The poisoned NUL byte, 2014 edition -
IMG_1513 - Version 4.jpg -
please ask NOT to shut it down. - ♕Dr. Eynollah ♕
99% Invisible • Episode 86- Reversal of Fortune -
Korean News Station Pokes Fun at KTVU with Fake American Pilot Names After Southwest Airlines Landing Gear Failure « slothed -
"Wired Love": A tale of catfishing, OK Cupid, and sexting ... from 1880 -
Using Google Reader's reanimated corpse to browse archived data -
Kim Jong-il's sushi chef -
"As software eats the world, every sort of engineering (and indeed, every sort of profession..." -
Announcing CodeGenLoader for Python -
Cross-Python development with auto2to3 -
Google Reader Social Retrospective -
Ben is trying to create an infininte loop. :-) - Bruce Lewis
Can't post photos directly to Reader, so I had to post it here first and reshare :) - Ben Darnell
Obsolete social sites unite! - Mihai Parparita
"Perfection is reached only on the point of collapse." - Amit Patel
"By providing us with new ways to share what we’re doing right now, the real-time web also captures..." -
whats up - Nathanael Armstrong
Big news! Thing Labs is merging with AOL! -
Huh, wonder what's up with that image - Ben Darnell
That's Bizarro Phineas. - Grant Shellen
That's Phineas' dark side. - Louis Gray
Gamers beat algorithms at finding protein structures -
Super Mario Bros remixed -
Goodbye, 20s! :( - Ben Darnell
YouTube - Caterpillar Water Skiing -
South Carolina WOOOOO!! (via jhuber) - Ben Darnell
Who needs the Internet when you can get all the freshest news delivered twice a week?
An ad in the charlotte airport - Ben Darnell
Amazing Software Turns Cheap Webcam Into Instant 3D Scanner -
The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody -
The Muppets: Bohemian Rhapsody -
Bumblebee Transformers Halloween Costume -
Days of the Dead - The Big Picture - -
If I were president wookiee suits would be the new Secret Service uniform. - Ben Darnell
the president constantly being surrounded by wookies would be pretty amusing - bob
Balloon Boy story another cable news mess - Sepinwall on TV | New Jersey Entertainment - TV & Film - - -
I never thought I'd make this comparison, but I'm glad this turned out to be more like "12 Monkeys" than "Up". - Ben Darnell
Thanks for the bug fix! So many people will be pleased. - Anne Bouey
WSJ: Dvorak Users Oppose Qwerty Layouts on Smart Phones, iPhones -
Dvorak isn't really the right model for touchscreens anyway, since it was designed for a physical two-handed keyboard (maximize use of the home row and alternation between hands, etc). I used the Fitaly keyboard layout on PalmOS ( and would like to see something like it on the iPhone, but Pete has a good point that this may defeat the iPhone's invisible key resizing. - Ben Darnell
That's interesting. I guess the optimal layout for preventing jammed keys probably is close to the optimal layout for making accurate predictions based on where you actually pressed... - Laurence Gonsalves
Not exactly. For jammed keys you want to avoid having letters that may appear consecutively adjacent on the keyboard. For predictive key resizing you want to avoid having adjacent letters that are likely to follow the same prefix. Having ING next to each other would be prone to jammed keys, but wouldn't pose a problem for predictive input. - Ben Darnell
Hey Ben, congratulations on all your success, long way from the old OM days of cars driving in circles and popping balloons to say the least. - Travis Corriher
Please shoot me an email when you get a chance, I want to run an idea by you... [email protected] - Travis Corriher
wasn't someone asking about recipes in a functional programming style? ding! ding! ding! - Karl Rosaen
The visual representation is nice. The images on the blog post have exceeded their photobucket serving quota, btw. - Tracy