It's not a death. It's not a death. It's not a death. (Trying to convince myself.)
Part of what makes it seem so death-like to me is that SUP, the protocol FriendFeed invented to make near-instant updates easily scalable, is like a rhythmic life sign. It's regularly polling my OurDoings site and I have an alert for when it stops. When I get that alert for the last time, it will feel kind of like flatlining. - Bruce Lewis
SUP GONE - Stephen Mack
SUP BACK - Stephen Mack
SUP GONE - Stephen Mack
Stephen, you're scaring me! - Bruce Lewis
You should tweet that when that happens. - Stephan Planken
Stephan, it may not happen until 3am my time. Tomorrow I'll tweet the end time. - Bruce Lewis
Good, thanks, 'cause I'm off to bed. - Stephan Planken