Bruce Lewis

Bruce signed up for FriendFeed in December, 2007.
Looks like they shut down account creation.
They said they did that a month ago. So if it was JUST shut down maybe we get another month - Not LB (or ellbeecee)
Oh, I didn't notice Ben said that in the blog post. I can only show people now. - Bruce Lewis
FriendFeed is still up! -
The blog post puts its shutdown in past tense, but we're still using it. - Bruce Lewis
Have you tried Fitbit's "Challenges" feature? What did you think?
I can't see it. What can it do and how? - Eivind
you can see some of the tallies and the daily updates on our instagram: - Miriella
G'night, Bruce. - Anne Bouey
Night, Bruce! - Stephen Mack
Robert Scoble or Louis Gray?
Louis Gray - John (bird whisperer)
I'll take 'em both. They both have meaning to me. - Akiva
It's not a death. It's not a death. It's not a death. (Trying to convince myself.)
Part of what makes it seem so death-like to me is that SUP, the protocol FriendFeed invented to make near-instant updates easily scalable, is like a rhythmic life sign. It's regularly polling my OurDoings site and I have an alert for when it stops. When I get that alert for the last time, it will feel kind of like flatlining. - Bruce Lewis
Good, thanks, 'cause I'm off to bed. - Stephan Planken
After further thought, I changed from my 2007 profile pic hoping to help you all recognize me on other socnets.
"We're like the Concorde, aren't we?" #mow
or like titanic orchestra - Vincio
see you on - Vincio
Oh yeah, you can also keep up with me through since friends can send messages.
Tomorrow I'll create a "goal day" Fitbit challenge where up to 10 people see who can get to 100% of their step goal. Who wants in? - Bruce Lewis
*bump* - Bruce Lewis
A Toast to FriendFeed -
FriendFeed, the most enjoyable social network I've ever participated in, shuts down tomorrow. Thank you to the team that made it, to the people who made it such a great community, and to Facebook for keeping it alive so long post-acquisition. #CheersFF - Bruce Lewis
Nice, Bruce. - Stephan Planken
There are two social networks that are fun for me to read. One is but it's a different kind of fun than FriendFeed. I'm really going to miss this place.
Except I take a selfie every time I pass through on white privilege. :( - Micah
The Boston office is a mere toddler (July 2013), but Fitbit itself is now 8 years old! - Bruce Lewis
What's a good MUD game these days? I want to show my 17yo.
We ended up visiting for a while. It was fun. I haven't played a MUD in years. - Bruce Lewis
I'm not really motivated to archive. If I ever go back and look at old posts it's to bump them and talk about them with you all.
I agree. I did it because of my posts about my girls (I am making an archive for them). It is not unlike real world conversations of which you have only memories. We will survive without having transcripts. - Stephan Planken
My motivation was that I mixed business with pleasure - saved interesting links etc. Plus y'all are funny as shit. Plus trying to remember what was going on in my life. But i.'m trying to just be Zen - Laura Norvig
Fitbit acquires FitStar - More Ways to Find Your Fit -
"With this acquisition, FitStar members will be able to seamlessly publish their FitStar workouts into Fitbit to see how their personal training or yoga practice impacts their overall health. We’ll also soon be rolling out the ability for Fitbit users to set up a FitStar account using their Fitbit account login. Also coming soon, FitStar users who also use a Fitbit tracker equipped with PurePulse (such as the Charge HR or Surge) will be able to see their heart rate trends during FitStar logged workouts." - Bruce Lewis
Ice on tidal waters - North River, Salem -
In these photos you can see cracks along the edge of the snow. That's where the tide goes up and down. Despite the tides and salt, the ice and snow goes all the way across. - Bruce Lewis
Ice on salt water - Fort Point Channel -
Snow over ice covers the salt water of Fort Point Channel. Snow near the tops of bridge supports marks high tide. Just north of here the Boston Tea Party Museum lets visitors throw large styrofoam blocks over the side of boats in the channel. They're pulled back up by ropes. Normally the blocks splash into the water. In times like this, they fall to the ice with a thud. - Bruce Lewis
Bretton Woods Skiing -
I've skied perhaps 10 times in my life. Conditions today at Bretton Woods were perhaps the best I ever experienced, with temperatures above freezing, no wind, and a few inches of snow from the night before. - Bruce Lewis
Please vote.
I have to wait until March 10th for my fitbit. - Mike Nencetti
Do two taunts, then one cheer. - Stephen Mack
Sledding at Dane Street Beach -
Get fit & do good with FitForFood. Joel McHale’s in. Are you? -
"Starting February 3rd, every calorie you burn by being active will count toward meals for people in need. Burn calories, give calories. It’s that simple." - Bruce Lewis
Get FitForFood with Joel McHale and Fitbit -
Signed up! - Laura
Final day of the Selma-Montgomery march -
Six small planes carried marchers from Saint Louis for the final day of the Selma-Montgomery march. My parents rode on separate planes in case one of them crashed. My mother was pregnant with my older sister at the time. The plane was the scariest part of the experience. The second scariest was hate stares from onlookers, though the marchers were flanked by national guard. During the march my parents got separated. Toward the end of the day they were independently invited by local Black people to the same dinner at a church, where they found each other again. The fried chicken was excellent. - Bruce Lewis
This was 50 years ago today. - Bruce Lewis
The Benefits of a Lunch Hour Walk - -
I find it interesting how the researchers used smartphones to make a mood study more tenable. - Bruce Lewis