Molly Song ;)

Into Doctor Who, British music from the 60s to now, British sitcoms and anything British pop culture. I'm a total Anglophile. :P
I thought I had enough checks, but I don't. My cleaning lady is coming today and I told her I'd pay her with a check, but I looked and I ran out of them. I'm so irresponsible. I'm so embarrassed. :( What do I tell her?
Last night, I got an e-mail from my aunt that her and my uncle's cat died. He was put down because he had Feline Arotic Thromosism, basically a blood clot. Oliver was my "fur cousin" and I loved him so much. He was my buddy and he would snuggle and cuddle with me and even though his nails were sharp, I didn't care. I'm still in shock over this.....
because I saw him about a week ago, and he seemed fine. I guess this can come up suddenly. I'm gonna miss my little man. :( - Molly Song ;)
Doing a A-Z music video thing on my Twitter feed. This is what I do on days I don't have much to do. It's actually fun to do. :)
Question: When someone posts on Facebook or Twitter something that offends you, do you comment on how it's offensive to you, PM them privately or just ignore them? Just curious because I have seen some posts by friends on both Twitter and FB that I found uncomfortable because of my beliefs,
but I don't want to be confrentational about things since it's their FB/Twitter and they can post what they want. Just wanted to know what you thought. - Molly Song ;)
If it is racist/sexist or grossly offensive, then a quick PM would do just telling them you think it may be offensive to some people and would they reconsider not posting it. If it just offends you then maybe unfollowing is the answer - Johnny
For me, it depends on our relationship; if it is someone I know well, I'd generally do what Johnny suggests, and PM them my concerns (and unfollow/friend them if they don't have a good response.) Otherwise, if we don't really know each other well, I'd probably just unfollow/unfriend them and move on. - Jennifer Dittrich
Well, it also depends on whether they intended it to be offensive, or it is just so beyond the pale of what I'd consider reasonable - at that point, I'd likely say something publicly. - Jennifer Dittrich
It's almost OSCAR TIME!!!!
My aunt & uncle's cat, Oliver. He's my buddy. :)
Need some advice, I've been going to this PA as my primary doctor, but I'm not happy with her. She prscribes meds without seeing me and she sends people to the ER. I know that last one because the ER nurse told me last week when I went there for stomach flu and slight dehydration. I live in a small town and you don't have much choice with doctors.
I liked my previous doctor (she was a nurse practioner) but my insurance didn't cover her. I am thinking of changing doctors, but I don't want to be accused of doctor shopping. I suffer from IBS, anxiety, GI issues and depression. I just don't know how to talk to my current doc about this. She is a nice person, but not great as a doctor. - Molly Song ;)
I hope it's not too sloppy tomorrow. I'm going to get my hair cut and do a few errands.
I do hope Sarah Lane is going to be okay. She tweeted she was going to the ER. :( Will keep an eye on her Twitter and TWiT. All her fans let's all send good thoughts and prayers to her.
It's too cold out!!!!! Had to go and take my garbage out. Love bundling up just to walk a few feet. *lol* At least I had my Alpaca socks on. They kept my feet nice and toasty.
I just heard Sarah Lane was in a car accident. My thoughts go out to her. :(She's one of my favorite tech personalities. She's a sweetheart.
A very close family friend's father passed away a few days ago and the local paper has his obit today. They printed his sister's husband's name, but they didn't name my friend's partner's name. He's married, but he's gay. My Mom and I were wondering if the paper left his partner's name off on purpose or was it left off because he's gay.
Lost another 3 pounds. Down to 308. Whoohoooo!!!!!!!!
Gratz! :D Excellent work! - Hookuh Tinypants
Tonight at 10pm EST, Leo Laporte is going to have Adam Corolla on to discuss the lawsuit Adam is going through about podcasting. It's 7pm PST on
Lost 2.6 pounds at WW tonight. :)
Just rediscovered OMD. <3 <3 <3 Andy & Paul totally rock.
So far, I've only seen one of the Oscar Nominated Best Pictures, Les Miserables. Going to see The Beast of the Southern Wild this weekend with my Mom. Hoping Hugh Jackman wins, doubt it.
I ♥ the iOS app, AppsGoneFree. Yesterday they offered The Walking Dead app and today I downloaded Pocket Zoo, which shows different webcams and videos from different zoos. I'd download more, but I'm almost at my limit. *lol* I only have 8GBs of space. :P
A week from now, I'll be in Massachusetts, barring any bad snowstorm. Can't wait to see my family, and can't wait to see the 85 ft Christmas tree at Faneuil Hall.
Whoohooo, two happy things today, Brian Brushwood is a father of a beautiful baby girl (saw his pictures on Twitter) and just spent the last hour in a live Tweet session with Michael Weatherly of NCIS (with other fans of course)
Had a great time yesterday at my aunt's wedding. My aunt looked so radiently beautiful. And I absolutely love my new uncle. :) He's a really sweet guy. :)
What a great tribute to the shooting in Newtown from SNL.
Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya Om Namah Shivaya send your spirit to us. Our hearts need healing right now.
I work in a local daycare in the office and I wanted to hug all the kids that were there. :(
22 kids stabbed in china and 20 kids shot here in the US, what the world is going on? And people, guns don't kill people, people shoot people. If guns were banned, people would find other ways to kill people. Like that person who killed those kids in China. :(
The 22 kids in china lived that's one of the key the differences between guns and other weapons. It's really hard to mass kill with a knife, and a much better chance of stopping someone who has a knife. - Steve C, Team Marina
Guns don't kill people... But what else are guns designed for? I can cut a steak with a knife, guns don't really do anything else - Johnny
the "guns don't kill people" line is tired and it misses the point. People with guns kill people at a rate that far outstrips any other method of murder, and in countries with extremely restrictive gun laws, the total number of murders is incredibly low for the most part. - That one guy. Bren.
After watching the 12.12.12 concert last night I want to see the Who, Paul McCartney and Roger Waters again. Paul kicked ass with Nirvana. Roger was great with Eddie Veder. Even though Roger Daltrey didn't hit some notes he and Pete still rocked. I was in tears during Bell boy. That was a great tribute to Moon the Loon. :)
I love some of the comments I read about Prince William and Precess Katherine's expecting a baby. Some are wondering why it's Breaking News? It's a happy thing. With all the negativity in the world this as Breaking News is a good thing. I'm biased being a Anglophile. *lol*
Downloaded iTunes 11 and like it. :) If you have problems updating it go to Apple Software Update. It'll come up. Will mess around more with it later, need to do some errands now. :)
Apple released itunes 11, but I haven't gotten a notification about it. What is it not going to be available for Windows Vista?
Found out today that the Treeing Walker Coonhound was added to the AKC. This means a lot to me, because I grew up with one. I've always dreamed that one day her breed would be acknowledged in the AKC. She's smiling down from doggie heaven. <3 Miss you, sweet Cheetah.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my US FF friends. :) Don't eat too much.