Holy crap! Anybody notice anything different about Facebook today?????
Maybe it's just an error for me, but Facebook is looking a lot more like FriendFeed. Posts from several days ago are at the top of the feed because new comments or likes have been added. - Ben Hanten
I have posts at the top of my stream from September 3, with comments added within the last hour. Posts from today are further down the list. - Ben Hanten
I just noticed that too. - Tony C (Unrated)
For me it just looks like an error. Some posts aren't showing up for me at all. After a page reload they do, after another refresh, I'm usually back to square one... Also some comments are missing, but show up after a refresh. - Holger Eilhard
Actually, I'm getting old stuff popping back up with no updates. The newer stuff isn't below the "updates". I'm calling it an error. - CAJ was here
I don't know... It seems pretty weird that all of the posts at the top have comments and likes. Is this more than an error? - Ben Hanten
For me, there are no updated comments or additional likes. And stuff from earlier this morning is nonexistant. <shrug> I'm hoping they're working on truly real time updates! - CAJ was here
Ahh hell. Now it's back to normal. It did it for me several times, now it won't do it. Maybe they are testing things out, though? - Ben Hanten
And now it's back. WTF - Ben Hanten
Let's just say: "There's something afoot" :-) - Holger Eilhard
Back and forth every two minutes or so. Goes to the old way then back to things with most recent comments and likes at the top. - Ben Hanten
Chrome. - Ben Hanten
Same thing is happening in IE - Ben Hanten
Chrome here as well. I'm vaguely tempted to see what happens when I click "News Feed" versus "Home" versus "Facebook" buttons. - CAJ was here
I did that CAJ. Thought there was a pattern there, but it keeps switching back and forth every few minutes no matter what I do. - Ben Hanten
Ben, yup. It's been acting flaky most of the weekend for me. - CAJ was here
I haven't seen the new way at all. Perhaps you people are part of an elite test group? ("Hey, Bret, shall we try the new feed on this guy?") - John E. Bredehoft
Facebook's been doing some sort of maintenance all weekend. Not sure what they're working on or if they're just stablizing their infrastructure. - Jesse Stay
I just had this too, but after a few reloads it finally displayed all the most recent news feed items. - Tony Ruscoe
Doing it on Firefox, too. There's not a definite pattern, but it seems like if you hit the "news feed" link to refresh it happens more often. - Ben Hanten
What's most fascinating to me is that it either is up to date or a certain set of older posts. Like there's a server that's not getting updated or something. YMMV. - CAJ was here
Yeah the more I watch it the more that makes sense to me, CAJ. Still I find it weird that the posts it displays are not in order by original post date, but by most recent update. - Ben Hanten
I'm not seeing anything. - mike fabio
I think it's possible that the glitch we were seeing the other day is what "top posts" are at lite.facebook.com Very similar to what we were seeing that day. - Ben Hanten