
Librarian, now with more Atlanta
Oh good. We're back to "Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys" this week on #whatsLaurasEarworm
Ok. Since I didn't win the powerball, I suppose I'll get up and go to work today. *sigh*
I may have bought another pair of birkenstocks today. Oops. Plane tickets yesterday, shoes today...I'm just flinging money like I know I'm winning the powerball tonight. ;)
I like Zappos easy returns. though I love my birkenstock arizona sandals, the London style closed shoes don't feel good at all on my feet. I'd try them on and take them off a few minutes later. It's something about the uppers that doesn't work for me. - ellbeecee
tracking my return, that's going to kentucky: " RECENT WEATHER HAS CAUSED DELIVERY DELAYS. RECOVERY EFFORTS ARE UNDER WAY TO DELIVER YOUR PACKAGE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. / WE'RE WORKING TO DELIVER YOUR PACKAGE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. " Hey, as long as UPS knows where it is, I'm ok and will accept that it's going to get there eventually. - ellbeecee
I am having the worst week for earworms. Battle Hymn, Mama's don't let your babies... and now If I only Had a Brain. My brain tortures me.
and then you share with us - maʀtha
Of course. Sharing is caring. - ellbeecee
pleatedjeans: obviousplant: You’re welcome, Barnes and Noble. You really should be following Obvious Plant - http://ellbeecee.tumblr.com/post...
On the + side: earworm is no longer the Battle Hymn of the Republic. Dark side: it's now Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys
train home. earworm eviction attempts:
mamas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys - ellbeecee
stay with me (this tends to be sticky in my head so may work) - ellbeecee
I love rock & roll - ellbeecee
Arrived home, still with this earworm. I'll let it hang out for a while then. Hopefully I won't wake up with it still there tomorrow morning. That would make me irritated. - ellbeecee
I just got a sudden earworm of the Battle Hymn of the Republic. Why, brain, why? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...
Because it's better than Johnny Horton's The Battle Of New Orleans? - Michael W. May
How about the Battle of Epping Forest? - DJF
How long should I wait for my eye doctor to contact me? I used their online form for appointment scheduling, and then I'm supposed to be contacted. I did this yesterday morning and haven't heard yet.
eh. I'm not going to call them today anyway. If I don't hear by midday tomorrow I'll call them. - ellbeecee
called today. "we're having server problems with that...let me go check" Apparently they never got it. So, some kind of notice that it's not working or "if you don't hear from us in 24 hours, please contact our office directly) note would be good. - ellbeecee
Dr. Phil with no dialogue: https://www.youtube.com/watch...
Brilliant. - Michael W. May
Today is apparently the day I buy a plane ticket to @Miriella's wedding. Still debating on @ColbyCollege Reunion. June looks super busy!
hmm...i should investigate this as well. ETA: the Merry part, not the Colby part :) - ~Courtney F
I bought mine - I'm flying into LGA on the 19th and back out the afternoon of the 21st. yay :) But I'm still not sure about Colby. - ellbeecee
Get To Know Your Tumblarians Tuesday: Spelling bee? - http://ellbeecee.tumblr.com/post...
RT @tac_niso: You had me at "Subscribe." #ElsevierValentines
fwiw, y'all need to know I have my powerball ticket for tomorrow night, and I'm ready for that $450million win.
Good luck - MoTO Boychick Devil
BK and I were just talking about that. "Oh, hey, did you see that job listing I sent? What do you think about moving to X?" "Oh, yeah, but then I saw that the Powerball jackpot is up to $450 million, so why don't we just do that?" "OH. RIGHT. Yeah, let's. That's easier." - Julie Kane
Along with The Americans (http://friendfeed.com/ellbeec...), I've also started watching Switched at Birth on Netflix. It's another one I'm not far into, but so far I've been impressed with deaf characters as full characters, as well as clear safer sex moments (two characters stop only to learn they have no protection and stop), plus a single, adult woman...
...who makes it very clear that while she isn't looking to marry the man she may go on a date with, she isn't opposed to the possibility of sex with him. I'm still in the 1st season, so it may not hold up, but I'm going to keep working through it, at least for now. - ellbeecee
I have been swinging the other end of the spectrum, and have been finally getting around to watching Queer as Folk. I binged a couple of seasons over break, and just haven't had time to watch lately. Surprisingly, there is a clear safe sex message in QaF too! - RudĩϐЯaЯïan
I would like someone to bring me dinner, but I don't want the traditional delivery things. I could walk up the road and have a burger and a beer.
That sounds awesome. - Jenica
12 minutes later. beer achieved. burger ordered. sometimes my neighborhood is awesome, if super gentrified. - ellbeecee
and tots with the burger. awesome. - ellbeecee
Health Experts Recommend Standing Up At Desk, Leaving Office, Never Coming Back | The Onion - America's Finest News Source - http://www.theonion.com/article...
Thing I just wrote in an email and deleted before sending: But I LIKE my comfort zone sometimes.
Ah, Euromonitor. Your email subject line for your new database "Counting Calories? We are." meant that I decided I should edit that subject before forwarding the email on to someone else. Because I could see it was from you. When I forwarded, it looks like it's from me.
I just re-read this email and realized it contains the phrase "share of throat". I think that phrase is horrid. - ellbeecee
Ewwwww. - laura x
I know, right? Just the right amount of ick factor. - ellbeecee
narunfiltered: Retail Atlanta, GA I was working as a cashier at a retail store during one very rainy summer. When I finished ringing up a customer, I would always ask if there was anything else I could do for them. A lot of customers, thinking they were clever and original, would ask me to stop the rain. I… - http://unfiltered.notalwaysright.com/post...
Went and looked at a new apartment today: if it was coming open around the time my lease is up, I probably would put in an application. But lease isn't up until June, so moving in March would cost me:
1 month rent as penalty for breaking the lease, loss of the deposit I paid, and I'd likely have to pay rent both places during March, plus the deposit on the new place. It would be a major outlay of money, and unnecessarily. Love the location of the place, but didn't like the place enough to juggle and (try to, probably have to borrow)come up with those funds. I will tell the landlord that if something comes open closer to June, I probably would be interested. - ellbeecee
Also, I'd really like to find a house to rent, even if the location's not nearly as good. - ellbeecee
I'm about to remove a comment my antivax aunt made on a facebook post of mine. Why? Because it's stupid.
I decided to block her too, because she's... nutty. - ellbeecee
I did call my mother and tell her what I did in case there's a big stink. there won't be, but just in case. - ellbeecee
I'm trying hard to like The Americans, and I almost do, but it feels like it takes a lot of thinking sometimes.
I am loving it! Lots of suspension of disbelief required, though. - maʀtha
I'm with Stephanie, mostly. I loved the first season, have a third of the second season lingering on the DVR. I like it but can't always make myself watch it? I do love the 70s/80s vibe, and never watched Felicity. - RudĩϐЯaЯïan
BEHOLD! I've made zero progress on Thing I Don't Wish To Do today! Guess what I'm doing this weekend? Thing must be completed, therefore I am doing Thing.
Meeeeee tooooooooooooi - Jenica
Good job! - Meg VMeg
Did I just make cheese grits for dinner and put a fried egg on top? Yes I did. Healthy? No. Delicious? Yes.
"Put an egg on it" should be the cooking motto in our house. We did smashed taters and scrambled eggs earlier this week. It was divine. - Kirsten loves you
Ran into a faculty member on the train last night who had been reading a New Yorker article (this one - http://www.newyorker.com/magazin... ) about permanently saving things online. She was fascinated by the Internet Archive along with http://perma.cc/ - which is new to me (that doesn't mean I didn't just miss conversations ...
...about it before. I have no questions, really. It was just nice to see one of the business faculty all excited about this. :) - ellbeecee
It's a nice article to share with folks for whom the idea of link rot and reference rot is a new thing. - Stephen Francoeur
Database question: does any one have Statista? If so, do you also have Tablebase? (I know Tablebase has a better advanced search, but I'm not convinced that content is better. I'm willing to be convinced though)
[Edit - we only have Statista, we used to have Tablebase.] - Joe
We used to have both but dropped Tablebase. I found Tablebase's data always older than expected. Wonder if Charleston Advisor has looked at Statista yet? - Stephen Francoeur
thanks for that idea stephen - they have looked at it. - ellbeecee
We're getting ready to pursue Statista per the business librarian's recommendation. We have Tablebase too, but I'm not sure if it will be renewed as well. - Galadriel C.
Dear Claritin. I love you. Will you marry me? Signed, she with allergies kicking in far too early this year.
Yeah. This "trying to get a cold" feeling I've head for the last few days. Definitely allergies kicking in wicked early. We need a good cold snap again to shut that stuff down until actual spring, please. - ellbeecee
I keep reading that as "Dear Chitlin" and I get a little afraid. - MoTO Boychick Devil
I have no desire to marry chitlin, but maybe if I tried them I might. I don't think so though. - ellbeecee
Don't. They're not worth the trouble. Trust. - MoTO Boychick Devil
One of my pet peeves (irrational, I know) is the use of read receipts in email. When given the choice, I will *always* reject them unless the email is something that clearly needs it (and there are times that they are needed).
they annoy me, but i accept them. just 'cause I read your email doesn't mean i'm going to do anything about it anytime soon :) - ~Courtney F
Wait. It's on everything the send?! Gah! Yeah, no. That's just plain annoying. They're creating an extra step for others rather than doing their job as the sender. - Kirsten loves you
dear Brain: there was no need to wake me up in the middle of the night convinced that Body has diphtheria. Body is no sicker than it was yesterday, and diptheria is so unlikely that it's near impossible.
Ooof. Sorry, LBC. I hope your brain lets you go back to sleep soon. - Stephen Mack
Yeah, I did. That was around 1:30 this morning, but it was one of those things that's so absurd that it stuck with me until it was time to get up. And since this whatever hasn't progressed beyond a sore throat that mostly manifests in the middle of the night, I guess I'm going to work today. - ellbeecee
hope you feel better soon ellbee! - Sir Shuping is just sir