Have you tried Fitbit's "Challenges" feature? What did you think?
I can't see it. What can it do and how? - Eivind
It's one of the main options of the phone app: Dashboard / Friends / Challenges / Devices. It lets you do temporary events with friends. "Goal day" is the least competition-oriented of them. I invited you to one just now. - Bruce Lewis
This will be my first time participating. :) Looking forward to seeing this function in action! :D - Hookuh Tinypants
I'm on fire! I think I like it :) - Eivind
Is it only on the app? - bentley
Yes, unfortunately not available through the web site yet. - Bruce Lewis
We first used it to challenge each other to keep moving, which was a lot of fun. Recently, I used it to do a library vs library challenge. We had two teams of 10 pitted against each other. We added up everyone's totals each morning. It was painful, hilarious, and absolutely a good time. - Miriella
Miriella, you ran two different challenges (limited to 10 people) and then manually compared team scores? - Bruce Lewis
yessir. - Miriella
we did daily updates Tuesday through Friday, then on Saturday we'd have the official final tally. - Miriella
you can see some of the tallies and the daily updates on our instagram: https://instagram.com/fairfie... - Miriella