Why in the name of all that is good and pumpkin pie are you all not on Facebook yet?
Iván Abrego,
Stephen Mack,
Aloof Schipperke,
Big Joe Silenced,
Stephan Planken,
Back to just Joe
liked this
Facebook is where I stab myself in the eye.
- Meg VMeg
I'd pay to see that! ;)
- Scoble, Alex Scoble
facebook is dying. at least that's what i heard
- Sir Shuping is just sir
I'm already missing how friendfeed does the river after 5 minutes of being back on here
- Scoble, Alex Scoble
I follow people, not logos.
- Johnny
Facebook is where I'm not paid to stab myself in the eye :(
- Meg VMeg
LOL, Johnny, you are on Facebook...very funny though.
- Scoble, Alex Scoble
Facebook is where grandparents and co-workers are.
- lris
What's Facebook?
- Steven Perez
Real answer: because there are one million (or fewer) people on FF and one billion (or more) on Facebook. (I'd guess most of us also have FB accounts, but I certainly spend ten times as much time here among a smaller, more select group.)
- walt crawford
I keep asking myself why I am still on there.
- Jim #teamFFrank
I'm there, but I prefer to be here.
- Ell Bee, See?
I'm on there once a year to wish someone a happy birthday. I like it here better.
- bentley
Because FF is still better than FB even if FB has the critical mass.
- Spidra Webster
Isn't the better question why are you on Facebook?
- Todd Hoff
Facebook? Eww!
- WoH: Professor MOTHRA
I'm there, and I'm in the Friendfeed group. Because that's where we meet to complain that ff is down, and announce when it's back up again.
- m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
I like LB's answer.
- Stephen Mack
The day I use Facebook is when pigs fly :)
- imabonehead
Also: Iain Baker.
- Meg VMeg
I'm not old enough for Facebook. There are predators on Facebook.
- Steve C, Team Marina
I am, but I mostly just lurk and get really angry on FB.
- Jenny H.
Facebook is for head-shaking and lying and pretending to approve of assholes you work with.
- Big Joe Silenced
Facebook is where I argue politics and my daughter uses my account to play games
- WarLord
Because http://goo.gl/Kwib8u Also, what WoH: Professor MOTHRA said.
- AHnix (Anna Haro)
Here because of the Shannon–Hartley law. Social networks are all about the signal/noise ratio.
- Technodad
I'm on FB because most of my iPad games require it. Also because despite the fact I "deleted" my real account, it's still there.
- Heather
Of course I'm on Facebook. I'm just here also.
- Vezquex
Because FriendFeed is always been where it's at.
- Steven Perez
I'm on Facebook, but it looks to me like Atlantic City.
I'm on friendfeed ten times more and it looks to me like Amalfi, sometimes Venezia.
- Stefano.HungBaoShi
Because it's better here
- gfoed
I'm on fb to see that the most of the people are stupid, I'm on ff to remember that there is still cleverness, passion and hope
- Ivan Crema
(but my first answer would have been "please, quit f@€#ing with us")
- Ivan Crema