Casey Muller

I work here
FriendFeed Blog: Manage subscriptions from the FriendFeed API -
"Good news today for people who like to use FriendFeed from the comfort of their favorite desktop or mobile client (like twhirl or Alert Thingy)... we've added to our API the ability to subscribe and unsubscribe from friends and rooms." - Casey Muller
Manage subscriptions from the FriendFeed API -
People fleeing the train -
It feels a bit zombie-movie-like. - Casey Muller
Why are they fleeing? Is the train line shut down? - Paul Buchheit
Another Caltrain fatality, at Burlingame this time
What happened? - Paul Buchheit
:/ I had an ex who lived there - mjc
They didn't tell us much, somebody was trying to cross and apparently we hit them. - Casey Muller
Off on the Great Schlep - Los Angeles Times -
"To persuade Mama Ann to vote for Obama, I used many of the talking points suggested to me by Great Schlep organizer Mik Moore. These included the fact that Obama went to Columbia and Harvard, and McCain got bad grades in college; that Obama has been criticized by the Rev. Jesse Jackson; and that Obama ran the business side of his campaign better than any other candidate. I did not know that I could be so racially offended by my own people." - Casey Muller
"Israel, Mama Ann explained, is the key issue her condo friends vote on. When McCain sings about bombing Iran, he is singing a sweet serenade to Florida's electoral collegians." - Paul Buchheit
Scott Adams Blog: The Creative Process 09/19/2008 -
"I will ... give you my untested theory about creativity: Creativity is highly correlated to poor memory." Sweet, I love it when my flaws have upside. - Casey Muller
This Is Why iPhone Developers Put Up With All the, Well, How Shall We Say It?, Bullshit From Apple -
"Trism, the $5 gravity/tilt-assisted iPhone puzzle game by Steve Demeter, has made $250,000 since July 11." - Casey Muller
holy shit. - mjc
@yig No, it's not mine :-)
Picture meme, Caltrain-style
Looks like one of the passengers below you is wondering why you're photographing yourself. :) - Dan Hsiao
Instructions: Take a picture of yourself right now. Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair - just take a picture. Post that picture with NO editing. Post these instructions with the picture. - Casey Muller
This can't be a Caltrain picture. It's intact, (too soon?) - Peter Ghosh
Maybe they'll turn out to be a friendfeed user. If not, I have the high ground. - Casey Muller
(415) 325-4014
Just heard in an Edgar Wright interview that FOX made a pilot of Spaced some months ago. Most overrated BBC show ever, or should I re-watch?
Finally: Internet at home, speedtest says 30mbps each way
Each way?!! ****!!! - Sanjeev Singh
How much does it cost?!? - Benjamin Golub
So it claims... I'm skeptical too - Casey Muller
What The? Please tell me it's the same speed as mine - 30 kb/s.. - Yuvi
Re: Ranked Index - yc -
"No I'm not, it's just a pure average of the rankings. You can pretty easily sort by just Alexa or Compete if those rankings feel more authoritative to you. The accuracy is very questionable, it's all just for fun anyway :-)" - Casey Muller
Re: Ranked Index - yc -
"No I'm not, it's just a pure average of the rankings. You can pretty easily sort by just Alexa or Compete if those rankings feel more authoritative to you. The accuracy is very questionable, it's all just for fun anyway :-)" - Casey Muller
Dan Deacon – Snake Mistakes -
Bathroom Art - Niemann Opinion Art Blog – Abstract City – -
"The bathroom for our Subway-obsessed kids, on the other hand, was much easier." - Casey Muller
That subway bathroom is awesome - Benjamin Golub
First night in my new apartment
Gonna find out if it's haunted - Casey Muller
Great photo. - Brent Newhall
Smells like football season is coming -
Part-time apps developers getting rich -
"Part-time [iPhone Apps] developers who didn't know if they were making the monthly minimum($250) are finding out they have huge paychecks coming their way. Eliza Block, our favorite crossword puzzle developer, found out she's almost hitting $2000/day lately" - Casey Muller – the Blog · Quality Control -
"These 3 bears sit in a prominent position and watch our developer’s every move. When things are good we have a green bear gently glowing and purring, when changes are being processed a yellow bear joins the party, and if the build gets broken the growling evil red bear makes an appearance." - Casey Muller
FriendFeed's setup is significantly less ambient. - Casey Muller
Big Empty live, disappointed by the bass in the bridge -
STP did a Lou Reed/Obama mashup in the middle, and played an illegal second encore they claimed would cost them $20k in fines. - Casey Muller
Or $2.50 per person at the show. Only off by a factor of 2 ;) - Nathan Young
Singapore at night
Love the food in Singapore! - Mitchell Tsai
Nice pictures! I grew up there and returned several years ago just for the food. - jho
Men Do Anything For Models (Tim's new short) -
A new short film by one of my oldest friends. - Casey Muller
He doesn't look that old to me! - Adrienne
Feeling the jetlag. Turns out back-to-back redeye flights do not cancel each other out.
Some photos from Tioman Island: lightning over the South China Sea
The lightning was so frequent and regular this night that nearly every shot I took had a bolt or two. - Casey Muller
Thanks Casey for the great photos! - Mitchell Tsai
Left Tokyo at 6pm Monday, arrived 1pm Monday, have to be careful not to meet myself and cause a paradox.
For instance, right now I should not go have lunch at Gyoza Stadium, even though it's awesome. - Casey Muller
it doesn't work like that - Robin Barooah
...time-travel is fun... - Mitchell Tsai
Doh, somewhere between SFO and Tokyo my camera stopped turning on :-(
maybe they sell cameras in singapore :P - bob
Mijo! Perhaps it's time to get your new casual camera. Propinquity should make it cheaper, no es asi? What about that Panasonic that has the Leica lens? Only $200 and I know that Gautam and Divya chose it independently of me, high praise indeed. - Michael Muller
More media amongst the messages -
"With all these new shiny things, soon FriendFeed won't require any more of this labor-intensive "reading" at all." - Louis Gray
NIce pimp for l33t tech news, too. - Cyndy
@Casey Cool. Did you know my brother Eric Tsai at R&H? - Mitchell Tsai
@Mitchell It's been a few years, but I think we might have played a little poker there. - Casey Muller
Q&A after Bi the Way's SF premiere, it has an amazing affection for some incredible subjects -
If by lame, you mean, INDISPENSABLE! I just watched it in Silver Spring. That kid is amazing... - Ryan
Yeah, that kid is quite a character, very curious how he turns out. - Casey Muller
According to Brittany (the other director) he is absolutely mortified by the film. He attended Q&A at SxSW. - Ryan
Doing the birthday boot. Damn germans. -
And here I thought you were referring to the boot you had to wear on your bum foot. - Ana
Whoops, made my first Caltrain mistake this morning. Santa Clara seems nice though, kinda old timey. I blame the crowds of Spare the Air ...
New York City to Experiment With Car-Free Streets -
"New York City will close off to traffic a 6.9-mile route from the Brooklyn Bridge to East 72nd Street on three consecutive Saturdays, giving New Yorkers to a chance to explore and enjoy 'car-free recreation corridors'" - Casey Muller
Bloomberg's comments sound like an entrepreneur's; he's biased towards action and trying to fail fast. - Casey Muller
They make this sound much better than it is. Nobody in New York leaves their house before 1pm on the weekend, especially in crazy hot August. - EricaJoy