
It wasn't the film we had dreamed, the film we all carried in our hearts, the film we wanted to make... and secretly wanted to live. - Jean-Luc Godard
Oops, I’m breaking the "read two and only two" books at a time rule. I’m reading like six. http://lifehacker.com/how-to-...
I usually read six at a time. - Steven Perez
On page 44 of 368 of The Just City, by Jo Walton http://goodreads.com/user_st...
I wonder what the crossover is between commenters like those discussed in this piece and GooberGlombers. http://www.salon.com/2015...
I just had to take two books back to the library unfinished, because I used up all the renewals. Did I learn my lesson? NOPE. Got 3 more.
The joke in old cartoons where a character gets covered in soot and then shouts "Mammy!" Was that actually considered funny then? Because...
Marked as to-read: Marshlands by Matthew Olshan http://goodreads.com/review...
Marked as to-read: The End of Eternity by Isaac Asimov http://goodreads.com/review...
Marked as to-read: The Beekeeper's Apprentice by Laurie R. King http://goodreads.com/review...
Just switching to the right edition of Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell gained me 3% on my percentage read. Too bad I can only do that once.
Re: Where to Start with Feminist Genre Fiction - https://bookriot.com/...
"Great list! Lots to add to my to-read list here (and in the comments), including some stuff I'm sorry I haven't read yet! I'd really love to read some female authors writing in the techno/cyberthriller genre - I gobble up everything by Neal Stephenson and William Gibson, but I'd love a more female perspective. Does anyone know of any female authors writing stuff like that? Near-future tech-based sci-fi, basically, rather than fantasy." - Jandy
On page 104 of 1006 of Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, by Susanna Clarke http://goodreads.com/user_st...
[Dragon Age: Inquisition] After the Abyss: http://www.twitch.tv/faithx5...
I like to check up on historical facts in books like Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (the non-fantastical ones). So far, so good!
That was a really fun book to read. :) - Jenny H.
Well, I’m definitely going to see THIS at the @tcmfilmfest! This is what I’m talking about! http://filmfestival.tcm.com/program...
Rewatching The Seven Year Itch now - so far this is definitely better than I remembered it. Curious.
My boss’s boss’s executive assistant just sent out a meeting invite for December, 2015.
I'm booked, sorry. - Stephen Mack
Me too, my apologies - رامین
Oooof, that is a bad month for me. How about August of 2017? - Joe
I need to wash my hair. - Melly #FForever
Sleater-Kinney/Bob’s Burgers crossover? I APPROVE. http://ift.tt/19EfIdd
RT @mrsthuro: @faithx5 They also never realized there was a decrepit kingdom within walking distance for the past couple of decades. Not the brightest.
I like how the townspeople in Beauty and the Beast don’t think Maurice saw a Beast, but they believe in a magic mirror instantly.
Well, he is being gaslighted by Gaston (well, Gaston is trying, but Maurice is too nice too notice,) so his credibility is already pretty low with the townspeople. Also, Gaston maxxed out his charisma. - Jennifer Dittrich
Yeah, if anyone besides Maurice had made wild fantastical claims, they probably would've totally believed them. - Victor Ganata
This looks like a pretty cool documentary on film scores - looking forward to seeing it myself. https://www.kickstarter.com/project...
Watching wolves chase Maurice in Beauty and the Beast. K, excitedly: Dog! Dog! Dog! I fear for her wilderness survival skills.
This AAA guy gets an A+! Discovered a flat tire this morning, put in a request on the website, and he was here in like 10 minutes.
Got some great links rounded up this week! Everything from Birth of a Nation to Speed Racer! http://www.the-frame.com/2015...
I get that there was a holiday in there, but we’re at four or five non-holiday days now; does it usually take that long? @ClassicFlix
How long should I wait before reporting a shipping issue to @ClassicFlix? I sent one back Thursday or Friday last week, they don’t have it.
Marked as to-read: Loving Literature by Deidre Shauna Lynch http://goodreads.com/review...
How many chapters are in Device 6? @bureaukat @nathanchase
What’s tuba plus tuba? Fourba. HAHAHAHAHA! I’ve watched They Might Be Giants’ Here Come the 123s a few too many times.
I’m a week behind on @Isometricshow, but I really recommend @samusclone’s discussion last week on revenue issues in online journalism.
RT @landonspeak: Still blows my mind that LA DOLCE VITA was the 9th highest grossing movie of 1961 in the US. Last year that was a X-MEN movie.
hmm. La Dolce Vita is my favorite movie. - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Most highly ranked from fewest users - Rififi, at #223 global ranking from only 601 users. Wins 63% of match ups! @tcmfilmfest @Flickchart
Least obscure, unsurprisingly, is Raiders of the Lost Ark, ranked by 73,330 users. @tcmfilmfest @Flickchart