Vatican Issues Sex abuse Guidelines After crisis...year right! -
The rules have changed so much that they make no mention of the need for bishops to report clerical sex abuse to police, provide no canonical sanctions for bishops who cover up for abusers and do not include any "one-strike and you're out" policy for pedophile priests as demanded by some victims. As a result, they failed to satisfy victims' advocates, who said the revised rules amounted to little more than "administrative housekeeping" of existing practice when what was needed were bold new rules threatening bishops who fail to report molester priests. - Adriana
No Jasmine....apparently they care about no one. The only concern is cover up. Who cares who gets harmed? Very sad. Very, very sad. - Adriana
I hope so Jasmine. But in the mean time...who is thinking about the kids whose lives are being destroyed? So sad. - Adriana
You are correct Jasmine. That is the point. But they don't seem to see it that way. Not enough was done unfortunately, to keep people from doing it again nor does it seem any sort of punishment is involved in those that have harmed the kids. Looks like you and I are on the same side of the fence with this. : ). - Adriana