chrisofspades #FForever.
"We'll always have FriendFeed." Even after the lights go out, we'll always have FriendFeed. Even on Facebook or Twitter, we'll always have FriendFeed.
thanks - catherinemorland
Thanks for the tweet, Catherine! - chrisofspades #FForever.
This is for my that gangsta lean, that gangsta leayeean!
Hmm...I thought FF did some automagic on YouTube links. Oh well. - chrisofspades #FForever.
At some point, it got a bit funky - if you're able to get to a non-HTTPS version of the video, then it will auto-display (or if you have a specially crafted bookmarklet.) - Jennifer Dittrich
Ah non-https did the trick. Thanks Jennifer! - chrisofspades #FForever.
Is it just me, or are things already starting to lag around here?
There a bunch of people pulling down backups for themselves and the archive effort, and it seems to just be nailing the server. - Jennifer Dittrich
Ah, that makes sense, Jennifer. - chrisofspades #FForever.
I need a Negra Modelo to cheers properly with you, sir.
You have no idea how good that sounds right now, but I'm at a remote location with 'vacation dad' responsibilities. #virtual 🍻 #cheers - Micah
You're so responsible. Next time you're in Cali, then. - chrisofspades #FForever.
Only the best for you, FriendFeed: Johnny Walker Gold Reserve. I'm trying not to get all up in my feelings right now. #cheers #cheersFF #closingtime
And now I can go and reply to all the other cheers posts. - chrisofspades #FForever.
I haven't backed up my feed. I didn't plan to, initially. But now I'm wondering if I'll regret that decision.
The month really did fly by. I'll have to raise a glass for/with you all later tonight.
If you forget it's hard to regret. - Todd Hoff
@Todd, reminds me of Forget Regret by The RH Factor - - chrisofspades #FForever.
Love it! - Todd Hoff
How can you make the number seven even?
Make fractions even? - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
heh (also, this has to be he lowest stakes trolling I've ever conducted) - Micah
I can't be the only whose productivity was killed by King Kendrick today.
Any Minneapolis FFers?
Martha H. is there. Iris, Warlord, and Lisa S. aren't too far away. - Ell Bee, See?
Those names are mildly familiar haha. I feel bad. - chrisofspades #FForever.
Remember this? A FriendFeed Convergence -
Great interview with Derrick, Holly, Scott, and Alex. - chrisofspades #FForever.
How am I only just seeing this? Awesomeness-squared. Didn't realise we were meant to record FF dinners - Jenn we dropped the ball ;-) Also,did SAM coin the 'Librarian mafia' term. Also... when is Derrick gonna record audio books, I swear I'd be happy just listening to him reading the phone directory ;-) Also.... Scott <3 - Heleninstitches #teamff
It had been so long, I had forgotten about FF shortcut keys. And now I'm just G+H'ing and G+M'ing like they're new toys.
What now? Shortcut keys? - Corinne L
hahahaha! I think I used them the first time I heard about them and never again. Thanks for the reminder! - Andrew C (see
You're going to wish you knew about these sooner, Corinne. - chrisofspades #FForever.
wow - I never knew about those! - Brian Johns
Irony? I didn't spend much time on FF for nearly two years. Since the announcement, I haven't spent much time anywhere else. I'm reminded of how well this place lived in the sweet spot of community and technology. No other place has found that sweet spot, despite FF not being actively developed for over five years.
It's pretty great, right? - Jenny H.
It's like, Thriller and Bad may have sold more records, but Off the Wall is still Mike's best album. - chrisofspades #FForever.
I can't imagine there'd be many questions, but I've got a few minutes. #askmeanything
How long have you've been at U of R? - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Anna #8 - That I can recall right now: being asked to officiate a friend's wedding. Huge honor and compliment. - chrisofspades #FForever.
Favorite FriendFeed hashtag/meme. Go.
I always liked the #danceparty and #ffdanceparty ones. edit: Maybe that wasn't it? What was the hashtag for when we'd DJ through YouTube links? - chrisofspades #FForever.
Friendfeed keeping me entertained during this power outage. Though I may take a nap soon.
Remember my ffThreadKiller app? It's still up. Apparently I still have a 31% kill rate.
killed 46 threads! [33% kill rate] - AJ Batac
cdogzilla killed 69 threads! [13% kill rate] - cdogzilla | downgraded
86 threads [35% kill rate] - COMPLICATED MR. NOODLE
I can't remember the joke behind my tag line. "u no that's how benni roll."
Well I haven't been active over here for nearly two years, but it was nice knowing the site, and more importantly y'all, were still here. Fortunately I keep up with most of y'all elsewhere.
@chrisofspades on the tweeties and the facebookies, if anyone wants to know. This will truly be the end of an era. Long live Friendfeed. - chrisofspades #FForever.
I'm 4-54 against Chris... at least since Wf started tracking wins-losses :) - Adam B &lt;3 Tamara J.B.
Is it me or is Kobe throwing more tantrums after foul calls than he used to?
RT @peoplescourtfm: ICYMI, @adamcblodgett and @chrisofspades discussed what's ridiculous about the "unfair" expectations for the Cavs.
The Lakers would be alright if they had 4 days off before game.
I can never walk away from my car without stopping, turning around, and hitting the alarm one more time for good measure.
I'm at a taqueria watching the game on ESPN Deportes and I'm fairly certain this analyst is better than Jon Barry.