I'm trying hard to like The Americans, and I almost do, but it feels like it takes a lot of thinking sometimes.
I am loving it! Lots of suspension of disbelief required, though. - maʀtha
I couldn't get through the first season. At what point can I expect to be hooked? - Meg VMeg
I'm still in the first season, so can't help you. - ellbeecee
dangit! - Meg VMeg
One of my favourites. - Brent Schaus
Er, I was hooked right away. On the other hand, I couldn't stand The Assets. - maʀtha
Perhaps it helps if one watched all of Felicity back in the day? ;) - maʀtha
I never saw any of Felicity - ellbeecee
see? - maʀtha
Oh, I watched Felicity though. - Meg VMeg
and after putting my hardcore librarian skills to work, I understand the Felicity connection. - ellbeecee
*affixes gold star on ellbeecee* - maʀtha
Meg, stop messing with my very sound theory - maʀtha
*zips lips* - Meg VMeg
So, I kept pushing myself and and near the end of the first season I really started enjoying it. I'm about 3 episode into 2 now, and look forward to watching it - but it's not something I can binge on. 1, maybe 2 episodes and I need to step away for a while. \ - ellbeecee
I like it, but can't binge on it. I think I'm early in season 2. never watched Felicity. must suspend much disbelief. Part of my enjoyment comes from the 70s & 80s vibe, which I remember. - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
Yes, for example, Paige's involvement in the nuclear freeze movement. I was about her age at that time and also went to freeze protests. - maʀtha
After seeing this thread, I ended up plowing through 2/3rds of the first season. I liked it a lot more than I thought I would (especially the episode that covers the assassination attempt on Reagan.) [I never watched Felicity - saw part of an episode and really disliked it.] - Jennifer Dittrich
I'm with Stephanie, mostly. I loved the first season, have a third of the second season lingering on the DVR. I like it but can't always make myself watch it? I do love the 70s/80s vibe, and never watched Felicity. - RudĩϐЯaЯïan