
Librarian, now with more Atlanta
I have been home with a headache today. And my downstairs neighbor has been hammering since noon.
:-( *hands over the ear plugs* - Kirsten loves you
oh hell. the Battle Hymn of the Republic earworm is back. I need to remove this tune from my brain.
Thanks for nothing. - Stephen Francoeur
Sharing is caring. - ellbeecee
Well that's enough of that kind of caring, thankyouverymuch. - Stephen Francoeur
Mine this morning was Bugs Bunny singing "daintily, daintily" from "The Rabbit of Seville." - Ell Bee, See?
RT @librarianelle: The secret life of a public library security guard - Boing Boing http://boingboing.net/2015...
And there's coffee down the front of my shirt. Are we sure it's not Monday? It's sure acting like one.
funnyandhilarious: This Actually Really Works Don’t forget to share us to your friends - http://ellbeecee.tumblr.com/post...
I've been awake for 15 minutes, haven't gotten out of bed yet, and already spent $276. All due to that flight alert telling me that ticket prices to Maine for my college reunion were down over $100 from yesterday, the lowest I've seen them. So, I guess I'm going to my 20th.
Woohoo! - Melly #FForever
(also jealous because to me, Maine = Stephen King) - Melly #FForever
Yeah, he's part of my thinking process with regard to Maine, too (also, Waterville, where I went to school is where the Salem's Lot remaining residents ended up, IIRC) - ellbeecee
I would love to visit and go to all the spots mentioned in his books :o) - Melly #FForever
Got a text that there might be a delay in my Amazon package scheduled for delivery today. Seeing as how it somehow ended up in Niceville, FL instead of Decatur, GA, I'd think there might be a delay. About 300+ miles worth.
https://www.youtube.com/watch... wow. This may be the weirdest song I've heard. Even more than last summer's The Fox. I'm really not sure what I think of it.
Leonard Nimoy, Spock of ‘Star Trek,’ Dies at 83 - NYTimes.com - http://www.nytimes.com/2015...
:( - ellbeecee
New day, new topics. No more llamas or dresses!
I am getting ma'am'd left and right today. must be time to color my gray.
Seriosly, @jambina, you gave me a Frankie Goes to Hollywood earworm this morning. And a giggle. I don't know whether to thank you or not.
The clean laser-light-show video or the dirty whips-and-orgy video? - DJF
I'm sure I only know the clean laser light show video. Sure of it. Absolutely. So that must be the one it is. - ellbeecee
Being me, I run a fan in my bedroom for white noise. Also today, I did some cleaning and hung tomorrow's clothes on the back of my bedroom door. Just Freaked myself out when out of the corner of my eye I saw the shirt moving just right to look like someone in the doorway. because in my cleaning, I shifted the fan slightly.
That was an unexpected moment of fight or flight. :) - ellbeecee
Ali often leaves one door to his closet open, and it has a mirror on it. I often startle myself coming out of the bathroom seeing my own reflection in that mirror. - Kirsten loves you
heck yeah, snow day tomorrow!
admittedly, it's currently a THREAT of snow day. but I still get to stay home. - ellbeecee
Was still awake at 6 anyway. I feel bad thinking about going to the grocery this morning before it starts - but I needed to go today regardless of the weather. - ellbeecee
spaceprob.es catalogs the active human-made machines that freckle our solar system and dot our galaxy - http://spaceprob.es/
"Get a better job," they said. Suddenly, every custodian everywhere quits their job and gets a better one. Now, upon entering public restrooms, everyone is handed a spray bottle and toilet brush, because now they have to scrub their own shit out of that public porcelain throne. Women’s restrooms come complete with plastic bags, because they have... - http://ellbeecee.tumblr.com/post...
pre-pre Oscar show is highly annoying. I just want to see the fashions.
THIS! - Katy S
I'm at work until 4, so I DVRed all the Red Carpet, and will just fast forward through the stupidity until there are dresses! - RudĩϐЯaЯïan
sosuperawesome: Space Bars by Matt Saunders on Esty On Tumblr I want to put these on every computer I see now. - http://ellbeecee.tumblr.com/post...
This weeks' GSU Signal has a column titled "Pajamas are NOT real clothes" In the section on pants: "Instead, try wearing jeggings." Sigh. She probably uses the word utilize wrong too.
Letter to the editor time! - Sarah G.
ellbee: Any site that TAKES OVER THE WHOLE SCREEN with some damn ad about lashes before I make it through the second paragraph does not, shall we say, impress me with its expertise. Didn't even attempt to continue. Nor to feel the need for longer lashes. - walt crawford
This issue of Library Journal just showed up in my work mailbox. I simply marked my name off the distribution list and put it in someone else's mailbox.
So it is! - Catherine Pellegrino
Dear google, I didn't want to make google my home page yesterday. why would I want to do it today? (this is where someone tells me that it's easy to stop it doing that, all I have to do is...)
I hope they do because I hate that I get asked over and over - Soup in a TARDIS
It doesn't do that for me. I wonder whether it has to do with having an explicit page entered in your browser as its home page, rather than the default? (E.g., I have friendfeed.com as my home page in Firefox, something else in IE.) - walt crawford
Nope. at work I have the library as my home page on all three browsers, and I have other pages set at home - so at least for me, that's not the reason behind it. - ellbeecee
I woke up so sure there was a TMBG song called "the monkey's christmas" that they perform with hand puppets. I cannot prove this exists, so my brain may have made it up? it was a ridiculous song in my dream and now I'm earwormed with a possibly fake song? sad, brain, sad.
I renewed my ALA membership last week, and got my new membership card via email overnight. I've been a continuous member for 12 years? I don't quite know how that happened.
You managed to renew on time 11 times (That's all it takes). I otoh have managed to forget to renew 3 times so my continuous years and anniversary date are awry. (I forgot so often that I saved up plus used second job income to do life membership - I'll save about $600 if I remain working until I'm 65) - Aaron the Librarian
i'm at 12 years too! - holly #ravingfangirl
Was going to make pancakes for dinner this Shrove Tuesday. Decided it should be Taco Tuesday instead, so I'm making those.
I'm teaching a library session to Master's in International Business Students Wednesday night. This is abbreviated to MIB nearly everywhere in the documentation and I get the giggles every time I see that abbreviation. I really want them all to be in suits and sunglasses when I show up.
At least YOU should be. With the thinger that zaps their memory, right? DO EEEET. - Julie Kane
If I had a black suit I absolutely would. Because it would amuse ME. - ellbeecee
you should totally dress like a MIB, or an LIB. :-) - Stephan!e•CogSc!L!brar!an
So, if my cable and my internet run over the same wires, since they're from the same company, why does my internet go out and not my cable or vice versa?
It just seems odd too me some days. - ellbeecee
Oddly enough, an hour ago I discovered that my internet (AT&T "U-Verse" but it's basically DSL) was out, and didn't return with a reboot...and when I went to call it in, discovered the problem: oh look, no dial tone. (By the time my cell-phone call got to the top of the queue, it was restored.) OTOH, we do get "broadband" drops once in a while without losing phone service, so this isn't unique to cable. - walt crawford
markdoesstuff: My evening. I’m going to the one in Atlanta in late March, and am so excited! - http://ellbeecee.tumblr.com/post...
Continuing the them of "Laura spends money", ALA renewal. Whee.
Roses are red Violets are blue #TheLibrarians was renewed Maybe Turner will pay for us too? #ElsevierValentines
HEY Y'ALL, LOOKIT THIS! https://www.youtube.com/watch...
(made you look.) - ellbeecee
(also, not one of my earworms, I promise) - ellbeecee
(and my fingers are not crossed. Because then I couldn't type. Yes, I'm avoiding writing my goals for the year, why do you ask?) - ellbeecee
That's pretty catchy, actually. - Soup in a TARDIS
Oh good. We're back to "Mamas don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys" this week on #whatsLaurasEarworm
Ok. Since I didn't win the powerball, I suppose I'll get up and go to work today. *sigh*