Scoble, Alex Scoble

Gamer, home theater enthusiast, IT Security professional ex-CISSP, lover of cats, married to the always wonderful and compassionate (and passionate) Cassie.
Trying to fail or failing to try?
Failing at trying to fail. - rønin
Shake or bake?
Milk shake while baking brownies. - Mary B: #TeamMonique
I'll shake. Wifey bakes. - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Radio Shack or Circuit City?
Circuit Shack. - Stephan Planken
Circuit City - DB, Lil LB's Dad
Head or gut?
You can recover faster from the gut, takes a bit longer from the head. - Georgia
Hut - Morton Fox
JJ Abrams or Joss Whedon?
Whedon, every time - Gunneh's Holding On
Yes. - Steven Perez
And now I will bid you all adieu! It's been real, it's been fun and at times it was real fun. Much love and XOs.
See you on FB ;) - joey - team everyone
PROVE IT - Stephen Mack
What do you think? One last argument before it all shuts down?
No, fuck off. - Gunneh's Holding On
pesto vs carbonara - bezdomnyj82
I've been thinking lately that the world needs more Schipperke
absolutely! - Aloof Schipperke
Chocolatey means never having to use Internet Explorer or any Microsoft browser ever again -
Why in the name of all that is good and pumpkin pie are you all not on Facebook yet?
Facebook is where I stab myself in the eye. - Meg VMeg
(but my first answer would have been "please, quit f@€#ing with us") - Ivan Crema
Working With CSV Files In Ruby 1.8.7 Without FasterCSV -
Facebook is down, but friendfeed is up...the end times are nigh!
How am I going to send out my batsignal? - Iain Baker
Is it just me , or is Facebook down a helluva lot recently? - Son of Groucho
Any bets on when CentOS 7 will be released? -
March 2015 at the earliest. - Julian
(I've been so out of it that I did not even notice that RHEL 7 came out three weeks ago.) - Julian
Windows support is coming to Ansible soon. That's cool. Puppet needs the competition to keep them refining Puppet Enterprise. -
It has taken me a long time and many hours of personal experience (is that redundant?) to learn that if after point and counterpoint two people don't agree, it is very unlikely that they will come to agreement with further argument.
So unless one is looking for an evening of fun, arguments and trolling, it's best to stop there. I'm sure the people of friendfeed wish I had learned this 3 years ago. :D - Scoble, Alex Scoble
You are wrong!!!! - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Here's hoping that all this experience that I'm gaining with the Ceph distributed storage solution on Linux won't go to waste. CRUSH FTW! -
Only 9 lightbulbs out of 58 left in the house that are not LEDs. I love LED lights. There's little reason now to buy anything else to replace medium screw in type base (your traditional lightbulb type) bulbs up to 75 watt equivalent. Costco and Home Depot sell these bulbs at prices that make even CFL bulbs look expensive.
Not to mention that LED bulbs contain no mercury. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
The only place I've had trouble are with some older, dome lighting fixtures. Some of those are either too narrow, or too short, to fit most of the LED or fluorescent bulbs I've bought. The domes were mostly easy to replace with slightly larger versions, but I did have to replace them. - Jennifer Dittrich
Add "steel sharpens steel" as another metaphor that I love to hate. Steel does not, in fact sharpen steel. Two swords clashing dull each other. And even when a steel refers to a diamond steel, a diamond steel only hones a blade, it doesn't sharpen it.
O.o Do you mean iron sharpens iron? As in the biblical quote? - Soup in a TARDIS
Technically, a sharpening stone not only doesn't sharpen but it doesn't even really truly hone: - Stephen Mack
But I suppose "undeforming steel" wouldn't catch on. - Stephen Mack
Stalone and company have shown supreme command over the art form of gratuitous violence in film and have distilled numerous years of knowledge down into a series known as The Expendables. Formulaic? Sure. Trite? Ok. Throwback to the golden age of action movies known as the '80s? Most definitely. Pure fun? Absolutely.
There's definitely something to be said for a bunch of actors getting together and just enjoying being together on screen. It worked for some of the Star Trek movies, the George Clooney Ocean's Eleven movies and it works for the Expendables too. High art? Believable? Sensitive? Nuanced? You gotta be kidding me...and sometimes that's exactly the point. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Meeting another Alex Scoble for lunch on Friday. Hope the universe doesn't collapse in on itself.
There can be only one! - Todd Hoff
As long as neither of you divide by zero, the multiverse should be fine. - Steven Perez
I wish I could find good market share data for virtualization services (KVM, VMware, Hyper-V, etc.)
The friendfeed World Community Grid team is now in the top 1000 of all teams for total points generated.
With only one member. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Correction: Mostly one member. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Oddly enough, the person I see posting the most about this isn't the one with the most points. - John (bird whisperer)
John, that's actually surprising to me. Alex seems to always be posting about it. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
Yep, this sums up pretty nicely why I switched from Android to iPhone
That sums up nicely why I bought a Nexus 4 last year. All the Android without the wait. Most of the Android users that haven't updated are in that boat because their carriers won't push the updates to them, not because they've chosen to wait. - Holly's favorite Anna
I left Verizon for it. Miss the network coverage, but don't miss waiting 6-8 months for an OS update. - Holly's favorite Anna
There's no other place besides inside of our own heads where we can truly be ourselves.
And there it is. Just got the official announcement from Amazon that the price of prime is going from $79 a year to $99 a year.
Us too. Doing it? - Todd Hoff
Keeping it. Yup. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
we're also keeping it. still worth it to us. - Big Joe Silenced
I'm ending the automatic renewal. The benefits of Amazon doesn't seem all that great now that purchases are taxed in California. I could wait a bit longer than 2-day shipping. I mostly use Netflix for streaming. - Rodfather
What's with all these thirty somethings who don't know who Carl Sagan is or about his show Cosmos.
I know who Sagan was, of course, but I didn't ever watch Cosmos. My TV watching was pretty limited when I was younger, we didn't have many channels, and somehow that one never made it in. - Jennifer Dittrich
I really did feel pretty bad for that Bruno guy though. How much can one Star Gazer stand. Obviously a heck of a lot. - macgeek61
I really need to change my LinkedIn page to reflect that I'm primarily only interested in DevOps positions now.
It's 100 times more fun and intellectually stimulating. I also think that there's more future demand for DevOps. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Too bad that PE 3.2 has some issues. It's currently broken on our two research/development systems. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Oy vey...I give up. Links to scientific principia? Yeah, get back to me when you've found a credible resource.
I think that the climate science deniers are all just playing one big skin game mashed up with Calvin Ball. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Yep, I've taken it as far as it can go. When people post crap as science and argue that I'm saying it's not reputable because it's not coming from one of my pro-climate change sources, there's just no way to move the conversation forward. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
What words or phrases am I not supposed to use here? (examples: totes, amazeballs, awesomesauce, etc.)
You're grown. Do as you will! - Stephen Mack