Ben Hanten

I own a couple bars in South Dakota. I also run a cool fan blog at
I know how I want to die: Drowning via Reddi Whip
Traveling Wilburys – End Of The Line (2007 Remastered LP Version) -
Cake – Stickshifts and Safetybelts -
Top Artists Meme. Go to Last.FM (if you are on it; if not shame on you). Select (your) Library. It should display your top [18] 'listened to' artists. Grab a screenshot of it and post it to a note here. I'm
I just started using seriously this week. - Ben Hanten
I set up a scrobbler to work with Napster. - Ben Hanten
Lil' Ed & The Blues Imperials – Never Miss Your Water -
Poison – Talk Dirty To Me (24-Bit Digitally Remastered 05) -
Cake – Ruby, Don't Take Your Love to Town -
Billy Joel – It's Still Rock and Roll to Me -
Jace Everett – Bad Things [Soundtrack Version] -
The Rolling Stones – Live With Me [(Live)] -
And yet the pacifist is wearing camouflage. - Ben Hanten
Injured in an accident? Call Jude Law. WTF.
No espanol - Mitch
People get mad at Ashlee Simpson and others for lip synching. Then you have the Black Eyed Peas who did the NFL kickoff tonight.... Yeah, I don't think lip synching is all that bad. Their real singing is not so good...
it was pretty bad - Josh Haley
correction: is still - Josh Haley
You're right. It still is. - Ben Hanten
There are certain instances where I'm ok with lip syncing. Honestly, the only time I get mad about it is when they try to lie and say they were lip syncing when you know 100% they have been. - Mathew™ aka Youngblood
I'm brainstorming on another business venture. We're looking to do something in the rental / subscription market. Have you seen anything cool in that arena? You know besides portable hot tubs, segways, etc.
There are some weird things out there. Like designer handbag rentals, jewelry rentals, wheel rims... - Ben Hanten
That's a good rule of thumb. She wants to rent it for $30 flat. I pay shipping to/from. I don't think that's fair at all, but like I said, still working out kinks. - Anika
Holy crap. This is a little weird, but I like the idea of messing with the neighbors.
HAHAHAHA I would have totally done that in my last place. - Anika
I believe we live in some very odd times. - Brent - Yes I am
Go Steelers!
Thursday night is the kickoff to the NFL season. Anybody excited? - Ben Hanten
Holy crap! Anybody notice anything different about Facebook today?????
Maybe it's just an error for me, but Facebook is looking a lot more like FriendFeed. Posts from several days ago are at the top of the feed because new comments or likes have been added. - Ben Hanten
I think it's possible that the glitch we were seeing the other day is what "top posts" are at Very similar to what we were seeing that day. - Ben Hanten
I really want to get rich. I'm sick of being 27 and not a millionaire.
I'm sick of being 45 and not a millionaire.:O) I do want to be rich too.... Send more money...*LOL* - Jeannette Høvring
I'm sick of being 34 and not a millionaire. Luckily, my birthday is only a few days away, so it won't be this way for much longer. - Trent Olson
To the lady who looks similar to this drawing. -
"The greatest thing about Facebook, is that you can quote something and totally make up the source." – George Washington
Pretziroll. A glazed cinnamon roll pretzel combo. ... -
ohmygoodness. - Ayşe E.
@Ben - Agree with sweet and salty. Drop some M&Ms in your popcorn - good stuff. - Kurt Starnes
It’s Not Always About Getting Your Stuff Back -
Do you ever shop at a corner market? You know, places that carry basic and unique grocery items? Do you have one in your neighborhood? Is it popular? What sort of things would be necessary for a good corner market?
My whole neighborhood is corner markets/liquor stores! Within walking distance (a couple of blocks) I have 12 of them plus 2 butcher shops! Expand out to 1/2 a mile and it's amazing so many of these places can stay in business. I only go them in a pinch (namely for smokes or alcohol). For my groceries or household items I go to the grocery store, Target, etc...The ones I do frequent are clean, brightly lit and have a nice selection of stock. - Anika
In Cleveland I had a favorite corner beer and smokes place that also had an impressive wine and snacks section - good for impromptu house parties. In Chicago, I have small groceries, but they mostly contain obscure and/or expensive items. It's nice to have convenient yuppie food like arugula and brie, but the assortment is odd and never seems to have all the items one would need for a complete meal. - Sarah Brinkerhoff
:( - Derrick
:( Some photos grip you and don't let go. This is one of those. - Micah
Bud Select 55 Gets Reviewed -
Hoperatives: "If Perrier and Bud Light had a baby, you would have SELECT 55. This new Super Ultra Light American Style Lager has not only taken calories to a new low aroma, appearance, and taste have also suffered the same fate." - Ben Hanten
Hey, Jared. I love reading hoperatives. Glad to have read your review. Too bad your Bengals really do suck. As for the Steelers, I have at least 6 reasons why we don't. :) - Ben Hanten
Charlie bit my finger - again ! -
I know it's old, but I can't stop laughing at this.
When Charlie starts laughing, I can't stop myself. - Ben Hanten
Oh, Charlie. - Derrick
HAHA CHAAAWLLY. Chhaawwly bit me. - Ben Hanten
Designer Mousetraps Keep Your Killin' Cute -
Well that's unexpected. - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
I think it's Photoshopped. -
i was game to debate, but then i saw the fence, ;) - chaz2b
Posterous tip: Post multiple images inline, without a gallery, by putting ((nogallery)) in the subject line of your email -
Another photo of the FF crew at Gnomedex. -
The Kansas City Chiefs parody "The Office"
They found a good Pam and a good Dwight. - Ben Hanten
I thought the Chiefs were the joke! - Simon Cartel
LOL - Shey