Thokovski designs Hydra Piano for Lady Gaga - Never seen a piano like this! -
"The story behind the new piano that Thokovski has designed is that one day he was watching television and enjoying a performance by Lady Gaga. He did not like the look of the piano she was using on the stage. He felt that it stood out as a misfit on her stage. It did not blend with the look created with the props, the dress or the whole atmosphere. And so he designed the Hydra Piano that would blend well with the look of Lady Gaga’s shows on stage." - Adriana
Print your own food??? Hmmm...not sure how I feel about this. -
The Brazilian Marcelo Coelho and his Israeli counterpart Amit Zoran are co-creators of a dream of science fiction that can print from food combinations created by users. Researchers at the Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created machines that mix, prepare and, incredibly, “print” foods. The project is called the Cornucopia and consists of three devices: Digital Fabricator, or the printer of food, the Robotic Chef, a mechanical arm capable of making food and Virtuoso Mixer, a mixer upgraded. Digital Fabricator is a three-dimensional printer, which can store and mix food in addition to deposit layers of food and cooking, creating flavors impossible conventionally. Depending on the type of ingredients, it can be cooled or heated, and through its Internet connectivity and touch-screen interface, the user always has the tools to check nutritional value, origin, quality and taste of each meal. - Adriana
Homemade ice cream is delicious, but PEACH homemade ice cream is beyond even that. -
Adjustable Liquid-Filled Lenses Provide Vision to the Developing World - BRILLIANT! -
Today over 1 billion people around the world need — but lack — access to eyeglasses. Seeking to provide for this need, Adlens has created a set of specs affixed with fluid-filled lenses whose magnification can be adjusted with just a simple turn of the dial! A clever design for health and well being, the ingenious lens could prove to be particularly useful in the developing world, where resources for vision care are scarce or priced beyond the means of individuals. Read more: Adjustable Liquid-Filled Lenses Provide Vision to the Developing World | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World - Adriana
Such a handsome face. : ) (IMGfave)
I want to go back to simpler days. Where everything is safe. Where being a girl was OK and no need prove I was strong enough to do what a man does, was necessary. Where I can be strong and powerful but feminine and delicate too. And I want this vintage bike with this basket to ride back in time.
Prozac Pollution Making Shrimp Reckless - WHAT? Yep, apparently all the prozac being disposed of in the waterways is affecting the shrimp. They usually rest in dark places, but with their drugged up little prozac bodies, they are going towards the light and that's when, BAM! They become bait and eaten up by other animals. : ( -
This could actually cause great havoc upon their populations, sounds silly i know, but i hope we don't see a sharp decline in their numbers. :( - Halil
You aren't being silly at all Halil. It is true. This is NOT a good thing. - Adriana
Not the fish I want to encounter while on vacation in Australia! -
Photos starting from the oil gush, up to the covering of it. Looking at the last photo is beautiful. You would never guess so much turmoil was going on throughout this time. -
I'm not a rider, but I am facinated by them nonetheless - Roehr Motorcycles releases the eSuperBike, the FASTEST ELECTRIC MOTORCYCLE money can buy. From $27,595 to $34,495. -
Not the most attractive bike, but the speed is is the price! - Adriana
Why Venezuela's Chavez Dug Up Bolívar's Bones - TIME - This man....that is all I have to say...THIS "man." ugh. -
He has changed everything he can about Cuba. Now he wants to change history. Does he really care about Bolivar? Or is this all about the press? I think we know the answer. And now an important historical figure, has to be taken out of his grave for Chavez to get his air time. - Adriana
Fwd: YouTube - Phil Collins - In The Air Tonight (Official Music Video) - (via
Vatican Issues Sex abuse Guidelines After crisis...year right! -
The rules have changed so much that they make no mention of the need for bishops to report clerical sex abuse to police, provide no canonical sanctions for bishops who cover up for abusers and do not include any "one-strike and you're out" policy for pedophile priests as demanded by some victims. As a result, they failed to satisfy victims' advocates, who said the revised rules amounted to little more than "administrative housekeeping" of existing practice when what was needed were bold new rules threatening bishops who fail to report molester priests. - Adriana
No Jasmine....apparently they care about no one. The only concern is cover up. Who cares who gets harmed? Very sad. Very, very sad. - Adriana
I hope so Jasmine. But in the mean time...who is thinking about the kids whose lives are being destroyed? So sad. - Adriana
You are correct Jasmine. That is the point. But they don't seem to see it that way. Not enough was done unfortunately, to keep people from doing it again nor does it seem any sort of punishment is involved in those that have harmed the kids. Looks like you and I are on the same side of the fence with this. : ). - Adriana
Leaky pipe REPAIRED, BP resumes preparation for test -
Nature never ceases to amaze me. -
It would be great if not only Haiti, but other countries with lack of fresh water were able to get their hands on these Hippo-Rollers. Right now they use jugs but how long will a couple jugs of water last before they have to walk miles again to get a little more water?
...I've read about these before first showing up in parts of Africa where getting daily drinking water is a day-long, backbreaking chore. it's sad it's needed, but what a brilliant innovation - .LAG liked that
@Lag, they are trying to get them out to Hait but so far can send very few in comparison to how many they need. Each one cost 100 dollars. Lets hope more people have this available to them. - Adriana
@Adriana: it should remind us of how blessed we are. If we want clean, drinkable water, we turn on a faucet in our homes. in many parts of the world, it's a multi-hour chore to collect enough water for a few days. - .LAG liked that
@Lag, you are so right. I come from a third world country myself, so the blessings hit me in the face every day. I am so grateful! - Adriana
Spirit of Tiger by Alchemy
Monday's pets on furniture - Animals don't need to say a thing. Their mere presence even in photos, is more than enough to put a smile on my face. -
I miss these days...
I'm too. Great movies in the 80s... - Wulffy
IMPRESSIVE - Vancouver Soccer Stadium Made With 22,000 Recycled Tires -
A more level cushioned playing surface helps prevent athlete injuries, and the rubber, which serves as an additive to the soil, also helps improve drainage. And since the turf is artificial it never needs pesticides, fertilizers or water, which is a major environmental benefit. Read more: Vancouver Soccer Stadium Made With 22,000 Recycled Tires | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World - Adriana
What happened to the good ol' days when men wanted chubby women? I can't believe they actually had adds like this suggesting...NO...directly telling women to put some meat on their bones. -
I for one, love a woman with some meat on their bones. I am so turned off my models. Don't get me wrong, they are very pretty, but they are like what, 5' 9" - 6' 0 and weigh like 115-130. Talk about thin. My ideal woman would have to be about 5' 0 - 5' 7" and weigh from 130 - 165, but she definitely has to have curves in all the right spots. :-) - Victor Torres
I think women are beautiful no matter how they are. I just think too much weight is unhealthy, not necessarily unattractive. Just like too skinny is unattractive because it looks unhealthy. But in the end, as long as a woman feels good about herself, then she is attractive. - Adriana
Thank God these days are gone. Women were so disrespected! Is it bad that I find humor in the stupidity of it all? -
The World's 10 Scariest Airports -
Agreed. These pilots have giant balls of steel, guaranteed. :D - Hookuh Tinypants
One of the most BEAUTIFUL houses I have seen. (In Johannasburg, South Africa) -
Awesome architecture and light... A dream. - Wulffy
Yes Halil, some people do find this to be too much. The prefer more of a classical line, which is also beautiful. I can appreciate both. There is something about this particular architecture that I am fond of. I get the feeling the people that live in it are open, straight forward, easy going, uninhibited, fun, simple and definitely not likely to like clutter. Did I just try to psychoanalyze them? lol - Adriana
¡Cordiales felicitaciones! - کاوه
this result made me sad... - iyi"kötü film"
I'm sorry to hear that . I hope you aren't sad for long. It was a good team! - Adriana
Hey Adriana, not heard from you for agggeeesss. :-) Great goal, shame the overall quality of the match wasn't great. Best team won IMHO. - Kol Tregaskes
Kolllllllllll how are you!! Good to see you. Are you on FB anymore? You are correct, the quality was not the greatest, but the best team did win! ESPANA!!! ; ) - Adriana
This Bendable Bike Can Tie Itself to Any Post - not about to be stolen easily. -
Organizing for America | -
Cat amputee fitted with 'bionic' feet - -
The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success For Parents -