Damien Girardin Short board SUP - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Long Live The Queen - http://9gag.com/gag...
School Accused of Secretly Spying on Students Through Laptop Webcams - http://mashable.com/2010...
Wow. - Keith Coleman
there is a video of an interview with the kid and his parents here: http://cbs3.com/local... - bob
Official Gmail Blog: One button to merge all duplicate contacts - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
This makes Gmail contacts sync (e.g. to phone) work way better. - Keith Coleman
Yes -very much needed - near 1500 dupes here - Jesse Stay
Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Got the wrong Bob? - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
"Did you mean" suggestions for potentially incorrect recipients. For Apps users, hopefully no more accidentally sending the financial spreadsheet outside the company. - Keith Coleman
Android-based Archos gets pictured, briefly priced by B&H - http://www.engadget.com/2009...
Official Gmail Blog: Unsubscribing made easy - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
"Searching through individual messages for little unsubscribe links is too big a pain —you should be able to unsubscribe with a single click. Now, when you report spam on a legitimate newsletter or mailing list, we'll help you unsubscribe. Clicking "Unsubscribe" will automatically send a request back to the sender so they'll stop emailing you." - Keith Coleman
Ah, Google added an update to their post: "Update (1:50pm): If you want to unsubscribe without reporting the message as spam, click "show details" in the top-right corner of the message, then click "Unsubscribe from this sender."" - Philipp Lenssen
Official Gmail Blog: Now displaying images in messages from your contacts - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
Fewer broken-looking mails from people you know! - Keith Coleman
Google Calendar Adds Labs and Opens Up An API - http://www.techcrunch.com/2009...
"Google Calendar now has its own Labs. Long one of the most popular features of Gmail, at least among the early adopter crowd, Labs is the tab in Settings where users can find and turn on experimental new features. Google Calendar Labs is launching with six features." - Keith Coleman
Official Gmail Blog: Tasks graduates from Gmail Labs - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
First Lab to graduate - Keith Coleman
Official Gmail Blog: Gmail leaves beta, launches "Back to Beta" Labs feature - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
"We realize that after five years, this leaves some of you wrestling with some tough questions. How will you ever get used to using Gmail without that familiar grey "BETA" text greeting you when you log in everyday? What example will you cite the next time you make an internet joke about perpetual betas? Don't despair... Just go to Settings, click on Labs, turn on "Back to Beta," and it'll be like Gmail never left beta at all." - Keith Coleman
I hear the criteria was tape backup actually. - Evan Parker
Big changes to Gmail labels. - http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2009...
"But in Gmail, labels were stuck in a box below Chat — almost like we were telling people, "you don't want to use these." In testing, we discovered that it worked best to remove the terminology altogether and just place custom labels right under the system labels (e.g. "Inbox")" - Keith Coleman
I like the changes. It makes adding labels a lot easier. - John (bird whisperer)
Ebay - Microsoft Office Oultook 2007, Full Version - http://cgi.ebay.com/ws...
From the description: "It's brand new and never been opened. My boss bought it right before I moved the whole company over to Google Apps." - Keith Coleman
Kevin, yes, GDocs is offline. It's a godsend. - Brad McCrorey
Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Automatic message translation - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
Turn this Lab on then try sending this to yourself: "Google brise la barrière de la langue avec la traduction automatique d’email Aujourd’hui Google expérimente Google Translate™ dans Gmail, le service d’email gratuit de Google, permettant la traduction automatique d’emails dans 41 langues. Baptisée « Traduction du message » cette fonctionnalité apparaitra dans Gmail Labs et sera disponible pour les utilisateurs du monde entier. Grâce à ce nouvel outil, les utilisateurs de Gmail peuvent converser dans plusieurs langues, et peuvent lire les messages dans la langue qui leur convient le plus. Les messages arriveront donc automatiquement traduits dans la langue choisie. La "Traduction du Message" permet aussi de faciliter les échanges lors de réservations à l’étranger. Cet outil rend les communications plus simples et efficaces, dans la lignée du service de messagerie Gmail. « Nous voulions offrir aux utilisateurs de Gmail un moyen d’interagir au delà de la plus délicate des barrières de communication : le langage.» explique Christian Miccio. Bien que Google Translate soit disponible pour tous sur Internet, la traduction automatique d’email est uniquement disponible pour les utilisateurs de Gmail. Pour créer un compte Gmail, rendez vous sur mail.google.com. Pour activer la Traduction du Message dans Gmail, allez sur l’onglet Labs, figurant sur la page paramètres." - Keith Coleman
So are we on for hiking? - Jim Norris
That's not a bad translation, either. Granted fr<->en isn't one of the more difficult cases thanks to "Guillaume le Conquérant" :) - Joel Webber
Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Suggest more recipients - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
"Have you ever realized you mistakenly left someone important out of an email, or just spent too much time trying to decide who from your long list of contacts to include? Well, some of us on the Gmail team feel your pain, so we wrote a new Gmail Labs feature called "Suggest more recipients."" - Keith Coleman
Thanks, but I prefer the Yahoo mail Plus. www.miguellomelino.com - Live Feed
Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Inserting images - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
"Well, it's about time." - Keith Coleman
Have features been graduating out of labs? I'm looking forward to seeing some of the more helpful, less controversial features graduating to the beta version. (Heh. Graduating to beta...) - Kevin Fox
++kfox, start graduating stuff! :) - Jenna Bilotta
to find is Settings-Labs-Inserting images - Michael Holzinger
Official Gmail Blog: A new mobile Gmail experience for iPhone and Android - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
"Today we're introducing a major revision to Gmail for mobile that takes advantage of the latest browser technology available on iPhone and Android devices. We've updated the user interface, made it faster to open messages, allowed for batch actions (like archiving multiple messages at once), and added some basic offline support" - Keith Coleman
Lovely! Please also show floaty bar after I send a message. - Daniel Dulitz
Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Undo Send - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
Undo send. We're going to add some longer time options. - Keith Coleman
For use this function, I changed my Gmail from Japanese to English version. - @Renchin@
Yelp Official Blog: Knock, Knock. Who's there? Yelp in Gmail. - http://officialblog.yelp.com/2009...
"Our friends over at Google just launched a pretty nifty Gmail feature where an email with a Yelp link (after opt-in) automatically pulls in the businesses star rating, review count, and other useful info from our site." - Keith Coleman
Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: YouTube, Picasa, Flickr and Yelp previews - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
"Give them a try and send us your thoughts. If you work on a product that would lend itself to a great preview in Gmail, we'd love to hear from you too." - Keith Coleman
Yay. More validation that "see media right in the message" is something people want. - Bruce Lewis
Official Gmail Blog: A small (but helpful) change to 'mark as unread' - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
One of my favorite changes. When you read a conversation and mark as unread, it only marks as unread the messages that were unread when you opened it. - Keith Coleman
NICE!!! - Kevin Fox
OMG! I've been waiting for this. I'm very happy. This has been one of my (very few) GMail annoyances. - Cyrus Lendvay
Bus Ad Shames You Into Joining a Gym by Showing Everyone Your Weight [Ads] - http://i.gizmodo.com/5169348...
MIT develops quick-charge batteries - The Boston Globe - http://www.boston.com/busines...
Charge a Tesla in 5 minutes? - Keith Coleman
Official Gmail Blog: Tasks tweaks: Move to list and split/merge - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
So often tiny changes (like splitting and merging using enter and delete) make things just feel right. - Keith Coleman
Official Gmail Blog: Updates to attachments: multi-select and progress bars - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
Attach multiple files at once, and see how fast they're uploading. - Keith Coleman
pretty good news - qian
Official Gmail Blog: New in Labs: Browser title bar tweaks - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
Interested to hear what people think about this, and if it's widely preferred to the default. A benefit of the default order is that it's easy to tell the difference between a Gmail and an Apps account, but it comes with the tradeoffs Fedor mentions... - Keith Coleman
1. I want a count of the # of unread messages that are above the first read message. 2. My tabs are too small, I want the number before "Inbox". - Jim Norris
Mighty Morphin’ Gmail: Dawn of the Daily Upgrade | Technologizer - http://technologizer.com/2009...
I can confirm that like many of the Labs, Labs itself was written as a 20% project and wasn't actually what I would call "designed." So, naturally, the UI is the easiest possible thing to code (a list). This also explains the erratic ordering of Labs -- it's entirely up to where you insert your Lab into the array. - Keith Coleman
Official Gmail Blog: New ways to label with "Move to" and auto-complete - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
Labels++. I have become dependent on the "l" (lowercase L) keyboard shortcut, and on the "g-l" (go to label) shortcut from the "Go to label" Labs feature. - Keith Coleman
Official Gmail Blog: Tasks: Paper vs. iPhone - http://gmailblog.blogspot.com/2009...
I have been a post-it note user for years, and Tasks on the iPhone finally got me to switch. It has come in really handy for shopping lists and notes to myself about things I need to discuss with people when I see them. - Keith Coleman
I like webnotes for putting marking websites i want to return to again and again. - Lorraine Ball
And You Thought You Had E-mail Problems - The Caucus Blog - NYTimes.com - http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2009...
"Obama staffers turn to Gmail on Inauguration Day" - Keith Coleman