Afterlife Roll Call?
Present. - Melly #FForever
Here, but gotta go soon. - bentley
Gunneh es aqui - Not LB (or ellbeecee)
Is this heaven? - Bruce Lewis
It must be. My wife is here. - Benny Bucko (Josh)
\(^_^) - Eivind
I keep trying to go but they won't let me! - Hookuh Tinypants
here or maybe it's there. - Galadriel C.
Yo. - vicster.
Yo quiero Taco Bell - Iván Abrego
WHERE'S MY DAMNED HALO? - Big Joe Silenced
Still kickin' - WebGoddess
Davids here too! :) - Heleninstitches #teamff
Hi, David! - Benny Bucko (Josh)
You're witnessing history in the making....every moment of your life in fact. Profound, right? - Benny Bucko (Josh)
Hi Josh! *says David* - Heleninstitches #teamff
*waves at all the end-times folks* - Kirsten loves you
It's the rapture :) - Eric Logan
Here! - Kevin L
«(ò¸Ó)» - April Russo (FForever!)
Here! - Ell Bee, See?
Aye - Micah
Present - CAJ was here
Here! - Iain Baker
Here :-) - Maitani
Present! - SAM
Nope - Glen Campbell
"Here." - Jenny H.
here. and somewhat dazed... - Aloof Schipperke
I'm still here, somehow :) - Tyson Key
Here! - Georgia - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
Still here. - bentley
afterlife is better than I expected. - ufuk
Zombie Technodad reporting in. - Technodad
I'm here. Why is it so hot? Are those flames? - Marie
I'm here. Why is it so dark and cold? I didn't want the universe to die a heat death … I wanted a big crunch with a reboot. - Amit Patel
Here. Stupified. But happy as hell to see y'all! - Starmama
I'm here. Maybe. - Penguin Sparkles
Possibly here - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Apparently here. - walt crawford
still alive! - vijay