Most of the time, I like the kind of woman I am, but there are moments when I just feel so fucking unfeminine and I wish I were more like the kind of women who get pedicures and care about their hair and clothes. At least to a small degree. :-/
If *you're* unfeminine, I shall pray nightly to Aphrodite that I can become your kind of unfeminine. - Spidra Webster
Yep, I can understand this. Go through the same thing - Just Mrs. V
Why would you change some of the best parts about you? - Andy
Andy, I just feel very removed from my gender. I see these beautiful, ladylike women and I feel so ugly and masculine next to them. - Jenny
Same with me. But then I also think about how much money I save by not doing those things... - Rochelle
One of the things I like about you is that you don't care very much about stuff like that. - Eivind
Rochelle, I try to focus on that, as well. Some days are better than others. - Jenny
Sorry, on second reading, my question sounded flippant rather than inquisitive. What I find sexiest about a woman is the comfort and confidence as to who she is. If that doesn't include pedicures, hair care, and clothing, then so be it. - Andy
Thanks for your input, Andy. It's good to know there is a "market" for women like me. - Jenny
I've seen your legs in the bath... You're way girlie......... - Johnny
LOL, LogEx. Duly noted. Thanks, Johnny. :) - Jenny
I like you as you are. :-) - John (bird whisperer)
Thanks, John. :) Jill, that is beautiful...thank you so much for writing that. :') - Jenny
Jenny femininity is not defined as "ladylike" and having your nails polished! It comes from inside you and you have it. Believe me :) - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
^This. Jenny is indeed feminine .... - CarlC
I realize that, but it's an analog of a phenotypic representation of a genetic trait. I don't feel feminine; I feel masculine with the body of a woman. It's hard to explain. - Jenny
Jenny I know exactly what you mean. I have my own issues with my body and how I look. Particularly since I'm short. I feel like I haven't finished growing up yet. :( - Zulema ❧ spicy cocoa tart
I used to hate that I was more of a man in my ambition and my sex drive. But were not our mothers were what they.., brb - Simply Caroline
I can't help you in the way that you feel, but I think you're pretty darn awesome just as you are. :) - CAJ was here
wonders what the the ipo will be for the "unfemine" market 'cause i'd like to invest - chaz2b
I tried a manicure and was sorely disappointed. Next week I have plans to try a pedicure. But as far as the actual sentiment in your post, yes, me too. - lris
Girl, this is why you and I get along so well. Some days I feel like a man with tits. There are moments I lament that I am not the kind of woman who enjoys wearing anything other than jeans and t-shirts and flip flops. But then I remember what it's like to wear high heels and worry about chub-rub under my skirt, and I stop caring. I'm feminine, dammit. So are you. Fuck everyone else. Besides, we've done some girly shit. Remember trying to do our eyebrows with Nads? :P - Hookuh Tinypants
I'd like to get manicures more often, but that's just because cutting my nails is a chore to me. I'm not good at make-up or wearing nice clothes or doing anything to my hair other then brushing it. I don't think there's anything wrong with feeling masculine or desiring to feel feminine or girly. If you want to wear a skirt and do your hair, do it. If not, don't. :) - Heather
I thought of this as I was driving to work... "If I closed my eyes and used my hands, Jenny, I'm sure you would feel like a woman to me" ;) - Johnny
It's fun to dress up girly girly from time to time (take time to do it...) - Lit
Wow. I absolutely love the feedback I got from my post. It's so reassuring to know that I am not alone in my feelings on femininity. Thank you all so much for your input and perspective. Especially to the all are amazing. <3 - Jenny
Anna H, what you said about Miami: SO TRUE. - edythe
Anna Lynn, that's one of many of the reasons I <3 SF more than LA. - Jeanine W.
I prolly fall more into the tomboy catagory. I always had guy friends and my Dad helped raise me when I was young.( Mom slightly removed due to health issues.) I didn't relly have many female friends until I went to Estie school. You become so tired of wearing work drag (full makeup, hair, nails,) and they expect you to sell miracle in a can to days off are all about t-shirts, jeans and Cons. But I wear lipstick all the time. Addicted! You can still wear girlie underwear under those jeans;) Oh - sidenote, when I moved to SF, I stopped wearing shorts and skirts due to all the negative attention I was getting. - Gabrielle
I'm sorry Jenny baby I was so busy today, throw out a conventional sense on what it is to be a women, so much is demanded of us now, roles traditionally played by men, it's silly to think, that those constructs that are seen as "manly" wouldn't rub off on us, either in our daily life's and in business, work life, and also in sex life. We are not the view of women we grew up with. We are what they wanted us to be, nit depend on a man, pruning is time consuming and we just don't have time. Were busy doing other shit. - Simply Caroline
Well, I was definitely a tomboy growing up- all about climbing trees, fishing, and camping. I've always been pretty content sitting in the dirt. I went through a quasi-girly girl phase in junior high and, to a lesser extent, high school in which I wore a LOT of makeup, tried to wear skirts and dresses (albeit it with my Doc Martens), grew my hair out long, etc. After I had kids, I think I stopped trying to be pretty/feminine and sort of accepted that I was never going to be a bombshell. I love my job, I love hiking and eating my lunch on the forest floor. I love that my daily uniform is jeans and a t-shirt. There are just moments (e.g. in the ladies room) when I look in the mirror and see these gorgeous, made up women jabbering about doing a mani/pedi spa day and then I see me and I get all sad trombone. Like I am 33 years old and still look like a 10 year old tomboy. Like Haro, I imagined someday I would morph into one of the women from Sex & the City and that ish never happened. I still don't own a purse- don't want to own a purse- and I'm okay with that. I also feel the location-based pressure of femininity. I'm cool being me and dressing like I do at work or hanging out with my friends until I go hang out on the strip. Then I look at all these women in their Skankenstein outfits and I feel like a boy with boobs yet again. I don't want to be one of those women, but I think I would like to feel less like a man trapped in a woman's body. Then again, I love that it takes me only 15 minutes to get ready for work in the morning. :) - Jenny
I was curious were Al stood on this, as she's a bit of mani/pedi girl but with a very strong tendency for playing in the dirt, hanging with the boys, etc. I don't think I could translate her sentiment perfectly, but she's happy with where she is on that continuum and and has no compunction to be any different. But I know there are times. Also, she said something to the effect that she doesn't consider the playing in the dirt/hiking/outdoorsy elements to have any gender bias whatsoever. I dig her. We both dig you too, just the way you be. - SAM
Seems to me you are fine as you are. - Son of Groucho
Thanks, Gordon. :) - Jenny
Thank you, JA. :) - Jenny