Woohoo, intel is now selling a 64gig version of their slc ssd $859, Now I must wait till it reaches $400! - http://www.newegg.com/Product...
This will be the harddrive of the next 5 years. 64gig, 250read 170write. Windows 7 ssd support. :D - David Lynch
$849 3/3/09 - David Lynch
$799 3/16/09 - David Lynch
$779 3/18/09 - David Lynch
When is the US gonna cut its weapons spending?
after its bankrupt ? - David Lynch
twitter is better than I thought ; but still needs trees ; so we can have search on hiearchy, in addition to 140chars + timestamp. - http://www.twitterfall.com/brain
140char enable's faster reading, so interested parties can get clued in to your point w/out hurdle. - David Lynch
time sensitive search enables real time conversation, and the alluring possibility of enabling collective consciousness, through topic, terminology, and the pattern of language. - David Lynch
Is there a best set of practices for writing depth first.. so each paragraph can be skipped, if the first few sentences are of a topic, which you already know, or which aren't of interest to you. - David Lynch
twitter can leverage search and quickness of use, whereas Friendfeed leverages lists and small time consuming bubbles of conversation. Perhaps if we could rethink hiearchy search, and our style of commenting using tags, we could enable the best of both worlds, allowing self aggregating similar conversations, without prior knowledge that such a similar conversation was going on. - David Lynch
I'm thinking the brain likes to write it's programs, more than it like's to run them.
I'm wondering how I could write a programming language using neurons. - David Lynch
friendfeed needs to have a column or box showing similar posts, just like as done in youtube.
Without this, friendfeed in it's current state is problematic. My feed is not much more interesting to me, than other people's feed is to me. If we view information as hierarchical, where you can traverse to more depth on any topic, then we need to consider aggregation as a means to enhance continuity on any topic. Staleness, randomness, redundancy are prevalent on friendfeed, and automatic search clearly needs to be a big part of friendfeed. - David Lynch
ntm, this can be done in 5min using frames, and a search using OR's, common words would need to be deleted off. Friendfeed or some anonymous should give us a beta. - David Lynch
Transportation chief eyes taxing miles driven - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id...
At first this sounds like a bad idea, but it's not, here's why. - David Lynch
that gives me another idea, gps + cruise control, could equal slightly better gas mileage on the open road. :P - David Lynch
Why can't senators vote remotely, this flying back just to vote idea does not make sense.
Home Electricity Monitors - Energy Circle - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Dear Mr. President - Please tackle home energy efficiency HD - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Example of what the semantic knowledge web should look like.
we need to elevate our system of dialogue/ being knowledgeable is part of it/ understanding the process of thinking/ the system of thinking is a part of it too. This requires creativity/ developing models for many to objectively engage thru an on ramp in exchanging more detailed thought.
Is there a writer who used patterns/ chants/ accumulated characterizations, while developing depth-first descriptive language/ flow of thought/ descriptive characterizations? Do writers do this? I'm not sure writers ever characterize explicit thoughts, find direct and explicit logical ways to lay them down, quickly, and using the language as an explicit example representation of the thought. That would be more like coding/ language modding/ while discussing general cognitive and philosophical models and knowledge-pivoting orderings we can use to view the world/ other thoughts. - David Lynch
without this non-religious perception bible, we risk the ultimate con, of relying on hierarchical power for making decisions instead of distributed intelligence. - David Lynch
Military budget of the United States - Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...
Friendfeed search for all Youtube posts; Great feed to use with a phone or netbook. - http://friendfeed.com/search...
likes:1 service:youtube http://friendfeed.com/search... - David Lynch
netflix watch instantly search http://netflix.softworksdevelopment.com/ - David Lynch
The camera companies are missing an opportunity to start selling 3D cameras, and 3D camcorders.
I totally want to buy 2 hd camcorders, packaged together as a single 3d camera, for under $1200 - David Lynch
I forgot to mention, I want the image stream to be geotagged, uploaded wirelessly, to the cloud in realtime, and processed by larger computers, then viewable in a realtime google earth like interface. - David Lynch
HP touchsmart, not a bad product
there are lots of things the HP touchsmart can do, that other computers cannot, if you think about. - David Lynch
I don't know if it will work with a stylus, but after playing with it, and drawing with it, I realized a finger stylus would be perfect. The first search I found 5 for 9.99, very useful, but the most overpriced piece of plastic I can think of, too bad the touchsmart can't do multitouch yet though. http://store01.prostores.com/servlet... - David Lynch
Here is a link to a picture of a beautiful unicorn. 1cent - http://ehudadams.files.wordpress.com/2008...
If you click on this link, 1cent will be hypothetically transferred to my friendfeed account. 1cent - http://www.google.com/search...
I believe this monetization method will work, I think it simply hasn't been tried yet. - David Lynch
people need a way to ask questions, and offer money for answers, on FF - David Lynch
V-Books: The future. - http://www.engadget.com/2009...
I honestly think this is a great way to monetize your content. - David Lynch
1000 things we can do to create a new economy.
use energy efficient light bulbs - David Lynch
Shop local and support your local economy - Meg
I think we should map sunny public gardens on google earth, get grants from cities, and mass plant tomato's across the country, world.
You can view hd 1080p tru3d/colorcode monsters vs aliens 3D , it's not shutter glasses, but much cleaner than anaglyph version. - http://www.monstersvsaliens.com/
superbowl glasses are at usually at grocery/dollar store - David Lynch
chuck 3d on nbc tomorrow Tues at 5pm - David Lynch
here is a link to some excellent 3D short http://gallery.me.com/csvendb... - David Lynch
I haven't found too much stuff in the intel tru3d format aka colorcode, as yet. - David Lynch
This is a fun, quick link, to entertain 1-3 year olds ,Boowa Kwala! - http://www.uptoten.com/kids...
mouseover the orange square for more skits, the 3rd image link after the title, is usually the song, which is better than the skits. - David Lynch
http://www.zacbrowser.com/ is also awesome, simple, for all kids under 1-2+ year olds. - David Lynch
I'm waiting for intel slc ssd to come in 64gig, for the same price, hopefully when windows 7 comes out (improved ssd usage) - http://www.newegg.com/Product...
Gigapan panorama system for $379, cheaper than a dslr ;) - http://gigapansystems.com/system-...
come to think of it, it would be nice if they allowed 2 camera's for 3d mounting, while they are at it, but that would be a little trickier. - David Lynch
I can't survive the dryness of winter, without my humidifier!
Jog in place, wii sensor, we're one step closer jog around the room, virtual raquetball! - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
I have identified 3 things, I expect will be the killer app for 3d worlds. 1. Move around the room gaming for true cardio. 2. Putting streaming video of your face on the avatar, for virtual gatherings. 3. 120hz 3D HD projector display with glasses(maybe cams in the glasses, could reconstitute your eye movements on the avatar). - David Lynch
Where have I been? You can set online for your bank to mail checks monthly for fixed bills. Duh!
took me 2 minutes on fifth third account - David Lynch
I'm not sure how much it costs, maybe 43 cents, maybe a dollar, I dunno. - David Lynch
Bank of America doesn't charge me anything. - MicahBear78
Neither does my credit union - FFing Enigma
DIY graph your realtime electricity/appliance usage - http://www.picobay.com/project...
this is something I've been wanting to setup, but for safety you must have experienced electrician, connect the clamps inside the box. - David Lynch
~ Inside the box is hot and has plenty of wattage to kill you, and/or throw you across the room, if you were to touch it, so it requires knowing that you absolutely can't touch anything, and only gently place the AC clamps around rubber main wires, staying clearing of metal, and exposed wires inside the box. - David Lynch