Question: When someone posts on Facebook or Twitter something that offends you, do you comment on how it's offensive to you, PM them privately or just ignore them? Just curious because I have seen some posts by friends on both Twitter and FB that I found uncomfortable because of my beliefs,
but I don't want to be confrentational about things since it's their FB/Twitter and they can post what they want. Just wanted to know what you thought. - Molly Song ;)
If it is racist/sexist or grossly offensive, then a quick PM would do just telling them you think it may be offensive to some people and would they reconsider not posting it. If it just offends you then maybe unfollowing is the answer - Johnny
For me, it depends on our relationship; if it is someone I know well, I'd generally do what Johnny suggests, and PM them my concerns (and unfollow/friend them if they don't have a good response.) Otherwise, if we don't really know each other well, I'd probably just unfollow/unfriend them and move on. - Jennifer Dittrich
Well, it also depends on whether they intended it to be offensive, or it is just so beyond the pale of what I'd consider reasonable - at that point, I'd likely say something publicly. - Jennifer Dittrich