This weeks' GSU Signal has a column titled "Pajamas are NOT real clothes" In the section on pants: "Instead, try wearing jeggings." Sigh. She probably uses the word utilize wrong too.
Letter to the editor time! - Sarah G.
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. - laura x
See page 15 for the full diatribe against wearing pajamas out. Man, wearing flannel pajama pants to class was one of the best parts of the 90s. - ellbeecee
I'd rather see them in pajamas than jeggings. - Ell Bee, See?
"real clothes" are a social construct - pajamas forever! - Rachel Walden
(threadjack: Is there a right way to use the word utilize?) - Catherine Pellegrino
(When discussing the awfulness of words that should not exist, it is legit to throw in utilize as a prime example.) - laura x
When I worked at the university in the late 90's, I was complimenting an undergrad on her [insert name of loose, floor-length garment]. She said one of the great things about it was that she could go to class in her pajamas and no-one knew. - bentley
ellbee: Any site that TAKES OVER THE WHOLE SCREEN with some damn ad about lashes before I make it through the second paragraph does not, shall we say, impress me with its expertise. Didn't even attempt to continue. Nor to feel the need for longer lashes. - walt crawford