heck yeah, snow day tomorrow!
admittedly, it's currently a THREAT of snow day. but I still get to stay home. - ellbeecee
Nice! MU needs to call one for ATL as I'm supposed to go up for a meeting tomorrow and don't want to freeze to death in the dean's Prius. - Ell Bee, See?
Tech has announced a closure too, so hopefully they will and you won't have to make the trip. - ellbeecee
Here's the thing: I got the text and the email about a closure. but it doesn't appear on any of the news sites (come on. I have to make sure it's REAL. ;) ) I'm just going to trust that it will show up eventually and go make dinner. : - ellbeecee
Was still awake at 6 anyway. I feel bad thinking about going to the grocery this morning before it starts - but I needed to go today regardless of the weather. - ellbeecee