One of my pet peeves (irrational, I know) is the use of read receipts in email. When given the choice, I will *always* reject them unless the email is something that clearly needs it (and there are times that they are needed).
they annoy me, but i accept them. just 'cause I read your email doesn't mean i'm going to do anything about it anytime soon :) - ~Courtney F
That would be the logical thing to do, I know. But there's logic and then there's my brain. :) - ellbeecee
Ellbeecee: me too. - bentley
I'm not certain that it's irrational. As you acknowledge, there are things for which they're obviously needed. When the need isn't there, they can certainly feel rather...I dunno...Big Brother? Nagging? Micromanaging? - Kirsten loves you
Maybe it's that I read it as micromanaging or nagging, Kirsten. I don't expect this person thinks of it that way - I think it's probably the nature of their work and they see it as easier to have it be the default on their outlook than to have to decide whether to add it. So they would probably see my irritation with it as irrational, even if you and I don't. :) - ellbeecee
Wait. It's on everything the send?! Gah! Yeah, no. That's just plain annoying. They're creating an extra step for others rather than doing their job as the sender. - Kirsten loves you