I renewed my ALA membership last week, and got my new membership card via email overnight. I've been a continuous member for 12 years? I don't quite know how that happened.
You managed to renew on time 11 times (That's all it takes). I otoh have managed to forget to renew 3 times so my continuous years and anniversary date are awry. (I forgot so often that I saved up plus used second job income to do life membership - I'll save about $600 if I remain working until I'm 65) - Aaron the Librarian
ok, mr pedantic. :) It's the 12 years thing, more so than the I managed to renew on time thing. ;) - ellbeecee
i think i'd be 12 years, maybe 13, if i hadn't let it lapse after i started here. not sure if i'll pick it up again. - Katie
I'm in the same boat as Aaron. I used to have to renew in January, back when I was both poorer and unwilling to spend a couple hundred bucks right after holiday travel. Now that I renew in March and am paid more, I've racked up 7 years continuous. It's really more like 10. - kaijsa
i'm at 12 years too! - holly #ravingfangirl