I really want to get rich. I'm sick of being 27 and not a millionaire.
I'm sick of being 45 and not a millionaire.:O) I do want to be rich too.... Send more money...*LOL* - Jeannette Høvring
I can show you how to get 100,000 followers and get rich on Twitter in only 2 weeks! ;-) - Kurt Starnes
try being 37 - Josh Haley
I dont want 100,000 followers, i just want to get rich...:O) - Jeannette Høvring
Yeah I'd rather have no followers and $1 million. - Ben Hanten
@PJ - That site's great! It took me a bit to figure out it was a joke. :-> I hope others realized my comment was in jest as well. - Kurt Starnes
I went golfing today instead of working. I felt rich for a little bit. Now I'm getting ready to go to work. - Ben Hanten
I do. I own a bar and brewery. That's more work than working for someone else. :) - Ben Hanten
Let's kill some old bitches! OOPS! That slipped out - Outsanity
LOL @Outsanity - Anika
I've been in a beach house with a swimming pool, a hot tub and a jacuzzi since Friday night. The beach is two blocks away. I feel rich. We head back to pseudo-poverty in the morning, but not before I get in the jacuzzi again! Must have a mimosa, too! BRB :) - MiniMage
I'm 39 and not a Millionaire. Hmm. Perhaps I should start the 'Not a Millionaire' club, and charge membership fees. Yeah. If everything goes right, I would soon not qualify for membership! - Michael R. Bernstein
I'm tired of being 31 and not being a thousandaire. Perhaps I should take advantage of my unemployment and head west to find DB Cooper's stash. - FFing Enigma
I have it on good authority Tina from someone who knew someone who knew someone who knew someone that it's already been found. Sorry. El Dorado is still open :-) - Todd Hoff
...take a look around, at least you got friends - .LAG liked that
Can I be in your club? - Herb Hernandez
I'm sick of being 34 and not a millionaire. Luckily, my birthday is only a few days away, so it won't be this way for much longer. - Trent Olson