Where have I been? You can set online for your bank to mail checks monthly for fixed bills. Duh!
took me 2 minutes on fifth third account - David Lynch
I'm not sure how much it costs, maybe 43 cents, maybe a dollar, I dunno. - David Lynch
Bank of America doesn't charge me anything. - MicahBear78
Neither does my credit union - FFing Enigma
DIY graph your realtime electricity/appliance usage - http://www.picobay.com/project...
this is something I've been wanting to setup, but for safety you must have experienced electrician, connect the clamps inside the box. - David Lynch
~ Inside the box is hot and has plenty of wattage to kill you, and/or throw you across the room, if you were to touch it, so it requires knowing that you absolutely can't touch anything, and only gently place the AC clamps around rubber main wires, staying clearing of metal, and exposed wires inside the box. - David Lynch
I'm not in the market for a cumbersome DLP projection tv, but this seems to be the current cheapest plausible route to 3D(nvidia 3dready glasses) 1080p large screen, home theater experience, ntm 120hz smooth motion
65" mitsubishi $1599 3D HD ready, 120hz->smooth motion, but not LED http://www.newegg.com/Product... 240watts, 1.8watts standby , purportedly - David Lynch
(I'm not sure what 3d glasses can be used with this) 61" samsung $1299 or ~$1200 LED 3d HD ready http://www.crutchfield.com/p_30561... 156watt <1watt standby, wierdly 67" uses 150watt http://www.crutchfield.com/learn... - David Lynch
I'm even in less in the market for watt hungry plasma's which give me headaches, but there are some 3d ready one's about $900 but you only get 40" - David Lynch
the $1200 is enticing, given that 1080 3D-ready projectors aren't here yet. I could sell this paper weight to my parents in the future, and wouldn't need to worry about projector in children's eye's for the time being either, not bad wattage(156watt), hope the dlp LED wouldn't give me a headache, at least not like plasma or crt. not hardly a projector though..., mostly only useful to me for 3d, I have a 30" 2560x1600 lcd, that already doubles for 2D media viewing,which is as yet the only readily available. - David Lynch
3d blu-ray movies you can buy
I'm not sure yet how you watch the 3d, whether is supports red/blue glasses, and/or having the proper ir glasses, and compatible display. - David Lynch
here is where I found the first two, 3d movie list, appears to be up to date http://www.3dmovielist.com/list... - David Lynch
Journey to Center of the Earth 2008 http://www.google.com/product... - David Lynch
Wacom Cintiq 21ux in action - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Why I would rather buy 2 HD cameras, than one.
I think 3d is here, we just have to use it. The nvidia glasses seem to work well from reviews. We just need good 3d movies to watch. - David Lynch
In feb 2009 viewsonic is selling a 3d projector 1024x768 ~$1200
also here is a $599 1680x1050 lcd monitor by samsung http://www.tigerdirect.com/applica... - David Lynch
it appears these are the only 3d projectors (consumer prices), which seem to require dlp and highest res is only 1280x720 http://www.3dmovielist.com/project... - David Lynch
At M.I.T., Large Lectures Are Going the Way of the Blackboard - http://www.nytimes.com/2009...
"Of the core science curriculum required of all freshmen, only introductory physics follows the new method, Professor Belcher said. Math, biology and chemistry are still taught through large lecture classes and small recitations." - David Lynch
they do use voting clickers, to show understanding (or not) of multiple choice questions, asked out loud. - David Lynch
I would like to turn my living room into a mouse pad, and make me the mouse, for cardio games
What are some innovative apps, or games for making digital music? - http://users.design.ucla.edu/~datadr...
I played Bioshock the other day, and noticed (with my new speaker system) how cool it sounded when I banged a giant wrench against a metal gong from different angles. - David Lynch
wow, these virtual drums sound great http://lamachineabruit.lab11.be/virtual... - David Lynch
New motion control tech for video games - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
I thought of a new invention; a fan, fog, smell, and mist machine for interactive movies, and gaming on a home projector.
each audiencee could generate effects with there iphone/gphone/wii/gamepad/laptops - David Lynch
alternatively, everyone could could carry around usb spray bottles, with an included fan, with a few drops of orange juice in it, and a small billow connected to it ... - David Lynch
@ashleywrye hey ashley, I'm testing tweetdeck app, so you had the flu, no fun.
testing tweetdeck, might try twittering for a change . . :o)
It is easier to post links, preview it, and include photo, on fb than it is on friendfeed :(
improving small group communication
friendfeed and facebook are slowly evolving, they have overlapping and constrasting architectures, perhaps ff should encourage a friend model similar to facebook simultaneously with to its open model, designing the best privacy strategy to maximize sharing vs. local interpersonal communication is interesting, I think an auto-grouping tiered opt-in subscribing model could cultivate conversation per given organizations or social cohorts, here is ff room I might use as a fun blog. http://friendfeed.com/rooms... - David Lynch
thats a bunch of chatter, just asking how do we make more deeper/ongoing conversations between like-minds, less noise, and more promotion of usable information. - David Lynch
Digg-like tool lets Change.gov visitors pick policy questions - http://news.cnet.com/8301-13...
Why we procrastinate and how to stop. - http://www.newsweek.com/ID...
"You know that exercise routine you've been talking about starting up in January? Well, forget about how virtuous it is, or how healthy, or how it might boost your confidence. Instead, think about putting on your sneakers and tying them, one at a time; entering the front door of the gym and walking to the first treadmill you see; stepping aboard and starting to move your legs, right leg first." (The 2 experiments suggest to choose concrete thoughts about a task, vs the abstract how's and why's) - David Lynch
To get rid of the annoying windows login screen in vista, just delete password in control panel:user accounts.
Friendfeed should allow nested posts.
I'm going to start thinking of coding more as story writing, because usually I consider total code readability for each system as more important or valuable than speed.
After you write the initial story, you can constantly refine characters and events to create more relevance. - David Lynch
I also established a year ago, large code > unmodifiable code (from my experience on a parsing algorithm) - David Lynch
Vista coming out of sleep mode on it's own? Likely, network setting have wake activated.
here's link how to change it http://www.pcguide.com/vb... - David Lynch
also there is a way to activate true hibernate, which seems to be left out of vista default, it's easy, you can search for it. I can turn off the surge protector, and it will resume now. I'm not using much of my 4gig but it will go into hibernate in only 10sec instead of instantly when using sleep. - David Lynch
FF can do lots of things ie reddit can't, but FF can't do nested trees yet, and that shuts down discussion.
I think maybe I need to remember to clear and reset my mental ram, to start writing code again.”
Although, I'm not one to give advice on how to get into the mental work mode. - David Lynch
President for 60 more days, George Bush tearing apart protection for America's wilderness | World news | The Guardian - http://www.guardian.co.uk/world...
My pneumatic entertainment+workstation now has arms!
here are the two arms + one notebook tray for $200 after shipping http://www.provantage.com/ergotro... - David Lynch
Prioritized list of world problems: How to do most good for the least money. - http://www.copenhagenconsensus.com/Default...
I just watched beowulf bluray, it is entirely CGI (computer generated imagery) and takes movie making to a new level, one where actors just provide voices. - http://www.filmschoolrejects.com/reviews...
there's a sale at pennies :P