Molly Song ;)

Into Doctor Who, British music from the 60s to now, British sitcoms and anything British pop culture. I'm a total Anglophile. :P
Found out today that the Treeing Walker Coonhound was added to the AKC. This means a lot to me, because I grew up with one. I've always dreamed that one day her breed would be acknowledged in the AKC. She's smiling down from doggie heaven. <3 Miss you, sweet Cheetah.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my US FF friends. :) Don't eat too much.
Went to the doctor's office today and I have to have a colonoscopy to make sure I do have IBS, plus of my family history of colon issues. Waiting to hear on when to see the surgeon who does it. Not looking forward to the prep. Glad my bathroom is close to my bedroom and office. *lol*
Made my %% goal at Weight Watchers. Lost 5.8 pounds. :) Twelve more pounds and I will be down to under 300. :)
I'm totally hrruified and shocked over what a high school friend of mine said about Muslims. I couldn't keep my mouth shut. What she said was totally racists and it totally shocked me. It made me sad. But what do you expect, she was brought up in a rural Republican household. I hate the stupid comments people make.
I should also state that the town I live in is very Republican and I guess she kept her Republican beliefs. I guess moving to a city for a while changes your perspectives on things. *lol* I have a more liberal take on things. I wouldn't call myself a Democrat, but I tend to have Democratic leanings. - Molly Song ;)
I read a nice FB post today from one of my friends. They said if your candidate loses it's not the end of the world. Don't get stressed and start on on how horrible the voters who voted for the person who won are. The uglieness needs to STOP. We need to respect who wins. That what gets me the most is the disrespect on both sides.
I'm not blaming one party over the other, because they both are guilty of this. This whole Presidential campaign has put me in a lot of stress because of the disrespectfulness. I try to ignore it, but sometimes it's hard. - Molly Song ;)
I'm with you on that. At least there's speeches from both sides to congratulate the opponents for participating. That should serve as an example of this respect to the debating ones. - Zu from AOD
Why is the iPad Mini so expensive?
A self portrait of myself using the iOS pointalist app. :) Looks like I have no teeth. :P
Progresso Chicken Soup and Cranberry juice is on the ticket for tonight. :)
Dear UTI, go away. Feeling like crap isn't what I need right now. At least I lost a pound (went to Weight Watchers). :P On antibiotics, hope it clears up soon.
Happy birthday to one of my favorite tech people, Sarah Lane. Screenshot with her and her cat, Sam. :)
Haven't heard much from her in a while. - Julian
Julian, she works at the TWiT Network (Leo Laporte's venture). She's one of the hosts on Tech News Today (along with Tom Merritt, Iyas (sp) Acktar and Jason Howell), iFive for the iPhone host, She also hosts (with Leo) iPad Today and The Social Hour (with Amber MacArthur). Go to for more info. She was Skyping from her home yesterday since it was her birthday. She tweeted back to me and she liked the picture. :) *lol* - Molly Song ;)
Stupid me accidentally deleting my pictures from the Duck Tour in Boston. AHHHHHHHHHHH, I accidentally formatted my memory card. :(
Off to Boston, MA for the weekend. Leaving in a few minutes. Gonna spend time with family and celebrate my 40th birthday (which is Saturday). Can't believe I'm going to be 40. Time flies too fast. *lol*
It sneaks up on you. :) - Steven Perez
I've been having this recurring dream about this DJ friend of mine and me meeting. He lives in NJ. He's a great guy and a good friend. The dream had a lot of romantic undertones in it. Don't remember all of what went on in them, but we eneded up in a hot tub at one point. This dream must mean I have a crush on this guy or something.
I don't know why the story about Jennifery Livingston is hitting me hard. She's the Wisconsin reporter that went on the air to go after a viewer who called her fat. Some people are now calling her a bully for doing what she did. I've read comments about how people have the right to their opinions, and they do,
but people need to also think of what consequences will happen when they say things.I think what Jennifer did was great and name calling isn't the answer. I think it hits me hard is because of my own weight struggles. (which I'm dealing with) - Molly Song ;)
Just entered the Winter Movie Draft. Picked The Hobbit & Les Miserables. NSFW/Frame Rate rules. :)
Okay, I want the new iPod touch, screw the Nexus7. :P
Can I smack Leo Laporte now. He said 12 year olds are the ones who buy iPod touches. What an ass. :/
... and they buy a shit tonne of them :) - Johnny
iOS 6 comes out on September 19th :)
Listening to the iPhone 5 announcement. :) Why do tech people talking annoy me sometimes. They never think of the "normal" person. :)
Still in shock over Christine Ha's win on MasterChef. :) She deserved it. And NO it wasn't a pity win just because she's blind. I've read some comments about how the judges just made her win because of her disability. As a visually impaired person, I take offense to those comments.
EEK, Ian McNabb of the 80s British band Icicle Works just responded to one of my FB posts. It was about 9/11 and he made a very heated comment. I don't want to delete his comment. I just made a polite comment back. I'm in complete shock over this. :P this is the second 80s artist that has either commented or liked one of my posts. The other one is
Dr. Who + Dinosaur Spaceship = cool *jumps around in anticipation*
Just found out that my next door neighbor growing up has passed away. He was a good guy and I used to go over to his ouse a lot. His dogs were the parents of my dog, Cheetah. Him and his wife, Betty were great people. Gonna miss you, Merl. I just found this out and he died on Sunday. :(
I hate living with chronic pain. I just takes a lot out of you. I hope tomorrow is a better day. *sigh*
It's freaky that FB keeps dead people's FB profile's up. I just looked at a friend who passed away last year's FB and saw people wishing him a happy birthday. It just seems creepy to me.
WHOOHOOO Go Christine!!!!!! *watching MasterChef*
This is a picture of my aunt & uncle's cat, Oliver. I made a LOLcat picture of him. My other aunt was trying to get a picture of him. *lol*
Oswin Oswald, she made me cry. Dr. Who was so powerful and touching last night. Won't give away spoilers, because I know Australia hasn't seen it yet, but Dr. who is back and better than ever.
Got to see it on the Tardis channel on - Molly Song ;)
So to the Dr. Who fans out there, is it worth watching? Don't give spoilers, just want to know if it's worth catching it next week at 8pm?
It broke my heart. Twice. - Steven Perez
So I should have tissues with me when I see it. - Molly Song ;)
Yep. :) - Steven Perez
It broke my heart for sure, Steven. Got teary watching it. - Molly Song ;)
Yipeeee, Talk Talk's Mark Hollis has a new song out:
Oh no, I'm not bitter at all that I'm not going to be watching the new ep of Dr. Who because my Mom wants to go to bed before 10, and she's the only one I know that has BBC America. Got to wait until next week to watch it at 8pm