I just got a sudden earworm of the Battle Hymn of the Republic. Why, brain, why? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...
Because it's better than Johnny Horton's The Battle Of New Orleans? - Michael W. May
I didn't know that one, so I looked it up. I can tell it's not going to stick in my head though. - ellbeecee
Because there are so many lyrics to choose from? I'm particularly partial to the "Solidarity Forever" ones, perhaps in large part because they're such a mouthful. - laura x
ooh, I like that one, Laura. - ellbeecee
better than this stuck in your head: https://www.youtube.com/watch... - kendrak
Yes, yes it is Kendra. - ellbeecee
i'm fond of the "pink pajamas" version, myself - ~Courtney F
Actually, I'd take the Battle of New Orleans over the Battle Hymn any day. Then there's Bread and Roses, the Judy Collins version. - walt crawford
How about the Battle of Epping Forest? - DJF