Why in the name of all that is good and pumpkin pie are you all not on Facebook yet?
Facebook is where I stab myself in the eye. - Meg VMeg
I'd pay to see that! ;) - Scoble, Alex Scoble
facebook is dying. at least that's what i heard - Sir Shuping is just sir
I'm already missing how friendfeed does the river after 5 minutes of being back on here - Scoble, Alex Scoble
I follow people, not logos. - Johnny
Facebook is where I'm not paid to stab myself in the eye :( - Meg VMeg
LOL, Johnny, you are on Facebook...very funny though. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Facebook is where grandparents and co-workers are. - lris
What's Facebook? - Steven Perez
Real answer: because there are one million (or fewer) people on FF and one billion (or more) on Facebook. (I'd guess most of us also have FB accounts, but I certainly spend ten times as much time here among a smaller, more select group.) - walt crawford
I keep asking myself why I am still on there. - Jim #teamFFrank
I'm there, but I prefer to be here. - Ell Bee, See?
I'm on there once a year to wish someone a happy birthday. I like it here better. - bentley
Because FF is still better than FB even if FB has the critical mass. - Spidra Webster
Isn't the better question why are you on Facebook? - Todd Hoff
Facebook? Eww! - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
I'm there, and I'm in the Friendfeed group. Because that's where we meet to complain that ff is down, and announce when it's back up again. - m9m, Crone of FriendFeed
I like LB's answer. - Stephen Mack
The day I use Facebook is when pigs fly :) - imabonehead
Also: Iain Baker. - Meg VMeg
I'm not old enough for Facebook. There are predators on Facebook. - Steve C, Team Marina
I am, but I mostly just lurk and get really angry on FB. - Jenny H.
Facebook is for head-shaking and lying and pretending to approve of assholes you work with. - Big Joe Silenced
Facebook is where I argue politics and my daughter uses my account to play games - WarLord
Because http://goo.gl/Kwib8u Also, what WoH: Professor MOTHRA said. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Here because of the Shannon–Hartley law. Social networks are all about the signal/noise ratio. - Technodad
I'm on FB because most of my iPad games require it. Also because despite the fact I "deleted" my real account, it's still there. - Heather
Of course I'm on Facebook. I'm just here also. - Vezquex
Because FriendFeed is always been where it's at. - Steven Perez
I'm on Facebook, but it looks to me like Atlantic City. I'm on friendfeed ten times more and it looks to me like Amalfi, sometimes Venezia. - Stefano.HungBaoShi
Because it's better here - gfoed
I'm on fb to see that the most of the people are stupid, I'm on ff to remember that there is still cleverness, passion and hope - Ivan Crema
(but my first answer would have been "please, quit f@€#ing with us") - Ivan Crema