1000 things we can do to create a new economy.
use energy efficient light bulbs - David Lynch
use less gas - David Lynch
weatherize homes - David Lynch
pay for digital subscriptions. - David Lynch
plant a vegetable garden - David Lynch
plant public vegetable gardens - David Lynch
spend money on things that will be useful in our daily lives - Scoble, Alex Scoble
increase broadband - David Lynch
3.) profit - Josh Haley
reign in corporate pay - David Lynch
obscene luxury taxes - David Lynch
gphone + 3G + bus schedule's, ... - David Lynch
Support the software you use. - April Russo (FForever!)
turn off your monitor when you leave work. - David Lynch
build the renewable energy innovation economy - David Lynch
use less mail, stop delivering on saturday, pay bills online, send ecards. - David Lynch
increase telecommuting. - David Lynch
become green consumers, generate less waste, shipping - David Lynch
end the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. - David Lynch
increase preventative medicine - David Lynch
decrease health care costs, cover everyone. - David Lynch
Learn to make a few more things at home, instead of buying them. - David Lynch
halve military spending. - David Lynch
Shop local and support your local economy - Meg