"and nested again" - David Lynch
"inserting a tree comment" - David Lynch
"adding a comment hooray" - David Lynch
Maybe I have renewed respect for twitter...twitter is for news (search worthy).... friendfeed is for discussion... facebook is for personal... use all three
off-the-grid videos
how to make yogurt in 4min video http://video.about.com/greekfo... - David Lynch
how to make cheese in 4 min video http://www.youtube.com/watch... - David Lynch
how to make ice cream in 1:49 video http://www.youtube.com/watch... - David Lynch
how to make bread and pizza in 3:36 video http://www.youtube.com/watch... - David Lynch
Low-Cost Multi-touch Whiteboard using the Wiimote - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Head Tracking for Desktop VR Displays using the WiiRemote - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
I discovered god, he's human, it appears this guy did all this stuff himself, unless he's just the narrator, http://johnnylee.net/ - David Lynch
he works at msft now. - David Lynch
my rig 9.0; with music
How a biosand filter works - Animation Style! - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Innovate or Die - Aquaduct: Mobile Filtration Vehicle - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Dentist Speaks Out Against Fluoride - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
would like it if fb and gmails could more easily goto google calendar
organizing my thoughts, and pieces of knowledge is the next step of ff
fb ironically sucks at this, and currently ff is more current news bits, not really knowledge organization, and only current relevant. - David Lynch
Do you do google shopping searchs and see only 10 results? Go to preferences and select 100! It will save you so much time.
KEYPLAYER: Using REASON 3 and M-AUDIO MIDI 49e Keystation Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
TreeSheets - http://treesheets.com/ (via http://friendfeed.com/lutao...) this has strong elements of the way software will look in the future, I recommend everyone interested have a look at this
this already has xml export, so already could be an invaluable tool for some quick data mod/hack purposes. It appears to have a low table size limit, atm. - David Lynch
I'm testing using dual naming for every function and var in my programming (including abbrev. names)
this gives more room for the formal name - David Lynch
the automatically generated longform abbrev name will facilitate easier code reading - David Lynch
I'm wondering what it would take to create a 3d 1080p 60fps webcam
it appears you need a card like this to use the hdmi output as webcam input (1080i/50fps) http://www.blackmagic-design.com/product..., it appears the software might support multiple cameras, $189 each http://www.buydig.com/shop... - David Lynch
I'm thinking 2 dslr 60fps 1080p's would be interesting, but they don't make those, and the lenses would be too far apart, if cameras placed side by side. - David Lynch
I would assume a z-drive or a dedicated 64gig slc intel ssd would be in order. - David Lynch
2 of these jvc $600 would do the trick 60fps 1080 http://www.newegg.com/Product... - David Lynch
It's time I figure out what is the ideal camera clamp
I need to find a similar microphone pivoting arm, or just find a microphone clamp to mount on a second pivoting camera arm. - David Lynch
The 720p bootleg 3D shutter of Journey to Ctr and Hanna Montana almost look good enough to be worth downloading, but for 3D I think 1080p crisp quality and/or frame rate is a necessity.
I haven't found/seen any real 1080p 3D shutter movies using my nvidia shutterglasses yet, but I expect it would meet my expectation of how phenomenal 3D can be. - David Lynch
1680x1050 Left for Dead gaming, of course, looks intense(great!)... higher res such as (I'm thinking 1920x1200+) would look even slicker.. - David Lynch
Do people waste time cleaning their inbox's of spam, deleting read messages?
I never do this, but my mom does, and I always ask why? - David Lynch
I juste use GMail. - Brome
just got bumptop invite, I think it'll stay as my desktop, first interface mod, agreeable to me.
bumptop is cool for notes, but it uses processor, and I prefer stashing all my app icons in my taskbar, and keeping my desktop empty, except for a few folder pile directories - David Lynch
I'm thinking of going 3d projector 1024x768 $1275
I went with the nvidia samsung package, 3d shutter gaming looks awesome, go buy one yourself, price of entry, if you already have a nice video card is $600. - David Lynch
Does your chrome reroute to igoogle, click this link, might fix it, by resetting some ~regional google search setting~ - http://www.google.com/
I think writing essays in tree format is a useful, but strange semantic process, and whole different beast than sub 100 comment non-overlapping list conversation.
Should we make a rule, don't social network when you are tired and twiddling.. I'm going to bed.
I want to wireless upload all my media to the cloud, then lets friends, and services clean it up. It could be that simple some day.
It's unfortunate that fb applications have been largely relegated to the trash bin.
They need a refresh of their formats or pages, for displaying apps .. - David Lynch
not that I think fb is a long term end all, but they and FF have got their work cut out for them, to continue innovating, to prevent the usual stagnation, look for something better fate. - David Lynch
also I'd like to see fb find more dual purposes for business - David Lynch
I'm anticipating a more business centric fb concept, but predicting it is gonna be a time consuming task, I am compelled to think about. - David Lynch
Obama should cut defense spending.
He is, David. This will not make him popular with the military. - Scoble, Alex Scoble
Lindsey, exactly right, we need to stop excessive funding of pricey traditional weaponry (as opposed to health care, compensation, and body armor) .. that may be our best economic defense .. - David Lynch
I'll give citibank $10 to stop sending me junk mail, same with insight cable request, and weekly flyers.
Woohoo, intel is now selling a 64gig version of their slc ssd $859, Now I must wait till it reaches $400! - http://www.newegg.com/Product...
This will be the harddrive of the next 5 years. 64gig, 250read 170write. Windows 7 ssd support. :D - David Lynch
$849 3/3/09 - David Lynch
$799 3/16/09 - David Lynch
$779 3/18/09 - David Lynch